
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 求2011年6月19日全国英语A级考试答案!!!
    作文 I'm Sweet .I am very glad to write for you. Though my English is not vehy good ,I also want to try my best to write for you . I want to give you al my sweet ,In fact, my English name is Candy. but there has already haven it .So I just to write S...
  • 2010.8希望英语笔记,哪位好心人帮帮忙!!!拜托,7日-15日的帮帮忙...
    lick one's chops流口水;dry pork肉松 volunteer志愿者;homeless无家可归的 staircase楼梯;groan 呻吟...troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cautous谨慎的 nimble敏捷...(好像不对)over-reacting反应过度Aggressive 好斗的Hippos 河马presispent 坚持着(好像有错)Do not ...
  • 各位 哥哥姐姐 们帮帮忙啊!跪求2010年7月~8月的希望英语笔记。_百度知 ...
    Which flavor do you recommend?(您推荐哪种口味?)Spicy.(辣味。)7月 9 日baboon(狒狒)retreat(...volunteer志愿者;homeless无家可归的 staircase楼梯;groan 呻吟 vaccine疫苗;foster family寄养家庭 stray...grumpy 脾气暴躁的;troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cauto...
  • 2009年7月8月希望英语笔记
    grumpy 脾气暴躁的;troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cautous谨慎的 nimble敏捷的gravity重力 sleek光滑的detect探测bearing方位 aggressive 攻击性强的 infamous 名声狼籍的 lobster龙虾;omnivorous杂食的 fake a few moves花拳绣腿;vampire吸血鬼, big-shot大腕 e...
  • 希望英语7.月8月的词汇和句型,尽量多一些哈~
    grumpy 脾气暴躁的;troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cautous谨慎的 nimble敏捷的gravity重力 sleek光滑的detect探测bearing方位 aggressive 攻击性强的 infamous 名声狼籍的 lobster龙虾;omnivorous杂食的 fake a few moves花拳绣腿;vampire吸血鬼, big-shot大腕 e...
  • 希望英语笔记(7月-8月)
    grumpy 脾气暴躁的;troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cautous谨慎的 nimble敏捷的gravity重力 sleek光滑的detect探测bearing方位 aggressive 攻击性强的 infamous 名声狼籍的 lobster龙虾;omnivorous杂食的 fake a few moves花拳绣腿;vampire吸血鬼, big-shot大腕 e...
  • 希望英语7-8月的笔记&关键词
    volunteer志愿者;homeless无家可归的 staircase楼梯;groan 呻吟 vaccine疫苗;foster family寄养家庭 stray...grumpy 脾气暴躁的;troghy 战利品 commander首领acrobatic杂技表演 intervene介入grief悲伤mimic模仿 cauto...had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事 43. at the weekend 在周末 44. on time 按时 ...
  • 希望英语2010年的寒假笔记
    最近几天的是主持人去山东的节目,,都是句子哈 2.8:Go beachcombing.赶海.It's in the hole !胜利了.Do it right smart.对了,接着做. Go guys go.加油.I was born in the year of rat \/sheep我鼠\/羊年出生 You're back to go .错了,重做 2.9: It's my meet.情况很理想 Get ...
  • 求海鸣威英文介绍..急用.
    After the United States entered the First World War, he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in ..."Why the hell do the good and brave have to die before everyone else?" he said. However,
  • 求10年的希望英语7。8 月份的单词与短语
    Do not bother me 别烦我 8-4动物杀手(上)cold-blooded killer冷血杀手 rattlesnake响尾蛇 rodent啮齿动物 cold-blooded animal冷血动物 The rattlesnake has enough venom to kill about a thousand pack rats.一条响尾蛇的毒液足以杀死一千只林鼠。viper毒蛇 American badger美洲獾 scorpion蝎子 Kangaroo...

  • 15512542981:   volunteer to do sth. 造句 -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ He volunteered to do the job. 他自愿去做那份工作.

    15512542981:   2.I don't know what - ----(do)next 3.why not - -- - (take)a taxi to go there? -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 2.to do 3.take (why not +动词原形)

    15512542981:   how to be a good volunteer -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ Volunteering can be a rewarding activity as it provides a natural high to individuals as they give their time helping others. Although there are numerous types of volunteer opportunities available across the United States and in your area, there are very...

    15512542981:   谁能帮忙分析下why would you do that?这句话.是虚拟吗?would 怎么用法? -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 这句话是属于简单句中的虚拟语气.——说话时,为了表示客气、谦虚、委婉而有礼貌,言语常使用虚拟语气.其虚拟语气的结构形式常为:would / could / might / should +do. eg: Would you mind me shutting the door? 你介意我把门关起来吗? You should always learn this lesson by heart. 你要把这个教训牢记于心.

    15512542981:   急啊!帮我翻译这篇英语稿~ -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 是或不是一个志愿者(广州亚运会) 答:您好,三十,你会怎样做? B组:您好, XXX.I '米去参加义工队的广州亚运会. 答:噢...广州亚运会将于11月12日, 2010.Why你想成为一名志愿者? B :我的中文.在中国广州举行这次亚运会改造道...

    15512542981:   选择题和选词填空,请说明原因. -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 1、The first thing _____ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.A.Which B.that C.why D.who答案:B.本题考查定语从句.由题干可知,定语从句中先行...

    15512542981:   求一篇关于志愿者英语作文题目是 My election address 内容结果如下 ,80字左右 -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ I am so proud that my city will host the sports meeting this year. I have been living here since I was born, so I know the city well. I really want to do something for this city. I am fascinated about so many things like doing sports during free time. In terms ...

    15512542981:   Why is it in November that we tend to think of a way to thank volunteers? 语法 -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 为什么要在十一月我们才有心去想法感谢志愿者?主句是why is it in November, that we tend to think of a way to thank volunteers做 了NOVEMBER的定语从句

    15512542981:   why do you have a shower so early?because my brother takes - --shower at six……这个空填his 还是his a ?
    尉迟桑怪  ______ his,his和a不能同时用的.

    15512542981:   英语中的动词不定式如何构成的? -
    尉迟桑怪  ______ 动词不定式构成:to+ do(动词原形) 否定式:not to+do 动词原形 动词不定式特点:动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语.可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语.一. 带to的不定式结构 1. 我们学过...