
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-17
  • trapped怎么读英语
  • ...cried when our school football team ___ ( lose ) t
    小题8:此题考查动词的被动语态,根据汉语提示可知要用过去分词trapped.小题9:此题考查形容词的比较级,根据语境可知此句的含义雷声变得非常小了,故用slighter.小题10:此题考查固定短语hurry to do sth表示急忙做某事,又因描述的是过去事件,故用过去式hurried.小题11:此题考查名词government的书写.小题...
  • ...would continue searching for them the trapped miners
  • sustained the trapped miners什么意思
    sustained the trapped miners 持续被困的矿工 双语例句 1 The only hope that a rescue team would be searching for them sustained thetrapped miners.一支救援队伍将要来寻找被困矿工,这是他们赖以坚持下去的唯一希望。2 Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer sustained the trappedm...
  • trapped miners是什么意思
    trapped miners 被困矿工 例句:1.Mr. mamani, the only non-chilean among the trapped miners, was the fourth miner rescued.马马尼是被困矿工当中唯一的外国人,是第四个被救出的矿工。2.A rescue team is trying to reach the trapped miners.营救队正设法赶到矿工被困的地方.3.At a mine ...
  • 英语专业翻译进来
    利:发挥团队作用,促进组织合作,形成企业的核心价值观;Advantage:give play to team function, promote oranizational cooperation and form enterprise core value.弊:容易被操纵,过度的一致性压制创新,过度突出团体弱化个人发展,排斥其他“精神”,在组织需要变革时成为阻力!Disadvantage:team will be ...
  • thanks to the hard work of the rescue team , the
    因为主句中的谓语 were saved是一般过去时, who【 had been trapped】 in the mine 这个定语从句中的谓语是先于主句谓语动词发生的, 过去的过去, 要用过去完成时 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步 ...
  • The rescue team has saved more than ten people___under the collapsed...
    C 考查非谓语动词。more than ten people与trap构成逻辑上的被动关系,需用被动语态,可选B、C;再根据句中的has saved,知trap动作已经完成,故用过去分词。句意为:自从雅安地震发生以来,这个救援小队已经从倒塌的建筑物下救出了10多个人。答案: C ...
  • 关于英语翻译
    1.I was living in that house whoes the window faced south.2.Many countries sent a rescue team to dig out the trapped people and buried the dead people.
  • assist in和assist with的区别是什么?
    从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析assist in 和assist wih的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "Assist in":表示在某项活动、任务或过程中提供帮助或协助。- "Assist with":表示与某人或某事一起提供帮助或协助。例句:- He will assist in organizing the event.(他将协助...

  • 13387682932:   地震中/后我们该做什么? - 作业帮
    成吕丹  ______[答案] When the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. Only calm and peace will it be ... as close as possible to water, once trapped, are trying to contact with the outside world, with the exception of using a mobile ...

    13387682932:   be trapped后加什么介词 -
    成吕丹  ______ 如果是在洞里就是in, 不是的话用with也可以

    13387682932:   be trapped in 和be caught in ,be lost in 的区别 -
    成吕丹  ______ be trapped in 指陷入困境 They were trapped in the burning building. be caught in 指突然遭受 She was caught in an traffic accident. be lost in 指全神贯注;沉浸于 I was lost in thought.

    13387682932:   be caught in 与be stuck in 和be trapped in 的区别 - 作业帮
    成吕丹  ______[答案] be caught in陷入,卷入例句:We were caught in the storm and got drenched.我们遇上大雨全都被浇透了.If you take over Dora's job, you are sure to be caught in the middle.如果接替多拉的工作,你一定会被搞得进...

    13387682932:   过去式的be动词+动词的什么形式?doing或者did?如was doing my housework,was trapped,在什么情况用 -
    成吕丹  ______ doing或者did?其实不是这个问题 是doing或者done的问题 其实啊 是主动被动的问题 was doing my housework这是说过去的某个时间正在做 正在发生的 这是主动语态 而was trapped是被绊倒 被动语态

    13387682932:   deep和deeply区别Wewereall - sho
    成吕丹  ______ We were all _______ shocked when we heard that some workers we're trapped ______ in the mine. A.deep;deeply B.deeply;deeply C.deeply;deep D.deep;deep 正确答案:C 译文:当我们听说有些煤矿工人被困在深井里时我们大家都非常震惊. 解析: 抽象意义的深用deeply,可以测量的深用deep. "非常震惊"中"震惊"的程度之深是不能测量的,所以用deeply,矿井深的程度是可以测量的,所以用deep.所以答案选C.

    13387682932:   map mapper 什么意思 -
    成吕丹  ______ global mapper 地图绘制软件; 全球地图测绘仪 例句筛选 1. The Device mapper module must be loaded at system startup. 设备映射器模块必须在系统启动时装载. 2. The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap . 陷在缝...

    13387682932:   8.12 The girl cried because she - - the elevator The girl cried because she - - the elevator. - 作业帮
    成吕丹  ______[选项] A. has trapped in B. had trapped by C. was trapped with D. was trapped in 请说明理由,