
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-17
  • 2分钟二人英语对话怎么说?
    2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A: good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?下午好,女士.有什么能为您效劳吗?S: well, I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. what kind of service do you offer?那个,...
  • 日常英语口语对话
    1、Hold on等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. 2、I hate his guts.我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts.他是个胆小鬼。 ut feeling直觉 3、Nuts,果仁,...
  • 2分钟简短的英语口语对话
    Shmm: Hello! My name's Simon. Are you a new student?西蒙:你好,我是杰克.你是新生吗?Daisy: Yes I am. l'm Daisy. Nicc to meet you.黛西:是的。我是黛西.很高兴见到你.S: Nice to meet you too. How are you liking college Iife?很高兴见到你.你觉得大学生活怎样?D: lt's...
  • 英语口语考试,每段话要一段论述大约2到3分钟,帮帮忙呀
    Directions: You are required to talk about one of the following topics within 3 minutes.说明:你被要求在3分钟内谈论下列话题之一。1.Please describe a person who left a big impression on you.请描述一个给你留下深刻印象的人。2.Would you please state an impressive event in your colle...
  • 求英语口语考试内容在两到三分钟内的对话1 job interview2 to buy...
    A:I have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你.B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.我也是,请坐。B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.我也是,请坐。A:Thank you!谢谢 B: ...
  • 需要一个 5人英语对话稿子口语考试大概2分钟的。最好简单。在线等。急...
    那是,我有三门 Peter: Lucky for you. Doubled, I got six.你走运啊。翻倍,我有六门。Paul: I got five, one in 10 minutes.我有五门。下一门10分钟后开始 John: Oh, yea! Only one left.噢,耶!只剩一门了 Peter: Oh, man. You are released.噢,兄弟,你轻松了 John: Not ...
  • 英语口语试题,需要每个问题有2-3分钟的回答,哪个高手帮忙一下?_百度知 ...
  • 求3分钟左右的英语口语对话2 2人说 主题是books you'd like to read...
    A--Hello,John.Long time no see,what are you doing these days?B--Hello,Mark.I am reading some intereting books at home.A--Really?What are they?B--They are books about Chinese history.A--Hm,hm,Do you like books about Chinese history.B--Yes,I'd like to read them,they'...
  • 常用生活英语口语对话(2)
    d.聊完天后应对从今天聊天中学到的单词、表达法、句型进行登记总结,并背下来。2)英语口语学习注意事项: a.复习预习工作一定要做,只有这样每一次聊天才会有较大的收益。b.不要怕丢面子。成年人学英语最大的敌人是自己,尤其是自己的“面子”。c.自我对话与口头作文也是一种很好的口语训练法。一般...
  • 西班牙语口语
    一、发音前多加上“德拉”;二、利用漱口的时候,多延时5分钟——“嘟鲁鲁”;三、坚持2-4周利用上下班和无人的时候,练习卷舌,以上三点定会让你有“西班牙”味!还有些音是要声带镇动的,要注意! 3. 掌握西班牙语动词的变位也是个要死记硬背,熟能生巧的活!他的变化是为了口语交流中大量的省略主语,口语的...

  • 19134591963:   求一篇英语对话.三分钟.2.On or off campusDo you like living in a dorm?How do you get along with your roommates?If you have problems in your dorm,how do ... - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] 我帮你找了一些英语范文,希望你喜欢1.关于环保 How to stay healthy Would you like to keep healthy like the others do? Now let me tell you something about staying healthy.1. Food. To keep yourself healthy...

    19134591963:   谁帮我写一下一段对话 英语的 大概两三分钟 -
    庞俗临  ______ i would like to be a bird.when i was in the high school,the most thing i want to do is to get freedom,especially when i had so mant exams to take,so many books to read,and so much homework to do.and you know that as a person lived in the whole ...

    19134591963:   急需两人英语小对话是两个人的对话,大约有两到三分钟的, - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] a:hi tomb:hi marya:how are youb:fine,thank you.and you?a:i'm fine,too.thanks.b:where are you going?a:to the airport.b:pardon?a:to the airport.b:pardon?a:to the airport.b:pardon?a:to the airport.b:pard...

    19134591963:   急求两段英语口语情景对话因为时间紧迫 我写不了了...请各位大侠相助大概两到三分钟就行了要原创啊 一定要原创啊 谢谢了英语三级不到的水平....学生A与学... - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] 闲来无事 刚刚才在空间管理中 看到你的动态这个问题还没人回答啊 第二题你好像问过了第一段A:Long time no see, how have you been?B:Very well thanksA:We will graduate in two years time, have you got...

    19134591963:   英语口语对话每个对话三分钟左右1.\x05Student A and B are classmates.They are talking about their favorite music types and giving some reasons.A loves ... - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] 学口语对话就是要多说多练的,天天上课,天天复习效果才好呢* 我现在上的这家就挺好的,每天上课,上课还会全程录音,随时回顾课程内容,强化复习效果呢 课程共有入门级,初级,中级,高级,精通级五个级别.融合生活和商务口语的精髓,...

    19134591963:   口语测试,求英语大神帮忙写一个两到三分钟的对话主题:talk about one of your unforgettable travelling experiences - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] A:Do you like travelling? B:Yes,I like. A:Could you tell me one of your unforgettable travelling experiences? B:Okay.I have ever been to Huangshan,AnHui province. A:Did you climb Huangshan? B:Yes,I did.You can not imagine how high the mountain is. ...

    19134591963:   求关于克服困难的英语2人对话,3分钟左右 - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] A:Hey,guy.What's going on?B:I am so coufused of something.Actually,I'm in trouble now.A:What happen to you?I remember you were just fine this moring.Tell something about it.Maybe I can help you.B:Well...

    19134591963:   求一篇两人的英文口语对话,2至3分钟Work in pairs.One of you acts as a Chinese business person,the other as an American who has sold you 2,000 personal... - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] Work in pairs.One of you acts as a Chinese business person,the other as an American who has sold you 2,000 personal computers.When the goods arrived,12 days behind schedule,the Chinese found that ther...

    19134591963:   求2到4分钟的英语对话,主题可以是问候与介绍、感谢与抱歉、问路与指路.两人组合进行口语对话,教材《新编实用英语综合教程1》中所学的第一至第三单... - 作业帮
    庞俗临  ______[答案] Anne:Jerry! 杰瑞! Jerry:Hi,Anne! I haven't seen you for ages. How've you been? 安妮!我好久没见你了.你过得怎么样? Anne:Fine, just fine. And you? 好,挺好.你呢? Jerry:Not bad. It really is great to see you again. Where have you been? 不...