给我一些关于人物动作描写的英语句子! 关于人物动作描写的英语名段

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-05-23

The boy runs well, already began sprinting into uniform runs way from. He is like a pony head: a stride frequency symmetry, compact, pedal, powerful, waist relaxed -- the whole action is beautiful and full of elasticity


I heard this very ill-affected, also be like him to climb the tree, we did not expect that girl's physical strength is not good, to get more than a foot, hand a loose, foot slipped," splash" slipped down. However, I was not discouraged, but also thought than climb a tree picking loquat more subtle approach: I let forest Lily took a long bamboo pole, and let the red home used wooden pitchfork, I put the wooden pitchfork tied on a bamboo pole, with the hand only in loquat branches twist, only to hear the "" a sound, a bunch of loquat falls down. I put the loquat among several little sister, they ate and laughed, I really can't say how delighted


Who sits on the seat, his only write write, write seems to have everfount spring gushed out, do not use a lesson time, a composition was all written.


Cross street, an old woman, with a slight stoop, fat body, easily under the umbrella in the open road difficult to walk. Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain is coming, she pushed forward leaning toward, seize the umbrella, further back, half step, stumble along forward
, a group of Dai girls who came on his shoulders, small spinning wheel, carrying a small lantern, a trailing skirt in the wind. Their body is so slim, action is so light, generous deportment, like a group of beautiful fairy drop from the clouds.


In the footsteps of Shi Xuan is very uniform, the arms of a front and a back swing with both feet, be made faster, leans forward, as if it is about to topple like, run quickly ahead. Ran to the finish line, her head back, chest A, finally got the first place


The sound of the gun, the two girls as an arrow, rushed forward. They coordinate action strong, on the ice a speeding, if two swallows fly close to the ground, in, race each other, each other. Finally, the coaches and the audience cheers, two people almost at the same time, like a cyclone crossed the finish line

She laughed again ,as if she had said something very witty,and held my hand for a moment ,looking into my face,promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see.

指导别人的话, 应该是用省略了主语的祈使句型. 下面撰几个给你参考.

Stand straight. Raise your chin.
Tuck your belly.
Turn around. Be cool.
Look back. Look down.
Put your right hand up.
Kneel down. Imagine you are crawling through a dark channel.
Shade your eyes with your left hand.

His heart like a seven or ten gin in the rotation
Suddenly pulled his face down, brush a layer of paste like a camel taut.

he hijkj kujn do hongwoek , sgjoh butingh de duzhe.


指导别人的话, 应该是用省略了主语的祈使句型. 下面撰几个给你参考.

Stand straight. Raise your chin.
Tuck your belly.
Turn around. Be cool.
Look back. Look down.
Put your right hand up.
Kneel down. Imagine you are crawling through a dark channel.
Shade your eyes with your left hand.


  The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature。

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