多长时间能学会汉语? 我们每天学习多少? 学会一门语言最短要多长时间

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16







How Much Time Is It Realistic to Learn a Language in?

There are many guesses and people suggesting you can learn a language in a night, a week or similar short periods of time. Let’s be realistic for a bit. Let’s look at some data and see what it can tell us for if people in general need a certain time to learn the language, let’s not assume that it can be done way faster with some magical woodoo-learning methods. I was checking out the ILA France language lists page and found the following estimates for learning French to levels of the European Common Languages Framework which I have already described. Here’s the time needed to achieve each level from the start in French according to them:

A1 – 60 hours
A2 – 160 hours
B1 – 310 hours
B2 – 490 hours
C1 – 690 hours
C2 – 890 hours

That is, about 900 hours and you are pretty much fluent in French by their standards. How much is that? That is 37 full 24 hour days. It is more reasonable to think that a person would study a language for three hours a day so it would take him around eight times that which is almost 10 months. If you double it to six hours a day, you can do it in 5 months. From my experience, it is very hard to practice the language more than that (and even that) in any given day, so if these estimates are any good, it is achievable and maybe realistic, granted you are living in a French-speaking country, to become fluent in half a year or so. If you are only aiming for B2 (B2 is pretty communicative) and you’re good, you can achieve it in 3 months.

By comparison, it takes you only 60 hours to get the very basics of it (A1) which you could do in about two weeks of practicing assuming you do it with a similar intensity. Not bad, 60 hours, is it? You could learn the basics of 15 languages at the same time it takes you to learn one to fluency! That explains it how there are people who can seemingly communicate in many languages. I, in fact, would choose to do so over the “fluent in one” thing unless I really needed that one.

I checked this for my 6 months Greek challenge and I am aiming at B2 (thus my standards for fluency are way lower than than have assumed in this article). I’d need about 490 hours if Greek could be equated to French and this makes it 490 / 6*30 or about 2.75 hours a day. I’m doing way less during my first few months so it will probably be more like 4 to 5 hours when I am in Greece. I believe that this number is achievable and reasonable in terms of my challenge, although challenging, which is what I am aiming for in the first place. I also know some tips and tricks from my previous experience so maybe that will reduce my workload.

How reliable is this data? Well, Wikipedia also cites this site:
Deutsche Welle (sponsored by the German government) suggests A-1 is reached with about 75 hours of German study. A-2.1 about 150 hours. A-2.2 about 225 hours. B 1.1 about 300 hours. B 1.2 about 400 hours.

Kind of similar numbers, at least in the beginning. Also it can be argued that German is harder than French (for example due to noun genders) – I know how tricky it is to assert something like that – so it takes more time to learn it. It still is relying on authority for they do not specify explicitly on the pages how they got the data but the fact that both of these institutions seem to have similar numbers and that they are both respectable institutions (funded by the government and doing research), I would tend to believe that they are indeed believable at least to some extent.

Thus I could say that fluency in 6 months is possible if you really try very very hard. A year is more likely and you can be more laid-back and follow your natural style, although it still is quite a challenge for studying at least 3 hours a day every day is not that easy. Fluency in shorter periods is unrealistic according to the data unless you are aiming for lower levels of fluency (like me, yet I still have six months… well, I never told you I wasn’t lazy). Listen to the data or not, that’s your choice.

1. 俄罗斯人学法语(英语为第二语言)How I Learned French in One Year
2. Becoming fluent in French within one year
3. Achieve Advanced Fluency in French
4. QUORA-How much time does it take an average adult to learn a new language?
几点注意:首先,参照一个FSI 学生在课堂上的学习时间. 以上小时数可能在现实学习当中需要乘以1.6 或 1.8倍来计算准确的学习时间。其次,“掌握”指的是“阅读和说话的熟练以及流利程度”,而非母语的熟练程度。



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#常融应# 怎样学好英语. -
(15633147020): 1.学发音应该算英语中最难的,因为我们会由于自己的汉语发音方式很难习惯那些发音,最好的办法就是找个懂发音的人教你,一点一点的给你纠正.只有学好发音你才能更快的掌握后面的,它是基础的基础2.

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(15633147020): 呵呵.英语,我给您说下,您说的会,我不知道怎么叫会. 拿汉语来说,我们都说了几十年了,但是叫我们用汉语 写一篇文章,关于机械或者医学的,我们也不会.一个字也不会写. 这就牵扯了深层,进一步的学问,涉及到了专业. 如果您说您就是想和外国人沟通,而且沟通的口语没问题, 那您也是学会了英语,要看你的层次,比方说,做老师的, 做培训的,做翻译的,做国际贸易出口的,都不一样的. 掌握的程度都不同.

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(15633147020): 看你学习的方法,学习的环境与你接受能力.如果你想全面发展你的英语水平,建议你把学习分成几个方面来学、 写作: 坚持每天写一些文章 (当然是用英语写的) 一开始200-300词左右,后面当你觉得写出来没有太大的问题可以慢慢提高....

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#常融应# 学好英语一般要多少时间? -
(15633147020): 学英语所要花费的时间不一,根据自身的英语基础和时间规划,以及学习方法来确定的. 若是零基础并自学的方式,所要花费的时候则是按年来开始算的,还容易导致自身的发音可能不标准,没有老师的纠正;而找辅导班来辅导英语,则时间...