求《在阳光下成长》英语演讲稿,原创不原创都没关系,500~800词吧。拜托了。 诗歌《在党的阳光下成长》 80 字一定要精品~~~~~~好的...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-02
" Grow up in the sun" to give a lecture draftThis season, all flowers bloom together.I walk in the campus to the hallway, reaching across clusters of green, found that the campus all take on an altogether new aspect. This time I, also have mixed feelings. Remember me, and do not know a thing, like a plant growth in greenhouse rose, no baptism of wind and rain, but never heard a little voice, outside. " In the home is little emperors, is a teacher at the school 's treasure." The old grandfather once told me so. " I'll grow up." Every time I say. Remember the first textbooks through sister. Inadvertently turned to" swallow", after reading it, stood for a long time, finally threw doubt to his sister heard:" sister, you say how love storm petrel stormy ah, what good ah, so horrible." Do not remember his sister answered, she said is beyond my understanding. Such as:" can a storm baptism, to make a personal growth. Just like in the storm petrels can exercise self. Storm petrel desire, longing for the storm to drive away the clouds and storms. For you, those dark clouds and storms is you are fragile." I don't know the words, but now it seems, like sister said, those storms, can drive the fragility of my heart. And let me know how it all, my school, my teacher, and my classmates.Year after year, day and night, I in the seasonal growth. On 2007, I finally became a middle school student. And many of the new campus of middle school students, I dream a dream, started my school trip, I dream of calling safely through the first year. This year, I continue to play the role of greenhouse flowers, the teachers care, students of friendship, let me every day happy wake up, laughing. I made a promise to myself: in this beautiful campus to show their best side. This year, let me very memorable, because this is my children when at the end of the year. Some people say:" every encounter a storm, is once again." Yes, for the first time in my life the storm, is my second day. The second day has just arrived, I from the students heard the school selection announcer. Like to have your promise, I have the gas to be chosen. In the crowd, I saw a strange faces, hands out in cold sweat, this is the first time I come out from the greenhouse. Is the school for giving me such a chance, so that I can face the wind and rain, the wind and rain. I was lucky enough to pass, but know, at this time, wind and rain has just come. The announcer work a lot, every week there will be a day at noon ate bread driving time to broadcast, because eating is no time, I have a drag. Over and over again took the manuscript, and then broadcast. I know my hard work will not be in vain, I can order the school to a force, even if it is a too small. I also became a of the class commissary in charge of publicity, propaganda committee member's duty, is a weekly pay two broadcast draft. I always enjoy it was written, and occasionally broadcasts will read his script, the heart will slightly hot: as long as you understand that is good, as long as you know, in their efforts to. Occasionally the class will be jealous, I also cried. They broadcast the work look too easy, they only heard my radio voice, but did not see me in the crowd in the team stumbled, only to buy one to eat bread, also did not see me in the evening light writing one of another manuscript. I think, as long as you know that is good, as long as you know, in his efforts, in order to school work, I went to one's heart's content. I did not think of is, my work finally had success, every broadcast draft increasingly rich, also a good response in each grade. I think, I finally for the school, for everyone to try. Shortly after my sister came to my house. She walked away leaving only one sentence:" brother, you are grown up, you know how to take responsibility, you are no longer the child, you have a mind of your own small adults!" I hear moist eyes. New year's day show host is my last job, stand Huaguang overflowing the podium, suddenly remind grandpa 's promise:" I will grow up." And now is the promise to achieve the moment: I really grow up. Because my school, gave me such an opportunity, let me face the trials and tribulations of the opportunity, let me have chance, let me the chance to grow up!Now, what can I say? I can say: Thank you for long. This year's season. Looking at the clusters of green, I know, I have to this beautiful and dedication, I went to one's heart's content. Even now I'm no longer is the announcer, but I can still be with all their strength, for this campus, for everyone, to sacrifice!




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