
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-05-31
  • 五年级下册英语作业本第32页全部答案
    一、选择 答案:二、情景交际 答案:
  • 六年级下册英语书p48页和p49页答案
    1-5ACDAD 6-10ADCAB 11-15BADCD 16-20ACDCB 21-25BBCDC 26-30ACADC 31-35DDBAC 36-40CABAD 41-45CBDAA 46-50DBCBD 51-55BACCB 56-60DCBBC 61-65ACAAB 66-70DCBBA 71-75CDFAE 76. When she gets excited. \/ Whensomething goes her way.77. She felt embarrassed \/ awkward.78....
  • 八年级下册英语书第39页2d答案是什么?
    1. B A A A 2 2. B A B B B 3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B 3 3. 2 4 3 1 4 2. Chinese dictionary post card magazine comic book newspaper 3. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B 5 3. Where are you buy W...
  • 7年级下册英语大白本答案
  • 八年级下册英语书第四单元cxnb2c答案
    31-35 ACBCA 36-40GFDEC 41-45 BACAD 46-50CADBB 51-55 DACCB 56-60 BADCA 61. of 62.differently 63. who \/ that 64. to choose 65. was called 66.how 67. a 68.surprised 69. more 70. that 短文改错:71. ... I become a ... become → became 72. ... quite good ...
  • 英语书五年级下册48页答案,人教版
    2. 2) riding a bike 3) singing songs 4) playing the violin 5) making kites 6) diving 2 2. collecting stamps making kites likes diving likes playing the violin likes singing 3 1. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swi...
  • 6年级下册英语书p19页答案
    1. 交通规则 2. go fishing 3. 看电视 4. have a fever 5. 喉咙痛 6. learn \/ study English 7. 弹钢琴 8. play football 9. 做家庭作业 10. listen to music
  • 七年级下册英语练习册答案
    一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom 9.else 10.hall 二. CBDCD 三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No don’t 4.Don’t listen 5.other things 四 1. thoes rules 2.sports shoes 3.arrive late for...
  • 四年级下册p33.34.35英语书答案
    1.④ ③ ① ② 2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar 4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia 4) Where does the rain come from It comes from 2. rain Where comes vapour water...
  • 六年级下册 人教版 英语练习册答案

  • 17554482423:   五年级下册英语学习与巩固答案 -
    茹看文  ______ 一、选出不同类的单词.(e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad943133336130306516分)( ) 1. A. hot B. feel C. pale D. cold( ) 2. A. pain B. play C. work D. walk( ) 3. A. sweet B. coke C. milk D. water( ) 4. A. take B. get C. wake D. quickly(...

    17554482423:   五年级下册英语课课练答案人教版32 - 36 -
    茹看文  ______ I. 1-5 BBCCA II. 1. hurry 2. questions 3. crowded 4. among 5. Finally III. 1. What is, doing 2. Whatshould, do 3. should not 4. No, needn't 5.better not IV. 1. spreading easily among 2.keep away from / not go to 3. work on 4. all the time

    17554482423:   五年级下册英语大册答 -
    茹看文  ______ 参考答案如下:1. They are at the zoo.2. They are jumping on the hill.3. No, it's running.4. The giraffe is drinking water.5. It's eating the bamboo.助你愉快学习!

    17554482423:   英语活动手册五年级下册答案 -
    茹看文  ______ 1 Do 2 of 3 about 4 to 5 Do 6 do 7 Buy 8 about 9 most 10 Do 11 have 12 have 13 of 14 the 15 are 16 Do 17 with

    17554482423:   五年级下册英语课堂作业40页参考答案(人教版) - 作业帮
    茹看文  ______[答案] 8,9,1,4,3,2,6,7,5 write and say是自由发挥,自己喜欢什么季节填什么季节 参考:summer T-shirt sunny and hot

    17554482423:   五年级下册英语典中典31页四题答案 -
    茹看文  ______ 1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) C2. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5)A3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light 2) south go to the north gate you want to buy a magazine go to the east gate22. 1) √ 2) * 3) √ 4) *31. 1) D 2)E 3) A 4)B 5) C2. 1) east 2) park car 3) father magazines 4) fan bus

    17554482423:   五年级下册人教版英语暑假作业答案 -
    茹看文  ______ 问题补充:五年级下册暑假作业本英语答案 人教版(是浙江教育出版社出版的、p1 1.seao arey mair ho no an her hi at 4.ecbad p2 1.o o 2.

    17554482423:   请告诉我人教版小学五年级英语下册期末试卷答案,谢谢 -
    茹看文  ______ 一、听音,选择(共10题,每小题1分) ( )1、A. have B. head C. hand ( )2、A. what B. wet C. want ( )3、A. bag B. bed C. dad ( )4、A. leaves B. left C. love ( )5、A. thin B. think C. thank ( )6、A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour ( )7、A....

    17554482423:   五年级下册英语AB卷答案 -
    茹看文  ______ Unit Three A卷答案 听力部分 一、Under shark desk where look for 二、二、听句子إ判断正أ√ؤ误أ*ؤ. 1、It's red أ√ؤ 2、It's bite أ*ؤ 3、It's warm أ *ؤ 4、It's fresh أ√ؤ 5、Is it green أ√ ؤ 笔试部分 一、1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 二、1....