
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 冰雪大世界的来历
    In the face of historical opportunity comes once in a blue moon, give full play to the advantages of time and space, snow and ice in Harbin further use, architectural pattern, Harbin has very large on an unprecedented scale of ice and snow art high-quality goods project - Harbin songhua r...
  • reading作文
    When these popular cultures such as Pop music and Hollyw缉骇光较叱记癸席含芦ood movies get quite prevailing today, people have not fotten literature, the writers and reading. Whether Reading is a funny thing, only love reading people know. I study for many years, however, I kn...
  • 为什么一件衣服有时有很多品牌LOGO?
    一般来说都是因为联名(也就是两个品牌合作出一件单品),那么就可以在一件衣服上看多几个牌子的logo,以联名大户bape举例:这件衣服正面可以显眼的看到bape和cdg play的logo印花,因为正是这两个品牌的联名 当然也有logo不作为印花 仅仅以标示出现的,比如下图:可以看到上面日本潮牌neighborhoood副线l...
  • 以撒的结合控制台全道具编号是什么 全道具编号一览
    以撒的结合控制台全道具编号分别是BASE MENT:无限重复地下室1和地下室2两关,BLOO OODY:使敌人死后掉更多的红心,CAMO K1DD:角色变成半透明,CAMO DROP:道具变成半透明,CAM0 F0ES:敌人变成半透明,COCK FGHT:使敌人永远处于魅惑状态。以撒的结合控制台全道具编号一览 1、BASE MENT:无限重复地下...
  • 四年级英语作文怎么写
    I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But i likeplaying basketball most, because l think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. l often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a g ood way ...
  • 为什么“good shape”前面不用加“a”?
    good shape 良形;精神或身体状态好;The players tried to keep themselves in good shape .运动员们努力保持良好的竞技状态。But always is good be in good shape or play against some players behind you.当然,保持良好的状态或者对阵排位比你低的选手,也总是不错的。Keep your credit rating i...
  • 阅读的快乐英语作文
    "Then I tell you:"don'tplay computer games,watch TVis rest,reading is also agoodrest way!"In the reading ofthe human brain andthe body willhave a good rest,readingwithout too manydistracting thoughts,just know,what is good,what is bad,whatto do,what notto do.As long asa ...
  • When you are old写于什么时候?是叶芝哪部诗集的?
    1910 No Secood Troy 1910 The Green Helmet 绿盔及其它诗作 1914 Responsibilities:Poems and a Play 责任 1917 The Wild Swans at Coole库利的野天鹅 1920 The Second Coming The third period:1929 The Winding Stair 风中楼梯 1928 The Tower 塔楼 1938 New Poems新诗 1939 Last Poems And Two...
  • 我喜爱的运动员,60字英语作文
    expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the bl ood, and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides, it is very amusing and do es not cost us much money. Table-tenn is is very moderate; it is not so rough as football. It is an indoor game and can be played ev...
  • 凌乱和规则互为什么?

  • 18763872740:   我安装了一个游戏但是安装不了,因为他说我有一个什么goodplay的东西没经过允许 -
    葛卸剑  ______ 你确定是goodplay么,这是一个播放器哎,你说的应该是Googleplay应用吧,没经过允许可能是权限问题,看一下Googleplay设置里有没有改权限的选项.

    18763872740:   谁可以帮我找回Goodplay的密码,帐号dyp......,QQ:二九一二六三四六,可以的密我, -
    葛卸剑  ______ 若还未设置密保或密保丢失、遗忘,页面会提示你通过帐号申诉把QQ号申诉回来后重新设置密码和二代密码保护.尽量提供此号码较早前的使用记录,工作人员是根据你所提交证据的充分性、原始性和正确性来综合进行判定,只要你所提交的证据较充分且与腾讯的记录相吻合,就能通过申诉.成功提交申诉单后,腾讯会在72小时内(快的24小时)将申诉结果发到你填写的联系邮箱里.会员QQ申诉仅需8小时.申诉通过后,你会收到腾讯发给你的成功提示邮件,通过邮件里的回执编号、申诉成功凭证按邮件提示就可以重新设置密码、密保资料了.

    18763872740:   金立手机goodplay 怎么回事卸载不了 -
    葛卸剑  ______ 如果这个是系统自带的软件那就不能卸载啦 卸载了系统运行有问题

    18763872740:   how a good play对吗 -
    葛卸剑  ______ How good the play is! What a good play! What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! How +形容词 / 副词+主语+谓语!

    18763872740:   Yao Ming is a - ___ - ball star.He plays basketball - ____.填good或well - 作业帮
    葛卸剑  ______[答案] be动词后加形容词,所以第一个空用good play是个动词,用副词修饰,所以填well~

    18763872740:   Yao Ming is a - --- - ball star.He plays basketball - ----. 填good或well -
    葛卸剑  ______ be动词后加形容词,所以第一个空用good play是个动词,用副词修饰,所以填well~

    18763872740:   4s的里的软件怎么传出?4s的里的软件怎么传出去
    葛卸剑  ______ 下载电影可以下载个“乐视影视”等软件. 想放到手机里播放,需下载个播放器,例如:goodplay播放器,然后连接电脑,在itunes在应用下载里找到goodplay,然后把影片拖进去就行了.

    18763872740:   good funny play哪个不一样 -
    葛卸剑  ______ 不同的是playplay是动词,其它两个都是形容词请采纳支持

    18763872740:   改错:my cousin is good at play soccer -
    葛卸剑  ______ My cousin is good at ( playing ) soccer.【be good at doing】

    18763872740:   Alice and Mark are good at - --(play) soccer -
    葛卸剑  ______ 填写playing:Alice and Mark are good at playing soccer.爱丽丝和马克擅长踢足球.