
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 你的学校有图书馆吗?用两种英文翻译
    (2)Does your school have any libraries?
  • He is an American child改为复数形式
    1 What an intersting film it is!This film is so interesing.2 How do they go to school?3 He was too busy to go to the concert.4 They are American children.
  • Thats chool needs an English teacher 中needs 为什么要加s??_百...
    在这个句子里,that school是主语,是单三,所以need要加s,除了单三没有别的情况 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
  • 七年级英语
    12.Children’s Palace:少年宫 13.chool\/family rules:校\/家规 14.make dinner:做饭 15.wear a uniform:穿制服 16.gym class:体育课 17.enjoy nice words about my looks:喜欢赞美自己的话 18.wash the clothes:洗衣服 51 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 海面涛涛 2009-10-14 ...
  • many there are trees across the road 连词成句 hotel there is th...
    2. There is a hotel behind the building.3. Where is the City Library?It's on the Xinhua street, between the post office and the supermarket.4. Where is your school?My school is on the Nanjing Road, next to the park.5. Were you born in Luoyang?Yes, I was.\/No,I wasn...
  • 初一下学期英语复习资料
    复数形式为:leaves, 类似的变化还有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves, knife—knives等。 7、hour n. 小时;点钟 hour前边通常加上冠词an 表示“一个小时”,即:an hour。 There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour. 8、be from 来自… be from = come from Pandas are from China. = Pandas...
  • 以Welcome to my school 为题,写一篇不少于50字的作文
    grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful. In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, which is very clean and beautiful. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. There all kinds of book in the library....
  • 以welcome. to. wuzhong为题目写一篇作文
    now school is over.we are playing games on the playgound.look!Figure is playing Figure and Figure is playing Figure . we all like playing baskerball ,so we are playing basketball game you thingk my chool life is very interest? please come and visit my school. welcome ...

  • 19222042253:   any表示任何的时候 后面的名词用单数还是复数? -
    殷钢狄  ______ 用单数还是复数都可以,视情况而定. 例句: 复数: We can read any books from the school library. 我们可以阅读学校图书馆里任何书. 单数: It could not be any other way. 它不可能是任何其他方式”. 追问: 没有任 何东 西了 回答: 没有任 何东 西了,就用单数. 追问: 怎么说 回答: 没有任 何东 西了,东西只能为0个,0个是用单数的 追问: 我是说 没有任 何东 西了 英文怎么说 回答: There isn't any thing. 其实最好用; There isn't anything. There is nothing.

    19222042253:   1.There is library in the school.【改为复数形式】 2.What's in the room【用there be 句型回答】 3.There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class.【改为同... - 作业帮
    殷钢狄  ______[答案] 1.There are libraries in the schools. 2.There are two little boys in the room. 3.There are thirty students in my class 4.There aren't any teachers in the reading room. 5.Where is your schoolbag? 6.How many toys are there in the box? 7.What're in this ...

    19222042253:   school的复数形式 -
    殷钢狄  ______ schools 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

    19222042253:   Hou many( )(library)are there in your school -
    殷钢狄  ______ How many libraries are there in your school?你们学校有多少个图书馆?学校,特别是在大学里,往往有多个图书馆.

    19222042253:   library 的复数是什么 -
    殷钢狄  ______ libraries library 本身就是名词,是图书馆的意思, 复数形式为libraries

    19222042253:   图书馆的复数是什么?(请标明英文与中文) - 作业帮
    殷钢狄  ______[答案] 单数 library 复数 libraries

    19222042253:   school有没有复数 -
    殷钢狄  ______ 有 不过很少出现. 首先,school是可数名词,有复数 schools 作为一个词语时,名词,指学校,养成所,专科学校等. 例句与用法如下: 1. When new math was introduced into schools, many parents were perplexed by it. 当学校开设新的数学...

    19222042253:   不要在学校图书馆里大声说话如何翻译?library需要用复数吗? -
    殷钢狄  ______ Do not speak loudly in the school library!不用复数的

    19222042253:   schoolwork的复数是什么 - 作业帮
    殷钢狄  ______[答案] schoolwork是不可数名词 没有复数形式

    19222042253:   school subjects是单数还是复数 -
    殷钢狄  ______ school subjects是复数