
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-13
  • the great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands...
    put up with 这是个词组,有“忍受 容忍”的意思 这句话暂时简化为“the great advantage is what”,of taking medicine在这相当于是修饰advantage的;what=that it makes no demands on the taker 再看看别人怎么说的。
  • 帮忙翻译
    联络感情;上网会给我们带来如此多的好处。Of course, the Internet gives us a great advantage, we can find on the Internet the information we need. Almost all the information on the Internet can find more, the network interconnection give us information sharing and We can find online ...
  • take advantage of什么意思
    But you have to take your cues from within yourself. 但是你应该从你自身取你的球杆。2、advantage 中文释义:n. 优势;利益;有利条件 vi. 获利 vt. 有利于;使处于优势 例句:The great advantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour. 自产橙子的巨大优势是其极好的味道。
  • ...stop so near our college is a great advantage
    由于英语句子里绝对不允许出现两个谓语动词,而is 是这个句子中的谓语,there being a bus stop so near our college 是主语,there being 在这里表示一种状态
  • ...so near our company is a great advantage.
    A 主句为There being a restaurant is a great advantage.so near our company 作为后置定语。翻译为:这个餐馆靠近我们的公司,会给它带来巨大利益。B、D明显错误。语法错误。而C属于逻辑错误,Being,一般针对的是人,成为。。。样的人。故选A ...
  • 大学生实习的重要性 英语作文两百字带翻译
    and practice is also a kind of working experiences, when interviewing someone ask you have any work experience, most graduate students are no work experience, but the practice is your work experience and experience, so the internship will have great advantage in finding a job.对应的...
  • 求翻译~The buyer has the right to choose a preferable mode of...
    to others.5. 她总觉得自己高人一等。6.Our product has a great advantage of price over that of our competitors.6. 相比我们的竞争者来说,我们的产品具有巨大的价格优势。您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。
  • ...fierce, but our products have great advantage ___ quality...
    D 试题分析:句意:市场竞争很激烈,但是我们的产品在价格和质量上有优势。in place of代替; in view of考虑到; in case of 万一; in terms of在某方面。根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。短语辨析是高考常考的内容,这里主要考查介词in与不同的名词及介词of构成的短语,这里主要正确...
  • 互联网的优缺点的英语作文
    Shopping online has also become a huge success and is considered a great advantage of the Internet. No matter what people are shopping for, it can be found on the Internet. People do not even have to leave their homes. A few companies have collected millions of dollars using ...
  • there be 句型的语法
    There being a bus stop near my house is a great advantage.我家旁边有个公共汽车站,很是方便。It is impossible for there to be any more.不可能再有了。2. there be 结构作宾语时,通常用there to be ,常作这样一些词的宾语:expect,like, mean, intend, want,prefer,hate等。I expect there to be...

  • 13798503119:   you will find that chattingto be a great advantage后面从句怎么没谓语
    毕旺庾  ______ 这是一个复合宾语结构.that chatting作 find的宾语,to be a great advantage是动词不定式短语作宾语补足语.

    13798503119:   求advantage优势;利益 的具体用法 -
    毕旺庾  ______ advantage n.1. 优点;有利条件(或因素、形势、事情等)2. (尤指由某一行动步骤所带来的)好处,利益,效益,便利,方便3. 优势;优越(性),优越地位,有利地位;处于支配地位;拥有压倒优势;胜过,优于(常与 of, over 连用)4. 【...

    13798503119:   there is a great advantage in many ways to being a man 作为男人有一种优势 -
    毕旺庾  ______ 这句要从句子上理解,there is a great advantage in many ways to being a man,是指作为男人有优势.而to be a man 从语法上是没有错的,只是这时候意思变成了“变得男人点,man一点”有好处 希望解释清楚了

    13798503119:   ______a bus stop so near our college is a great advantageA,There being B,There to be C,Being D,There isD,There is 不可以? - 作业帮
    毕旺庾  ______[答案] A There being正确 D There is 不可以 因为这句话里有谓语 IS了 若用There is 就有两个谓语了 所以要把IS 改为 being 非谓语动词形式

    13798503119:   - -----a bus stop so near our college is a great advantage -
    毕旺庾  ______ A There being正确 D There is 不可以 因为这句话里有谓语 IS了 若用There is 就有两个谓语了 所以要把IS 改为 being 非谓语动词形式

    13798503119:   英语词组1、advantage作可数名词优点、好处时有词组have an advantage over,可为什么在take advantage of里面advantage前面不加冠词呢?2、在纸上 on... - 作业帮
    毕旺庾  ______[答案] 1.不用咬文嚼字,就是固定词组,多读,就有语感了~~(也许你不满意这答案,没办法了,不然叫书里叫你背词组干嘛?) 2.on the paper 有中显而易见的,在纸上,一目了然~ in the newspaper 在报纸的文章中,不一定明显,隐藏其中,所以是in 3....

    13798503119:   Advantage: benefit, positive aspect, strength在意义和用法上的相同和不同要详解!
    毕旺庾  ______ 这几个词是比较相似的,但是也还是有区别的.Advantage的意思是“优势”,因为有一定的比较性,所以可以这样用:“In ABC aspect, I have an advantage over Mr.XYZ" (在ABC方面,我比XYZ先生更占优势.)Benefit的意思是“好处,”...

    13798503119:   填下面的空格(用句子),使成为完整的句子?1.Although____has a great advantage of____,it can't compete with____in______2.______may be preferabel ... - 作业帮
    毕旺庾  ______[答案] 1.Although the richs has a great advantage of do exercise,it can't compete with the poors in countrys

    13798503119:   英语语法:The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste,and ... - 作业帮
    毕旺庾  ______[答案] 1 beyond == except 2 that of == the demand of ------that的存在是为了避免重复the demand 又如: The weather of Shanghai is not the same as THAT (the waether ) of Kunming 3 beyond 介词后直接加动名词 putting up 不行,因为要与make no other ...

    13798503119:   英语~Advantage如何表示有利于呢?谢谢! -
    毕旺庾  ______ 1.优点超过缺点 (advantages/benefits/opportunities)outweigh(disadvantages/inconvenience/problems/other considerations) 2.既有优点又有缺点 there are both advantages and disadvantages in doing sth.(to sth.) have both pros and cons/...