
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-05-31
  • 状语从句、定语从句
    I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country.5.目的状语从句:通常由that, so that, in order that, so…that, lest, in case(以防、免得)等引导:He got up early in order that he could catch the early bus.She married him so that she ...
  • oder是什么意思
    6.N-COUNT A religious order is a group of monks or nuns who live according to a particular set of rules. 修道会例: ...the Benedictine order of monks. …本笃会。 7.→see also law and order 8.PHRASE If you put or keep something in order, you make sure that it is neat or well ...
  • 英语中各种词的用法
    该类连词主要有:so that,that,in order that,lest,for fear that, in case(that)。例如: She worried for fear that the child would be hurt. 5、引导原因状语的从属连词。该类连词主要有:as,because,since,in that, now that(既然),seeing that(鉴于)。例如: Seeing that it is eight o'clock,we'...
  • 英语初级者必学的英语语法。
    2)引导结果状语从句的连词有:so...that,such...that ,so that,that,so等。 Mickey Mouse is so attractive that the children are reluctant to leave. 3)引导目的状语从句的连词有:so that,in order that,for fear that,lest等,从句常使用may,might,can,could,would等情态动词。 We got up early this ...
  • 欣赏的英语单词怎么写?
    欣赏的英语是appreciate。英 [ə'priːʃieɪt] 美 [ə'priːʃieɪt]vt. 欣赏;赏识;感激;领会;意识到 vi. 增值 例句:I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.翻译:我决定学摄影以便...
  • 短语动词的种类
    Trains stop here in order to pick up passengers only.必须注意,本组短语动词一般都可以构成被动语态。例如:Trains stop here in order that passengers are picked up only.另外,这类短语动词相当于及物动词时,若宾语为名词,一般既可放在短语动词之后,也可放在动词和副词之间。若短语动词的直接宾语为代词,则...
  • 文言虚词“以”字可以翻译为介词“在”吗?貌似没见过这用法,请高手指点...
    [so that;so as to;with the aim of]∶用在下半句话的开头,表示使下文所说的目的容易实现 说话清楚些,以便听懂你的意思 [with an eye to;in order that;in order to;so as to]∶为了有利于 将在外,主令有所不受,以便国家。——《史记·魏公子列传》 以次 yǐcì [in proper order]∶按次序 以次...
  • 高中英语写作中的拿分单词和词组?
    23.lest替换so that \/in order that I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. → I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget long for sth. \/ be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth.\/wish for I want to see you very much. → I am...
  • it was high time that ... 从句要用过去完成式吗??? 请赐教
    (2)在suggest,demand,order,propose,insist,command,request,desire等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”,表示建议、要求、命令等。如: ...It's high time that you started working.你早该开始工作了high timen.应该…的时候It is high time they arrived.他们到得正是时候。 本回答被...
  • A rose by any other name would smell as sweet 是什么意思啊?_百度...
    We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country 我们和西班牙以及其他国家的人民并无分歧。smell 英语发音: [smel]中文释义:v.有(或发出)…气味;闻到,嗅到(气味);闻,嗅(气味)n.气味;难闻的气味;臭味;嗅觉 例句:The room smelled of lemons 房间里有股柠檬的味道。

  • 15658866250:   in order that 后接的从句叫什么从句 -
    衷寿禄  ______ in order that=so that+状语从句

    15658866250:   In order that in order to so that so as to的区别和用法(越具体越好)最好有例句~~ -
    衷寿禄  ______ 1. in order that- = so that- , No difference at all. e.g. I got up early in the morning in order that / so that I could catch the first bus.2. in order(not) to + do sth = so as (not) to do sth, No difference at all. e.g. I got up early in the morning in order to/ so as to ...

    15658866250:   in order that在状语从句中的用法 -
    衷寿禄  ______ 目的状语从句

    15658866250:   用in order that造句 -
    衷寿禄  ______ She get up early everyday in order that she can get to school on time.用In order that 的句子是目的状语从句.

    15658866250:   in order to . such that. so that 的区别在哪 -
    衷寿禄  ______ 回答:提问中的in order to 和 so that 是同义短语,意为“为了”,其中in order to后接动词不定式,而 so that后接从句; 另,in order to 可以位于句首或句末,而so that只能位于句末.如: 为了赶飞机,他们明天早上要起早床. In order to catch ...

    15658866250:   怎么用in order that造句 -
    衷寿禄  ______ lz有没有看错,是不是表示 so that 的意思呢? in order that 本身就是“为了”的意思,而 so 也多做 因此,所以 讲,所以如果用 in order that 就会重复了, 而so that是“以至于”的意思,如果是考察 in order that 和 so that 的区别还有可能...

    15658866250:   以便的英文这么说的啊? - 作业帮
    衷寿禄  ______[答案] so that+从句 in order that + 从句 so as to + do in order to + do

    15658866250:   说一下in order to, so as to, so that的用法.
    衷寿禄  ______ 补充“侢苋④.④”的答案,so that后只能跟句子.

    15658866250:   in order that+句子 造句?! -
    衷寿禄  ______ He got up early in order that he can catch the first train.

    15658866250:   to,so as to,in order to,so that,in order that的区别 -
    衷寿禄  ______ to,so as to,in order to,so that,in order that 的主要区别: 1、to,in order to,in order that 既可用在开头,也可用在句中.so as to ,so that 只能用于句中.
 2、to,so as to,in order to 后面接动词原形,in orde that,so that 后面接从句. 具体用法: