
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-12
  • 帮帮忙,大哥大姐些!!(急..谢)
    He is ___ friends than I. A. much more B. many more C. very more D. too more 解析: 后面有可数名词复数时, many的比较级形式为many more 修饰。 应选B. 2. Which is the ___ country, Japan or Australia? A. more developed B. more developing C. most developed D. most developing 解...
  • ...before? A. How long B. H ow often C .How many D . How soon_百...
    答案是 : B How often How often have you been there before 你以前有多常去那儿呢?A. How long 多久以前 (少了 ago) 去过。C .How many 去过多少次 (少了 times )D . How soon 时态不对 (未来,句子是过去)
  • 初一下册英语首字母填空,急求~~~
    9.anksgiving Day is a (25)h___ in the U.S.A.It is celebrated every year on the (26)f___ Thursday of November.Usually,family members and friends get (27)t___ for a turkey dinner.People (28)s___ driver their cars to distant places for a family reunion.Many people also take ...
  • 英语短文翻译
    大约25个小朋友参加了一个月里每一个周六下午的小课程,阅读半小时。凡是参加了3次到4次活动的小朋友,可以在最后一节课的时候领到一本狗狗爪印书。这一项目非常成功,因此公共关系经理Dana Thumpowsky说今年四月图书馆计划再举办一次这样的活动。完全手翻,望采纳 ...
  • 现在分词和过去分词是什么
    The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功.3.过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号.The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人.4. 用来修饰人的过去分词有时...
  • 英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么...
    ts\/tes ---[ ] its tail(它的尾巴), two baskets \/boats(两个篮子\/小船), my coats \/shirts (我的上衣\/衬衫), three hats(三顶帽子), five cats(五只猫), many streets(许多街道), two packets(两个包裹\/两包..), some presents\/ sweets(一些礼物\/糖果), two biscuits (两块饼干), a box of...
  • 小学生英语形容词大全
    小学中常用的有:good(好的) ; bad(坏的); small(小的 ; big(大的 ; hugry(饿的;full(饱的); little(少的; high(高的); short(矮的,短的); tall(高的);long(长的); old(老的,旧的); new(新的); young(年轻的); many(许多的); much (许多的); ...
  • e开头ow结尾的单词
    回声消失了。If the gene is present, a human embryo will go on to develop as a male.如果这种基因存在,人类胚胎就会发育为男性。It's strange since many people think that espresso is too strong for them.许多人说特浓咖啡味道太重,他们受不了,这真是怪事。I guess this was somehow ...
  • ow怎么读, ow两种读音的单词分别有哪些?
    mythmanyentyhappydictionary defectdecidedelicious 发OW这个音的单词有哪些我以为你要做押韵,这些都是ow发音结尾的low slow,grow,snow,go,toe,glow,flow,blow,bow,no,dough,row,so,window 如果在中间的还有很多其他的nose等等 含有|∧|这个读音的单词有哪些这类单词太多了,简单写几个:unhap...
  • ow两种读音有哪些单词分别有哪些
    [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [i] 发音字母 i y e sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many ...

  • 17369308625:   - How many foreign friends does she have? - ---- - A -
    鄣净岚  ______ none与数量有关,可回答how many,表示“一个也没有”;而no one表示“什么人也没有”,可回答who.如: —How many people are there in that room?—None.那个房间里有几个人?一个人也没有. —Who was late today?—肌罚冠核攉姑圭太氦咖No one.今天谁迟到了?谁也没有迟到.no many 没有和howmany 连用用法.

    17369308625:   “how many friends ()you at school?'' my mother asks A does B do C are D are going -
    鄣净岚  ______ “how many friends ()you have at school?'' my mother asks ?B do 你这道题好像少写了一个have

    17369308625:   How many friends have you m - --- - since you came here?(根据首字母提示填空) -
    鄣净岚  ______ made有不明白的再追问吧,如果对你有所帮助,请别忘了采纳哦

    17369308625:   【英语翻译】how many of the four students like friends who are like them? -
    鄣净岚  ______ 翻译:这四个学生中,有几个喜欢像他们的朋友?特别说明:1.第一个like是“喜欢”的意思,第二个like是介词"像"的意思.2.将原句还原后实际上是这样的:Of the four students,how many students like friends who are like them?句中的”who are like them为定语从句,修饰friends“.请采纳,谢谢支持!

    17369308625:   How many foreign friends you have?神马意思 -
    鄣净岚  ______ How many foreign friends you have 你有多少外国朋友呢?希望能帮上你,满意请采纳.谢谢!

    17369308625:   what many books he has!还是 how many books he has!到底是哪个啊? - 作业帮
    鄣净岚  ______[答案] 俊狼猎英团队为您 这个感叹句正确:【 How many books he has! 】 由what引出的感叹句基本结构是:“what+a [an]+形容词+名词+主语+谓语”. 该结构中的形容词不能是表数量的many, much, little, few,遇此情况要用how,即使它们后面跟有名词, ...

    17369308625:   how many和howmuch的区别是什么? -
    鄣净岚  ______ how many +单数或者复数how much +不可数名词

    17369308625:   how many friends have you - -- - A made B made with C makes D make -
    鄣净岚  ______ 您好! make friend with 是“与...交朋友”的意思.因为“与...交朋友”这个“与”具有动作对象,因此需要介词with.而题里是“你交了多少朋友”的意思,此处并不需要加介词.因此用made 就可以了(现在完成时make变为made). 您所给出的例子里,也是这种情况:我没有外国朋友可以作为与之练习对话的对象. 这里的“与之”必须用with 来体现. 如有帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

    17369308625:   how many e - friends does he have?怎么回答 -
    鄣净岚  ______ 你好, 这句话问的是他有多少网友. 回答 He has (数字) e-friends. 比如 He has ten e-friends. 他有10个网友. 望采纳.

    17369308625:   求以《how to make friends》为题写一篇英语作文,字数100左右,谢谢 -
    鄣净岚  ______ Every person in this world are the needs of friends, so what friends are very important.When you make friends when you first want to others, it's their right to others, others will equally Hello, this is the same principles.In life, you may be exposed to ...