
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-01
  • 英语作文mysdood5到6句
    they teach us knowledges, after class, they often play games with us. Such as football, Ping-pong, volleyball.I usually join Art Club or Sports Club after school.
  • Woodland Christian学校
    W oodland Christian High School offers three different curriculum tracks to tailor a program specifically for your student's current needs, and his\/her college and career goals. W oodland基督教高中提供了三种不同的课程,轨道调整计划专为您的学生当前的需要,和他\/她的大学和职业目标。 Scholars Diploma...

  • 19460395472:   goodplay用户名检测需要多长时间 -
    代夏庾  ______ 用vpn翻到美国的ip去一分钟左右就可以了

    19460395472:   我安装了一个游戏但是安装不了,因为他说我有一个什么goodplay的东西没经过允许 -
    代夏庾  ______ 你确定是goodplay么,这是一个播放器哎,你说的应该是Googleplay应用吧,没经过允许可能是权限问题,看一下Googleplay设置里有没有改权限的选项.

    19460395472:   谁可以帮我找回Goodplay的密码,帐号dyp......,QQ:二九一二六三四六,可以的密我, -
    代夏庾  ______ 若还未设置密保或密保丢失、遗忘,页面会提示你通过帐号申诉把QQ号申诉回来后重新设置密码和二代密码保护.尽量提供此号码较早前的使用记录,工作人员是根据你所提交证据的充分性、原始性和正确性来综合进行判定,只要你所提交的证据较充分且与腾讯的记录相吻合,就能通过申诉.成功提交申诉单后,腾讯会在72小时内(快的24小时)将申诉结果发到你填写的联系邮箱里.会员QQ申诉仅需8小时.申诉通过后,你会收到腾讯发给你的成功提示邮件,通过邮件里的回执编号、申诉成功凭证按邮件提示就可以重新设置密码、密保资料了.

    19460395472:   goodPLay.商店的密码忘记了,怎么找回? -
    代夏庾  ______ 可以通过创建时候的邮箱找回

    19460395472:   Good play是什么意思? -
    代夏庾  ______ good play 英[ɡud pleɪ] 美[ɡʊd pleɪ] [词典] 好戏; [例句]Personally, I find a good play on tv's interesting.我个人觉得电视上好的剧目很有意思.

    19460395472:   改被动语态 -
    代夏庾  ______ 1,When I got home,my dog had already been fed by my mother. 2,I was stopped from playing football by my father in the street. 3.They wasn't told the result by me until it was midnight. 4.No matter what the weather is like,serious suifers can be found ...

    19460395472:   sor no battery now ging ar ,good play…sor no battery nowbye c u next time…今天在LIVE上玩游戏,一个网友发给我的,苦于英语经常挂科的我很无奈,顺便... - 作业帮
    代夏庾  ______[答案] 第一句不知道,玩得很好 不好意思,现在没电了 拜,下次再见... I'm sorry,I have a poor English.

    19460395472:   什么手机游戏好玩如·暗影之枪·死亡扳机·狂野飙车极速凌云·这一类?
    代夏庾  ______ 那你玩手游热门游戏.天天飞车、天天酷跑与雷霆战机之类的.

    19460395472:   This is - --- - as any you are likely to see in the coming years. good as a good play -
    代夏庾  ______ good as是指:和……一样好.在as … as结构中,第一个as是副词,所以后加形容词,而又根据句子意思,应该还有a play.第二个as作连词连接句子.可以简记为固定结构:as adj a n as

    19460395472:   Are you good at (play) vollryball? -
    代夏庾  ______ Are you good at 【playing】 vollryball?be good at doing:固定搭配,擅长做某事 希望能帮到您...望采纳