
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 晚安,早点休息吧和晚安,记得盖好被子,用英语怎么写,谢谢 要准确...
    Good night. Go to bed early and good night. Remember to cover yourself with quilt.
  • 盖好被子,睡觉 用地道英语怎么说
    tuck somebody in 有使某人舒服地睡觉地意思,(内含有将床单掖在床垫下的含义)“舒舒服服地睡个好觉吧~”It's too late, please go to sleep and tuck yourself in.
  • 盖被子 英语怎么说?
    Covering oneself with a quilt is a common action in daily life, but how do you express it in English? Here are some phrases and sentences to help you:1. Phrases:- Cover with quilt: This is a direct translation of the action.- Tuck up: This phrase is often used to describ...
  • 盖被子 英语怎么说? 另外 被子盖厚点
    盖被子:tuck sb.up 被子盖厚点:cover thick quilt over...(有点奇怪,因为老外都是24小时空调的,不会存在要盖厚点被子的情况)
  • 被子英语怎么说被子和安静怎么用英语读.怎么区分开来
    英文:quilt ; duvet; comforter 安静 英文:quiet; peaceful; [电影]Hush He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children.他主要待在家里,帮孩子们盖好被子睡觉。I read Lili a story and tucked her in her own bed.我为莉莉读了个故事,然后给她盖好被子。The house seemed muted, ...
  • 陈原丽天气冷了,多穿点衣服,晚上记得盖好被子,别感冒了, 用英语翻译
    Chen YuanLi, it is cold now, please wear more clothes, and please cover the quilt, don't catch a cold.
  • 被子的英语是?
    被子的英语是:quilt 读音:英 [kwɪlt]     美 [kwɪlt]n. 被状物;被子 v. 缝被;缝制;用垫料填塞 词汇搭配 1、spread one's quilt铺被子 2、lie under one's quilt躺在被窝里 3、Cashmere Quilt 羊绒被 常见句型:1、The quilts and the blankets were neatly folded....
  • 请用被子把这小孩盖上英语
    Pleave cover the child with the quilt.^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!
  • ...了对身体不好,睡觉的时候被子盖厚点,晚安!用英语怎么说
    It is cold, take care of yourself, put on clothes, don't stay up late is not good for the body, thick quilt cover little sleep, good night! 手机回复不容易啊
  • 被子床罩的英语
    Blanket:"Blanket"是指一种用来保暖的厚而大的覆盖物,通常用来盖在床上,也可以用来盖在人的身体上。它可以是由羊毛、棉花、绒布或其他材料制成。"Blanket"在英语中既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词。名词用法:I need a warm blanket to keep me cozy at night.(我需要一条暖和的毯子让我在晚上...

  • 15211841228:   英文书上没教过,但日常用到看到或做过,如打嗝放屁盖被子换尿片喂奶英文怎么说,最好是有很多单词列表? -
    子车柿荷  ______ 在英语中,冠词+时间可以代表时间状语,而且像the moment,the minute,the instant这些词还可以引导时间状语从句

    15211841228:   tuck这个单词怎么用的?字典上名次动词好多意思啊 -
    子车柿荷  ______ tuck [英][tʌk][美][tʌk] vt.<英俚>吃,喝; 折叠(衣服的)褶; 包起,裹起; 挤进; n.鼓声,喇叭声; 活力,精力; (袖子等上的)褶皱; 卷起,盖住; 第三人称单数:tucks过去分词:tucked现在进行时:tucking过去式:tucked1.Let's better ...

    15211841228:   晚上睡觉盖厚点 英语怎么说? -
    子车柿荷  ______ 你好: 1,晚上睡觉盖厚点: Sleep at night cover thickness: 2, 晚上睡觉 盖厚点 / 盖好被子: night bed cover thick/quilt cover 3,天冷了, 把厚毛衣 / 薄毛衣 穿上吧: Today is getting cold,please put on your Thick sweater/thin sweater. 4,天热了,晚上睡觉 盖薄一点: In hot weather, at night, thin cover 大概就是这些意思,谢谢!!

    15211841228:   丫头!晚安!记得盖好被子喔!别着凉了,会生病的! -
    子车柿荷  ______ Good night my girl,you must properly cover yourself at night!Be careful or you will catch a cold!应该是对的,你再确认下.

    15211841228:   被子 在以下两句话中用英语怎么翻译地道? -
    子车柿荷  ______ 在国外盖被子的有, 但很多也盖毛毯.因此1) He doesn't like to tidy up his bed.在英国一般将被子称为:duvet. 因为英国很少有纯棉花被子.2) Please use duvet/blanket to keep you warm in sleeping.

    15211841228:   亲爱的想你了!昨晚上睡得好吗?有没有盖好被子.英文怎么写 -
    子车柿荷  ______ Dear, I think you did not sleep well yesterday, there is no quilt cover

    15211841228:   天气冷了,你要盖好被子,不用依靠谁的体温 英文翻译 速度~~ -
    子车柿荷  ______ The weather has been cold, you must cover the quilt, whose body temperature doesn't need to depend upon

    15211841228:   请给这个小孩儿盖被子英语翻译 -
    子车柿荷  ______ 请给这个小孩儿盖被子 Please cover the kid with a quilt

    15211841228:   【我晚上要盖被子】英语怎么说 -
    子车柿荷  ______ I will cover the quilt at night. 望采纳,谢谢!

    15211841228:   “盖厚被子还是薄被子?”用地道的英语怎么说? -
    子车柿荷  ______ 厚被子 和 薄被子 的英语地道表达方式是 heavy blanket 和 light blanket (不是 thick blanket 和 thin blanket) 盖厚被子还是薄被子 would you like a heavy blanket or a light blanket?希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢 我是加拿大人,前海外英语老师.