
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-01
  • 有关新加坡TEP签证,急求解答
    TEP一般至少会给到1年,即使雇佣方只提供6个月,但是MOM会直接给一年。只要雇佣方不取消,那么MOM的有效期 没有问题。关于月工资,虽然网站那么规定,但是好像没有管那么严格啊。只要雇佣方提出申请,MOM就给批准了。

  • 15024527255:   求英语高手来解决一道题目 -
    戈富乐  ______ 晕,你是几年级的呀?这题都能选错?选A意为“你必须给我五英镑!”,请问英语里有人教过你用这样的语气说话吗?选C,spend的宾语可以是me吗?而且你要怎么翻译啊?选D,更不应该,take me five pounds 那是个什么意思啊?真理解不了你啊.pay 意为你必须付给我五英镑,这就说通了.eg.1.Mom,Idon't have much pocket money please me five pounds.2.I spend five pounds on this book.3.This book take me five pounds.2、3都表示这本书花费我五英镑

    15024527255:   付钱的英文怎么说 -
    戈富乐  ______ 我补充两个: pay (some money) for sth in cash; buy sth for some money

    15024527255:   英语中表示有花费的意思的单词有哪些?他们有什么区别?
    戈富乐  ______ 1 spend ex:spend sometime doing sth 2 take ex:it takes sb sometime to do sth 3 cost ex: it costs sb to do sth 4 pay ex: pay for 5 aford ex:sb aford to do

    15024527255:   数组输出 -
    戈富乐  ______ 算法有点小问题,其实不用交换的,我给你代码:c++语言:#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ int i,money[15],max,min,ans=0; long h=0; for(i=1;i<=12;i++)scanf("%d",&money[i]); max=1;//假设第一个最大 min=1;//假设第一...

    15024527255:   英语 四个花费的应用 -
    戈富乐  ______ cost 为花费.it cost sb. money to do sth. 东西 花费 sb 钱 去做什么 expend 消费,消耗(一般后面不跟钱) Every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force spend 消费,花费.(可以跟钱) I spend $40dollars in buying this new shirt. pay for.... 付款,或者Pay .... for... i pay four dollars for a shit. i pay four this shirt.

    15024527255:   被动语态的时态怎样区分 -
    戈富乐  ______ 被动语态的口决 一般现、过用be done,be有人称、时、数变. 完成时态have done,被动将been加中间. 一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done. 将来进行无被动,shall (will) be doing, 现在完成进行同,have (has) been doing. 现、过进行be doing, 被动be加being done. 情、助、有、是妥安排,一律随新主语变. 否定助后加not,疑问一助置主前. 主语恰是疑问词,直陈语序主在前. 一般情助加be done,双宾多将间宾变. 复合宾语宾变主,宾补、主补相应变.

    15024527255:   初二英语. 1、用人+pay+钱+for sth . 用这个短语,造句. 2、It takes +sb+时/钱+to do sth. -
    戈富乐  ______ I paid ten yuan for a pen .我花了十元钱买一支钢笔. It took me half an hour to finish my homework .我花了半小时完成作业.

    15024527255:   take+sth+to和take+money/time+to有什么区别 -
    戈富乐  ______ take money/time to的意思是花费多少钱或花费多少时间做某事 一般是It takes sb some time/money to do sth 这时it放前面,指代某一件事...take it to..是指某某指把某物带给...it放take后面.主语放take 前面

    15024527255:   请详答( )4....—— What did she - -----so much money?
    戈富乐  ______ 答案选C. buy for 人+spend+钱+on+物;人+pay+钱+for+物;物+cost+人+钱. What did she buy for so much money ? 她花那么多钱买了什么? buy+物+for+钱 for表等价交换.

    15024527255:   用下列句式造句 主语+spend+some time/some money 【in】 doing sth 主语+spend+sometime/some on sth -
    戈富乐  ______ i spent two hours working out this problem.i spent two hours on this took me two hours to work out this problem.i spent 10 yuan on this book.i paid 10 yuan for this book.this book cost me 10 yuan.