
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16

18548612676:   life 的 用法
兀有曹贷  ______ 名词 n. 1.生命;生存[U] How did life begin? 生命是如何起源的? 2.生物,活的东西[U] There is no life on the moon. 月球上没有生物. 3.(个人的)性命[C] He risked his life to save the child. 他冒生命危险救那孩子. 4.一生;寿命[C] His life was ...

18548612676:   英语作文Smile at life -
兀有曹贷  ______ Smile is a good way to commicate with people that we don't recognisded.and make you life more beautiful. Smile is a skill that everyone should learn how to do ,for example ,when you work out a difficult math issue,your face wear a big smile,when ...

18548612676:   以life on another planet为题写一篇作文 -
兀有曹贷  ______ NASA announced the discovery to date with the most similar to Earth exoplanet Kepler -452b, adding that "astronomers are close to several millennia dream goal - find another Earth" looking for Earth-like planets , but also includes the human ...

18548612676:   英语中共有几个时态,分别是什么? -
兀有曹贷  ______ 动词的时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 将来完成时 过去进行时 将来进行时...

18548612676:   窃恐转死沟壑,伏惟天子哀怜之翻译 -
兀有曹贷  ______ 私下里担心会死在荒郊野外,还希望皇上同情、怜爱我.(“窃”谦辞,要意译为“私自”“私下”;“转死沟壑”是省略了介词的介宾短语倒装,即“(于)沟壑转死”;“伏惟”敬词,多...

18548612676:   请英语高手帮我翻译这段中文 急!谢了! -
兀有曹贷  ______ With the continously development of computer and web or internet, internet play the important role in modern society. Confront the society information progress adv...

18548612676:   初中英语主要知识点 -
兀有曹贷  ______ 一般现在时的用法 1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频腮度的时间状语连用. 时间状语: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实. The earth moves around the ...

18548612676:   高一英语需要背的单词和词组请把高一要背的和重要的都总结出来细细
兀有曹贷  ______ Unit 16 actise doing sth 练习做... 2.Safety comes first. 安全第一. careful ... 17. even if/though 即使,尽管 18.word play 俏皮话 certainof/about/todo对...确定 ...

18548612676:   帮帮忙纠错英语 -
兀有曹贷  ______ Finishing this fine tear-jerker,I was touched and impressed by the messages the story conveying. First of all, no matter what happen to you,never give up. If you loss your tiny hope, no one could help you. When you counter with a setback, the wise ...