
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • free time 可数吗
    free time不可数。free time译为:空闲时间; time表示“次,回”时是可数名词。表示“时期,时世,时代,境况,当代”时用复数形式,表示“时间”为不可数名词。 扩展资料 time用法:1.表示抽象意义的“时间”,不可数。如:Time will show which of us is right.时间能证明咱们谁对谁错。...
  • 珍惜时间英语名言
    41、每个人在某些时间可能是一个蠢材,但没有一个人在所有时间里都是蠢材。 Everyone may be a fool at some time, but no one is a fool at all times. 42、世上真不知道有多少能成就功业的人,都因把难得的时间轻轻放过以致默默无闻了。 The world really does not know how many people can achieve ...
  • 英文作文FREE TIME
    FREE TIME If you ask me what will you do during my spare time my wer and describtion of my free time hobby should be surely lengthly and brief as I have numerous after-school courses and I got a lot of fun from them. I love playing piano and I spend quite a lot of ...
  • some free times正确吗?
    应该说成:some free time.一些空闲时间。因为time当时间讲是不可数的,不能加s。
  • 大学英语作文how to spend your free time怎么写?
    My Free Time I have a lot of things to do in my time.Usually I take exercise after school.我的空闲时间,我有很多事情要做,我的.时间。放学后我通常锻炼。I 1ike basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some ...
  • time的用法
    times 倍:用来表示某物被乘或除的次数: This tree is three times taller than that one. My library is many times smaller than hers. 这棵树比那棵树高三倍。我的藏书比她的少好几倍 One's lifetime. 人的一生 One's period of greatest activity or engagement. 人一生中最活跃或好斗的时期 A ...
  • my free time作文,要过去进行时,初二水平,60词到80词
    is relaxing.Jackie Zhou is my favourtie singer .On sunday free time I often read caricature books, it is very fun. On weekend I usually do housework with my mother .Oh!Sometimes I often went camping with my friends in free times. So My free time is vrey busy and funny.
  • 翻译英语!!!
    3.She already more than three months did not receive the son to send a letter here, she worries his safety very much.( concern)4.Any with think Pan to fill the related affair of young lady, these little boys are all very interested in( concern)5.We all think that he is ...
  • 英语作文,求给了。。
    你好~Everyone has his own free time and has different way to enjoy life. Some like watching TV; some prefer playing computering games. As for me, I like joining different clubs or salons such as literature club or poetry salon. I also read a lot in my spare time. In ...
  • 英文离别感言翻译?
    So the person bestows like above this girl, the stranger of the educate also cannot help seeing this blame mainstream a few times wear up more,Louis Vuitton Bag, the eye is very huge, the girl with very good peel, former unknown to public, flatly light primp mushroom actually ...

  • 13462541781:   it's reported that most of the familie's income is 3 times or more what it was 3 years ago
    和强郭  ______ 这里的what引导的从句是跟在3 times后面的,"or more"是个补充说明,所以不是比较状语从句,不能用than,3 times what it was three years ago“是3年前的3倍”.倍数的表达方式:times + 名词+ of,比如:His room is twice the size of mine.他的房间有我的2倍大,= his room is twice as big as mine. 例句中what 引导名词性从句,代替的就是上面我说的times后面跟的名词.

    13462541781:   英语中怎样表达甲是乙的几倍,甲比乙大几倍 -
    和强郭  ______ 英语中倍数的表达方法不少,举其中常见的例子1、甲+be+倍数+形容词比较级+than+乙2、甲+be+倍数+as+形容词原型+as+乙3、甲+be+倍数+the+计量名词+of+乙 注:倍数就是数字+times,两倍的话可以直接用twice. 计量名词就是比较的什么,尺寸size? 高度height?长短length等

    13462541781:   一个英语翻译问题,谢谢 -
    和强郭  ______ 增长十倍有很多种说法 sth increase/explodes/grow by ten times10 times more than……” 也对,或者increased by more than 10 times 数字增减及倍数的译法主要有以下几种:第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法:1.句式特征:by+名词+...

    13462541781:   请高手帮我写写这题英语 -
    和强郭  ______ 1—5:ABCBA 2-10:ABAAD11-15: BAAAC 16-20: BACAB21-25: CBBCD做的我头大了

    13462541781:   英语比较级里副词怎么变化我老师有时候说双音节要加more,有的副词又说去y为ier,到底怎么加,最好举一些例子 - 作业帮
    和强郭  ______[答案] 比较等级: 副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式.但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most . hard harder hardest fast faster fastest early earlier earliest much more most warmly more warmly most ...

    13462541781:   副词最高级的用法 -
    和强郭  ______ 不用.因为前面有定冠词the.

    13462541781:   女孩人数是男孩人数的3倍 英语怎么说there are three times as many girls as boys.the girls are two/ three times more than boys.the girls are three times the ... - 作业帮
    和强郭  ______[答案] three 可以

    13462541781:   比较级的用法和构成? -
    和强郭  ______ 1楼 英语比较级表:学习查询比较级与最高级的构成和用法很方便. 比较的用法: ①双方比较, 表示一方超过另一方时, 用“比较级+than”的结构表示.例如:This pen is better than that one. He is cleverer than his sister. 但注意这种表达法:...

    13462541781:   英语的句型转换
    和强郭  ______ 1)It's not clear 2) four times more

    13462541781:   翻译:你再说三遍! -
    和强郭  ______ Three times more~!