
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 初二英语
    1.We have to wear a u__mbrella___ to school.2.Bowling becomes p_opular___ in China.3.If we bring s_nake___,the teachers will be angry.4.We will e_njoy___ourselves at the party this evening.5.If you are a good cook,you will m_ake___ a lot of money.6.I w...
  • 单词什么时候要过去式,什么时候要加ing ,什么时候要改为过去分词 方法...
    当句子是现在进行时时,句子中的动词用ing形式;当句子是一般过去时时,句子中的动词一般加ed,有些单词变形容词的时候也加ed;单词一般变为副词的时候加ly,比如beautiful→beautifully(我给你仔细说一下把)现在进行时 :现在进行时用助动词be的人称形式加现在分词构成,它的肯定、否定、疑问形式如下...
  • 一些初一英语题目,急急急!!答得好的一定追加
    TV helps to open their minds,t_oo__.they learn newer and better ways of doing things.They may f_ind__the world is smaller than before.Many children watch TV o_nly___ on Saturday and Sunday evening.They are always b_usy___with their lesson.B_ut__ some children watch TV...
  • 英语短文填空一道,初二上新目标,要新颖,难度适中
    Li Ming 1 often late for school.The teacher is very angry with him. “ 2 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up 3 ,” answers Li Ming. “ 4 clock can wake you up,” says the teacher.“Yes,you are 5 .But it...
  • 母亲节英语周记
    Anyway ,lt mom njoy th whol day and fl your lov, and thn th Mothrs Day can b a good on. As Mothrs Day is around th cornr, its tim to tak actions!母亲节英语周记6 Today is a holiday for mothers, I want for my dearest mother combed a head.I prepared a comb ...
  • mothersday优秀英语作文范文
    Anyway ,lt mom njoy th whol day and fl your lov, and thn th Mothr’s Day can b a good on. As Mothr’s Day is around th cornr, it’s tim to tak actions! mothers day优秀英语作文 篇7 Mother"s Day was first suggested in the United States in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a da...

  • 15897529738:   enjoy 后面接doing还是接to do形式?? -
    韶星路  ______ enjoy 后面接doing

    15897529738:   enjoy 后接doing or to do -
    韶星路  ______ enjoy doing sth ▲enjoy doing sth (注意:只能接ing形式,不能接不定式) The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert. 这一对孪生兄弟对听音乐会总是兴致勃勃. Young children enjoy helping around the house. 小孩子们喜...

    15897529738:   enjoy doing -
    韶星路  ______ 一定没有介词,一定没有(in),请不要误导 如果有in的话,表示该动词是不及物动词,而in后面跟的是动词的分词形式. 而enjoy是及物动词,后面直接跟是动名词. 虽然形式一样,都是动词ing,但语法构成完全不同.

    15897529738:   enjoy后加doing还是todo还是都可以 -
    韶星路  ______ 加doing~

    15897529738:   enjoy加to do sth 还是doing sth - 作业帮
    韶星路  ______[答案] enjoy doing sth.喜欢做什么... enjoy oneself玩得高兴 enjoy sth.享受... enjoy只有这三种用法

    15897529738:   enjoy 后面为什么只能加doing,不能加to do要从语法功能解释,不要说是固定用法 - 作业帮
    韶星路  ______[答案] 而英语里enjoy也一样,也需要加名词,而需要加动词的时候,就要把动词变成动固定句式enjoy doing sth,没有enjoy to do sth 没有,enjoy doing

    15897529738:   enjoy+doing+and+doing,合理吗? -
    韶星路  ______ 您好亲!"enjoy+doing+and+doing"是不太合理的语法用法.在英语语法中,"enjoy"通常与动词原形一起使用,表示喜欢做某件事情.但是,如果您要表达喜欢做两件或多件事情,您可以使用以下三种语法结构:1. enjoy+doing A and B:...

    15897529738:   enjoy + doing sth. 还是动词原形
    韶星路  ______ enjoy doing sth享受作某事.

    15897529738:   英语enjoydoing是什么意思 -
    韶星路  ______ Enjoy doing 喜欢做; 喜爱做某事 [例句]Extroverted, I think. I mix well and enjoy doing things with others.我认为我是外向的人,我善于交际并且喜欢和别人共事.

    15897529738:   enjoy后面加to do sth 还是doing sth -
    韶星路  ______ 一般enjoy后面加动词要变ing形式, 如果出现enjoy to do sth,那么enjoy 就于后面的动词没有关系,二者是分离的,举个例子: He told me the day that he enjoyed to make me satisfied. 在这一句话中,that he enjoyed 为一个定语从句,修饰the day, to make me satisfied是主句中的词,表示目的与enjoy无关. 句意为: 他告诉我他过得愉快的那些日子以让我感到满意.