
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-17
  • 大家帮忙找一篇:英语作文是带图片的,图片是一个肺。(大学英语期末考试作 ...
    but some of the people around us, but littering, swearing that wasted food, waiting for the bus to jump the queue, at odds with the social civilization, they are undermining our living environment,
  • 英文作文之表达争议(笔记整理)
    1)N years since its launch\/birth, XX is riding both high and low . No other subject has stirred such international \/ national debate among...(人)2) 人 be at loggerheads at odds with Various communities are at loggerheads over whether technological advances are a bo...
  • ecology是什么意思及反义词
    ecology_百度翻译 ecology 英[iˈkɒlədʒi] 美[iˈkɑ:lədʒi]n. 生态学; 社会生态学; 个体生态学;[例句]Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies.全球性生态保护工作很可能会和地方生态系统存在矛盾。[其他] ...
  • Only A Matter Of Time 歌词
    I can still find the courage With promise I've found in my faith Likely or not, it's a dream that we keep And at odds with our senses we'll climb But if faith is the answer, we're already reached it And if spirit's a sign Then it's only a matter of time Only a...
  • 八卦系列(1):请越多越好地举出 离 的意象。
    (1) [be at odds with the community or the leadership]∶异心,叛离的心志离心离德(2) [centrifugal]∶离开中心离心力离心力líxīnlì(1) [centrifugal force]∶ 一个沿曲线运动的质点反作用于约束它运动的物体上的力,也就是由于惯性原因迫使该质点作离开曲率中心运动的力,此力的方向是沿曲率半径指向外(如...
  • issue和problem的区别
    一、指意不同 1、issue多指意见能达到一致的问题,但要通过争论或讨论解决。2、problem指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。二、用法不同 1、issue n.(名词)1)issue的基本意思是“问题”“争论点”,多指所思、所说及所写的主要事件或观点,引申可作“要点”“争吵原因”解,一般只用单数...
  • 老师好!我想问一下odds什么时候用作单数,什么时候用作复数?
    odds 有四个常用的短语:1. at odds (与某人不合)He is at odds with me.他与我不合。2. the odds are against(某人或某事成功的可能性不大)I think the odds are against his plan.我认为他的计划不大可能成功。3. against all odds(困难重重,但也发生或成功了)在这里引用Phil Collins(...
  • 一对夫妻背对背打一成语
    泰誓中》:“受(纣)有亿兆夷人,离心离德。”【举例】黎民~,祸生不测。(明·许仲琳《封神演义》第十七回)【近义词】背信弃义、三心二意、离经背道 【反义词】忠贞不二、同心同德 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文翻译】be at odds with the community or the leadership ...
  • 闹的繁体字怎么写?
    ◎ 闹别扭 nào bièniu [be at odds with sb.;be difficult with sb.] 因对别人有意见而故意为难 ◎ 闹病 nàobìng [fall ill] 得病 ◎ 闹洞房 nào dòngfáng [rough horseplay at weddings] 同“闹房”
  • 用"离"都可以组哪些词?
    离别 líbié (1) [leave;be away from;part from]∶暂时或永久离开 我离别故乡已经两年了 (2) [disperse;separate]∶分手,分开 2. 离不开 líbukāi [cannot be separated from; cannot do without] 不能分开 离不开双亲照顾的孩子 3. 离尘 líchén (1) [pass away;die]∶离开尘世...

  • 13885666715:   “at odds”的用法问题~表示“不一致”时,是语言上的还是行为上的不一致? - 作业帮
    申迫裘  ______[答案] 都有 if two statements,descriptions,actions etc.are at odds with each other,they are different although they should be the same

    13885666715:   求翻译啊啊啊.谢谢了.This top - down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would described in ... - 作业帮
    申迫裘  ______[答案] 翻译做: 这种自上而下的概念的时尚已经很过时了,或可以称做是穿着过度考究而与狂热潮流不一致. This top-down conception of the fashion business 主语 谓语一couldn't be more out of date 连词or 谓语而would described in Overdressed at odds ...

    13885666715:   odd 和 odds 我总混淆没弄明白!At odds是争执、不一致的意思,那么odds在这里该如何理解呢?是odd的复数吗? - 作业帮
    申迫裘  ______[答案] odd 可以当形容词,意意思是:奇数的;古怪的;剩余的;临时的;零散的;也可当名词,意思是:奇数;怪人;奇特的事物•\x05如:Although it sounded odd,this is the only way to describe this behavior.虽然听...

    13885666715:   英语翻译Integrate Sales and Marketing – Create a Convergence for Better Lead ManagementSales and Marketing departments have been at odds with each ... - 作业帮
    申迫裘  ______[答案] 整合销售和市场营销-创造一个收敛更好地带领管理销售和营销部门已在赔率与其他几乎每推出以来,市场营销.他们都在不断的辩论等问题的质量,导致所提供的市场营销,以销售团队及销售的成效,发展这些线索到收入.就同谁谈,...

    13885666715:   stack the odds是什么意思啊
    申迫裘  ______ stack the odds 意义为:认清形势,理清思路等 例句:To stack the odds of that bet in its favor, APC did more than consolidate and expand its Siebel deployment on SQL Server.为了根据其利益设定此赌注的比率,APC不仅仅在SQL Server上合...

    13885666715:   哪些名词前能以at作介词 -
    申迫裘  ______ 很多吧 也没什么特定哪些吧 除了会使人印象深刻的时间,地点类的话,一些动名词也行的啊 如at working, 而且很多普通的名词也可以放at后吧 如at random(任意)所以说....还是具体问题具体分析的吧

    13885666715:   be pleased +at/about/by/with这些搭配有什么区别吗
    申迫裘  ______ be pleased at【事物】即【sth】对某事感到满意 be pleased with sb/sth 对某人某物感到满意 be pleased about 对某事感到满意 还有一个好像是be pleased to do sth高兴做某事 但be pleased by没有这个用法的吧

    13885666715:   哪种名词前用at作介词,如at the speed of这种类型的 -
    申迫裘  ______ at any rate 无论怎样 at the very least 至少 at ease at your service 为你效劳 at my disposal (I will need a team at my disposal) 可用的 at a loss (I am at a loss for words) 不知道怎么做,说 at best 最多 at last 终于 at will (fire at will!) 随意 at your ...

    13885666715:   he was at odds with time
    申迫裘  ______ he was at odds with time 他与当时不一致/不同 希望采纳哦!