
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 介绍平遥旅游景点英语作文 介绍旅游景点英语作文高中
    It is said that in order to maintain this good the ancient city of pingyao is a well-meaning: people living in the city of pingyao, cannot move one brick, even if you're rich, you will not cover a house, you want to live in a new house, have to move out of the city. This is...
  • 元旦的来历(英文对照版)
    The original meaning of the word is that a red day rises from the ground. In China, the name of New Year's Day is spoken of from the legend of one of the three emperors and five emperors. He uses the first month of the lunar calendar as the yuan and the first day as...
  • 如何用英语问候并结交朋友
    9.Take it easy.This is very similar in meaning and use to“慢走”.

  • 15261849837:   we learn chinese.we learn English,too. -
    易雨姿  ______ meaning 可数,e.g. this word has many meanings.但和其它的动名词一样,常常用单数 we learn English _____ _____ chinese 可以填 as well as 或者 we also learn 但是两个空的话 可以填 along with 或 so do

    15261849837:   what's the chinese meaning?
    易雨姿  ______ 农民应当更接近他们的牲口. 农民应当与牲口的牲口生活贴近

    15261849837:   the chinese meaning of the underlined word"miss"in this passage is…… 请问这句话用中文翻译是什么? -
    易雨姿  ______ 在这篇文章中的加有下划线的“miss”一词的中文意思是...

    15261849837:   what's the chinese meaning of the word "remained" -
    易雨姿  ______ 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为: what's the chinese meaning of the word "remained" 保持”这个词的中文意思是什么 望采纳谢谢

    15261849837:   What are you looking at 这样说可以吗,还是 waht are you watching
    易雨姿  ______ what are you looking at表示你在看什么呀(看的内容可以是:物品,人,事情) What are you watching表示你在看什么(电影,电视等) 两句都可以表示在看什么,但是看的内容不一样 情景模式: 两个人窗边在聊天,其中一个人把头转向窗外...

    15261849837:   +in+Chinese是什么意?what+is+the+mean
    易雨姿  ______ 什么+ + + + +”的意思;把+远"+ +中国

    15261849837:   摩西中文是什么意思? - 作业帮
    易雨姿  ______[答案] What is the chinese meaning of "Mose"? Mose [məuz] n.摩斯(男子名)

    15261849837:   what's the meaning of between'in chinese 是什么意思 -
    易雨姿  ______ between在中文里面是什么意思呢?

    15261849837:   中文意思是什么 -
    易雨姿  ______ What's the meaning in Chinese.嗯,我也是个学生,老外没学好,错了勿怪,谢谢.

    15261849837:   What's the meaning of “between”in Chinese?怎样写答语 - 作业帮
    易雨姿  ______[答案] what is the meaning of “between” in chinese?意思是:用中文翻译之间是什么意思?回答:It's means In the middle of the two意思是:在两者的中间