
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 损失的英文
    1、He even gets his way in what would clearly be a lose-lose situation.即使在明显会是两败俱伤的局面中他都能找到出路。2、One day you may lose this pride of place wherefrom you now dominate.也许有一天你会失去你现在拥有的主导地位。3、Some day someone will plough up the bomb ...
  • 求个英文歌曲,简单易学,有中英文单词,中学或高一难度!
    <Hey Jude> Hey Jude, don't make it bad 嘿裘!别沮丧 Take a sad song 找一首哀伤的歌 And make it better 把它唱得更快乐 Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田 Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转 Hey Jude, don't be afraid 嘿裘!别...
  • 英语作文50词:谈谈你早晨做的事情。
    you’ll also be missing out on perks like improved circulation, loosening up of any phlegmthat may have built up in your lungs overnight (that...Early-morning water consumption also boosts your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. Not to mention, water helps you maintain a youthful ...
  • lose-lose是什么意思啊?
    双亏,是事件双方都失利的结果的描述。与双赢相对。Lose-lose means that all parties end up being worse off. An example of this would be a budget-cutting negotiation in which all parties lose money. In some lose-lose situations, all parties understand that losses are unavoidable and ...
  • 希拉里-斯万克(Hilary Swank)
    姓名:Hilary Swank 译名:希拉里-斯万克 生日:1974年7月30日 出生地:美国 爱好:滑雪、跳伞 身高:1.70米 主要电影作品 《百万宝贝》Million Dollar Baby(2004)《红尘》Red Dust(2004)《地心末日》The Core(2003)《失眠》Insomnia(2002)《项链事件》The Affair of the Necklace(2001)《天赋》The ...
  • 翻译--帮忙--救命
    让我们谈论谈判。 而非尝试支配另一个人而且戏弄他进入做事物他不会通常做, 我相信你应该与另一个人合作解决你的问题而且由于哪你两个都能赢得发展解决。?谈判的真实成功被达成被牵涉的所有的宴会何时对最后的结果。感到满意 , 这里是你可能找的一些技术有帮助的为改良你的技术。谈判结果的四类型是...
  • lose hope是什么意思
    3、After several unsuccessful treatments, the patient began to lose hope of ever recovering from the illness. (经过多次治疗未果后,病人开始失去康复的希望。)4、When his girlfriend broke up with him, he lost all hope of ever finding love again.(女友和他分手后,他彻底失去了再次...
  • - 基于2114个网页 - 全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词
    6. 拘谨刻板,落后于时代formal, rigid and out-of-date7. 随笔小品文an informal essay 8. 躺在沙发上lie on a sofa9. 不得不面对… face up lost in=lose oneself in: be absorbed in, be occupied with 专心致志于focus on, concentrate on, abandon oneself to3. Is you cab available?
  • 英语阅读:4-Could the bad old days
    少:few\/litter\/less\/short\/lack\/lose\/seldom cost:价钱,代价,花费,费用,花费 quite:非常,相当,很,确实如此 quiet:安静 effect:效果,影响,印象,所有物...出现: emerge \/appear\/arise\/grow\/turn up 一部分:a portion of\/a part of\/partial 还有一个原因可以不必担忧石油价格上升,与1970年不同的是,此次油价...
  • Lose Yourself 歌词
    Teetertotter caught up between bein a father and a prima donna Baby mama drama screamin on and too much for me to wanna Stay in one spot, another day of monotony Has gotten me to the point I’m like a snail I’ve got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot Success is my...

  • 15974886878:   那位英语大师请问:close the cover dry - up of head may give damage 这句什么意思! -
    调浅类  ______ close the cover. dry - up of head may give damage 关上盖子.否则顶部发干(干燥)会带来损坏.

    15974886878:   请问英文股票用于图表的术语close up,close down是什么意思 -
    调浅类  ______ close up是收盘比开盘高,也就是涨了. close down是收盘比开盘低,也就是跌了.

    15974886878:   特写镜头.英语怎么说 -
    调浅类  ______ 翻译如下:特写镜头 Close-up 例句:好了,德米勒先生,我已为拍摄我的特写镜头做好准备了.All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

    15974886878:   关于CLOSE的短语及其意义... -
    调浅类  ______ ①close about【包围、围住】②close down【关闭、停止播音】③close in【包围、迫近、渐短】④close one's ears to【掩而不听】⑤close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】⑥close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】⑦close with【答应、接受、靠近】.嗯.就是这样!

    15974886878:   close - up view是什么意思及反义词 -
    调浅类  ______ 特写镜头;接近的观察 相似单词 micro-close adj. 非常接近的 close-hauled a. 迎风开的,抢风开的 close-grained a. 密实的,纹理细密的 closet n.[C] 1. 壁橱 2. 密室,书房 3. 祈祷室 4. 隐蔽(或秘密、朦胧)状态 5. (= water closet) 盥洗室 adj. 1. 秘密的,私下的 2. 空谈的,空论的 v.[T] 关入小室 closemouthed a. 寡言的,沉默的,紧嘴的

    15974886878:   close up的意义 -
    调浅类  ______ close up ■(of a person's face) become blank and emotionless orhostile(人脸)板起 He didn't like her laughter and his face closed up angrily.他不喜欢她的笑声,因而生气地板起脸来. ■close something up (或 close up):cause to cease or ...

    15974886878:   end - endupwith和endupin的区别?结果和状态什么区别?
    调浅类  ______ 没在网上搜,在这给您归纳一下~ end with /end in 都可翻译为以...结束. 但区别就在这里:end up with +句子中主语的一部分. 举个例子:The party we had ended up with a music. 而end in+事情发展的结果. eg: The team ended up in a vitory.

    15974886878:   英语翻译ask-- - fast-- - big-- - close - - - up--clean- - come-- - day- - old-- - happy--long- - heavy- - hot- - sunny- - fat--here- - tall- - dry- - right- - leave-- - 作业帮
    调浅类  ______[答案] ask(问)---answer(答) fast(快)---slow(慢) big(大的)---small(小的) close(关)---open(开) up(上)--down(下) clean(干净的)--dirty(脏的) come(来)---go (去) day(日)--night(夜) old(老的)---young(年轻的) ...

    15974886878:   close - uppicture是什么意思 -
    调浅类  ______ close-up picture 特写图片 双语例句 1 Figure C.A close-up picture of a single step is shown in Figure D. 步骤.每一步的大小以及确定,并显示在. 2 A close-up picture by a NASA spacecraft shows a flurry of icy particles around comet 103P/ Hartley 2. 一张美国宇航局太空望远镜拍摄的特写照片展示了在彗星103P/Hartley2上的一系列被冰层覆盖的粒子.

    15974886878:   close up 例句 -
    调浅类  ______ close up: a. 靠近(愈合,关闭,封闭) 例句与用法: 1. Sorry, madam, we're closing up for lunch. 很抱歉,小姐,我们现在要关门吃午饭. 2. He closes the shop up at 5.30. 他在5点30分停止营业. 3. The cut took a long time to close up. 伤口经过很长时间才愈合. 4. The sergeant-major ordered the men to close up. 军士长命令士兵靠拢. 5. She snuggled close up to him. 她紧紧地挨著他.