
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-05-17
  • in ones thirties和in one,s thirty的区别?
    正确的是 in one's thirties 在某人三十多岁
  • she's in her thirties
    in ones thirties是指一个人的30~39岁,30岁年龄层,同义句:She's above thirty.她超过30岁了 但是提醒,改后的表达没有原先的好,还请务必熟记【in ones thirties】这类用法 希望帮助到你!
  • in one's 加年龄复数
    in one's 加年龄复数:“in ones +基数词复数形式”在某人...岁左右=when he\/she was about 20 (30\/40..)about是大约,不分上下,所以可以理解为,20\/30\/40岁上下。在某人...岁出头的时候=in his\/her early twenties\/ forties...early 是早的,理解为,在某人 20来岁的头几年=20岁出...
  • 初中英语
    5.答案:A 解析:senve-foot-tall合起来作一个词用,修饰后面的players。6.答案:D 解析:A.sometimes不时;有时 B.sometime曾经 C.some times某时间 D.some time在未来的某时, 经过若干时间,所以选D。7.答案:A 解析:in ones thirties,在某人三十岁。8.答案:A 解析:be use to doing过...
  • thirty怎么读
    thirty发音是[_θ__ti]。thirty的音标是[_θ__ti],其发音可以根据其音标进行拼读,作为名词表示三十年代。相关例句:He was a young man at his early thirties他是个三十岁出头的年轻人。相关例句:I usually do my homework at around five thirty我通常5点半左右写作业。
  • in ones early thirties
  • 英语in her mid-thirties怎么翻译?
    in her mid-thirties,翻译成汉语:在她35岁左右的时候。应该是34、35、36岁中间的一个。解释:因为thirties指的是 thirty 到thirty-nine(30-39),那么mid是正中间的数字,就是最靠近35.分析:介词短语,在句子里面作时间状语;in one's 整十的基数词的复数,表示在某人几十岁(从整0-9)的时候...
  • three ones对吗
    不对,基数词不可以直接修饰one(s),不可以说two ones,three ones,但可以修饰形容词+one(s)。比如:Now I have six balls in my hands, two red ones and four green ones.我现在手中有六个球,两个红球,四个绿球。one有来代替上文中提到的单数可数名词以避免重复,其复数形式为ones。one...
  • one 和ones的区别
    one 和ones的区别:1、one只能替代单数名词,而one的复数形式ones只能替代复数名词。例如:My child doesn”t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.我的孩子不喜欢这本书。给她看一本更有趣的。2、one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后...
  • 今年十二岁英语单词怎么写?
    1 表示“整岁”,直接用基数词或year,age,例如“他20岁”可表示为: He is twenty. He is twenty years old. He is a twenty-year-old man. He is aged twenty. He is at age twenty. He is at the age of twenty. He is twenty years of age. 2 表示“在某人几十多岁”,用“in ones +基数...

  • 15636137844:   in one's +基数词复数表示什么? -
    羿温戚  ______ 即:在某人几十岁的时候;如: in his twenties在他20岁的时候 希望可以帮到你哈!

    15636137844:   在迈克10岁的时候用“in one`s +基数词复数形式”翻译 -
    羿温戚  ______ in Mike's tens

    15636137844:   在某人三十岁左右是不是翻译成in one's thirty - fifth -
    羿温戚  ______ 一般就是 He's thirty something He's about thirty something He's in his thirties.

    15636137844:   代词中如何区分ones和those -
    羿温戚  ______ 英语中,one、ones、that、those常用作代词,指代前面出现过的名词以避免重复,确保句子的简洁.这些词的一些用法非常相似,下面就对它们的异同作分类说明. 一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法. 1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数...

    15636137844:   关于英语的一个问题有一个句型是:IN ONE'S+逢十的基数词的复数"意思是在某人几十多岁时.那么什么是逢十的基数词? - 作业帮
    羿温戚  ______[答案] in one's teens in one's twenties in one's thirties .

    15636137844:   在某人三十五岁左右是不是翻译成in one's thirty - fifth - 作业帮
    羿温戚  ______[答案] in one's mid-thirties in one's early thirties 31-33 in one's mid thirties 34-36 (三十五岁左右) in on'e late thirties 37-39

    15636137844:   in one's fifties造句 -
    羿温戚  ______ Linda finished her first book in her fifties. Lee won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in his fifties.

    15636137844:   in ones and twos 是什么意思 A、三三两两的 B、三五成群的 C、一双一对的 -
    羿温戚  ______ 1. A used for saying that people do things alone or in small groups 即三三两两的 2.B A person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel - stay-at-home, homebody 即喜欢呆在家里的人

    15636137844:   it,one,ones,that,those的区别用法 -
    羿温戚  ______ it,one,ones,that,those的区别用法 为使表达简洁明了,我们常用 it, one, ones, that, those 等替代词来替代前面已经出现的名词.从近几年的高考英语情况来看,考查替代词的用法和区别一直是一个热点.本文拟就以上几个最重要的替代词的用法...