为什么学英语(用英文回答) 急啊!!!!! 我们为什么要学好英语啊?急!

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “why do we learn English?” then the answer is, simply, to succeed in the exams. Everybody knows that English is a good medium of communication, within the world, so we must learn it. Everybody knows that English is the most widely used international language of today. It is spoken by more than half of the people of the world. By learning English we can enlarge our mental horizons and increase our knowledge because we shall have a better chance of reading a wide variety of books, newspapers, and magazines.

English is the most-widely used language in th World. In order to communicate with other people effectively and learn the advance science and technology from other people, we need to learn English and master it.

英国开始的工业时代,美国开始的电子时代,无疑人家英语国家的现代化弄得早 弄得好,学语言么 就是为了通过这个工具 来学人家长 补自己短咯。
另外么,现代化带来的各种社会 意识 文化形态,我们国家不是在经历中就是将要经历,它山之石 也能攻玉的。

Because I am interested in English very much and I am eager to communicate with foreign friends!

We Chinese learn English in order to make the world learn our Chinese.


回答: 你为什么要学英语,你为什么喜欢英语?~



#家文旺# 急急急急!英语作文:为何学习英语 -
(15715823645): Nowadays more and more people try to study english.but most of don't understand why they study it.In fact english becomes more and more important because of its quanlity of the students.In our world almost every country's school have english class...

#家文旺# 英语作文题为“为什么要学习英语”可以尽快回答吗?...
(15715823645): 为了适应社会的发展需要,美国是现在最发达国家,了解它的语言能够让我们更好的发展与进步…也能更好的交朋友

#家文旺# 求一篇关于我们为什么要学英语的英语作文,急急急
(15715823645): Why should we learn English? Today English become more and more important . And in China every student learns English and other people study English as well . But why should we learn English? Firstly , English is one of offical languages . ...

#家文旺# 关于《为什么要学习英语》的一篇180词的英语小短文 -
(15715823645): The English language has now become an international language because it is used by people of the most countries in the world. e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333332643865 In the open times if you want to do business with foreigners, you ...

#家文旺# 为什么学英语英语怎么说 -
(15715823645): Why do you learn English 你为什么学英语 English 英语 我的目的是过专业英语6级

#家文旺# 为什么要学英语啊? -
(15715823645): 我是中国人,死是中国魂,身在大洋洲,英文必要能,英语一级棒代表我爱国!

#家文旺# 为什么我们要学英语?
(15715823645): 语言不是某一个人发明的,而是随着社会的发展逐渐形成的.至于英语,是从拉丁语发展过来的. 为什么学英语,就目前来看,最功利的回答是因为英语是考试科目. 除此之外,学英语的好处还是相当多的,出国后,作为语言交流自不必多说, 就算你只在国内,当你作一些比较有深度的学问研究时, 查找英文文献常常是免不了的,所以这时候学英语的用处就体现出来了.

#家文旺# 为什么要学英语?为什么国际通用语言是英语? -
(15715823645): 在今天,世界上以英语为母语的国家有十余个,它们是:美国,加拿大,英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,南非和几个加勒比国家.以英语为官方语言的国家超过七十个,其中包括尼日利亚,加纳,印度和新加坡.这个数字目前还在增加.在...

#家文旺# 为什麽要学英语?
(15715823645): 其实也只是一门语言.只是为了更好的交流.

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(15715823645): There are so many people learning English now. They have different motives to learn it. Someone learn it because it is necessary in their work. Someone want to go abroad so they have to learn English. You know it is an international language. ...