提高这个新产品的销售量promote the sale of this new products.这个应该是单数还是复数呀! 请帮忙说下promote和strengthen做“提高”讲的...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-04-18


1 he is the manager's son, but light with this, he has never entitled to criticize our works. (qualify)
The 2 Smith Sir is from the teaching post after retiring down, start being engaged in to photograph this interest a fondness for. (take up)
3 compare, the advantage of this house is the price is low, while the advantage of that house is a transportation convenience. (by comparison)
4 his seemings is using whole body to solve a number and try the sale quantity of raising this new product. (promote)
The students whom 5 those heats slice pressed in in succession lecture hall to prelect by listenning the famous professor from Cambridge university. (crowd)
6 positive if the thousands others were similar, she was profoundly been fond of by this art object. (like)
7 until at the time that I got married, I just rich bought my own house. (It … )
8 you can take out he that evening not at the evidence of home? (use a relative clause)
9 the just said allly here words have to keep secret. (Whatever …)
10 if the cost that traveks this time not more than 100 dollars, that you calculate me also up. (count)
11 before going to bed every evening, Mr. Smiths all want to go around and inspect house with ensure that all doors and windows locked up, all lights closed. (make sure)
12 he really told true facts you, but you are to don't believe. (use the emphatic form of the verb)
13 I delayed a letter in reply to him, this made him worried thus, and he unexpectedly multiplied by to go directly to service to see me. (delay n.)
14 be me to tell him, he has a liking for to seem to be inattentive when his father's hasing heart trouble is sent into a hospital. (as if)
15 buses suddenly put on brakes, a heavy wallet drops down from the baggage carrier of his overhead and at the right moment falls on his head. (land v.)
The breathtaking(breathtaking) performance of 16 stunt men makes audience scare thousand times. (leave)
17 because of his health more and more bad, I want to should is the time that he throws away and smokes cigarette bad habit now. (It is time …)
18 be Bill to concentrate on a ground of experiment that does him, he knows nothing the affair of surroundings occurrence. (be preoccupied)
The 19 Tom proposal is used the book that this stamp of his changes John, but John refused. (exchange)
20 he accuses his neighbor in the evening record to put too loudly. (accuse)
21 he isn't the idiot whom you think. (assume)
The 22 Lindas isn't likely to have already gone to the United States, because I saw her down the street yesterday. (use a modal auxiliary + have done structure)
23 these government that are nationals have to adopt emollient measure to live a population growth by complete control. (measures)
24 this old husband and wife in fact should apply for a few tour checks, so they when the week visits a world need not along with took so many cashes. (use modal auxiliaries + have done structures)
25 he is a thus famous artist, all of his paintings should keep at such as the place like the art museum or the museum. (Such … as …)

简单地说:promote是值得程度上的提高,(引申出促进的含义),比如be promoted to the next grade提升一级/promote business促进业务,开发业务/promote the sale of
Within a year he was promoted from teller to
assistant cashier.他一年内就由出纳员升至(银行)负责财务助理的高级职员。

2.作“促进,提倡”等义解时:promote原来只用于好的东西,但现在也可以用于坏的东西,这时与lead to同义。例如:
foods promote tooth decay.有些食物会腐蚀牙齿。
The bad news promoted/led to
The company are promoting their
new products on television.这家公司正通过电视宣传其新产品。

strengthen一般指程度上的加强,make or become strong or stronger的意思。(引申为加强、巩固gain strength )
to strengthen his argument
加强他的论点的分量——to weaken his argument 削弱他的论点的分量;The team was strengthened by his
presence.他的出场加强了这个队的实力。——The team was crippled by his absence.他的缺场削弱了这个队的实。The wind ~ed during the night.

#荆追荆# 如何提升中高毛利产品的销售量 -
(13340206466): 虚张声势法“张老板,快到春节了,最近公司刚刚推出一款新产品,口感绵甜爽口,包装精美大方,预留利润空间可观,现在来公司拉货的车辆都排成长长一条龙了,你赶紧过来看一看吧,再晚几天,可能你连样品都看不到了”,这是某白酒公...

#荆追荆# 怎样可以提升产品销量?关于促销的提案有哪些? -
(13340206466): 我个人认为!现在的销售已经不单单是质量和服务的竞争!也不仅仅是广告和产品外观的竞争,应该更加体现在你的企业品牌和产品品牌的作用下!首先卖产品要让客户先了解你所在公司的背景!企业精神等.在从情感化的角度来引导消费者到精...

#荆追荆# 怎样提高一个产品的销售量?怎样提高一个产品的销售量,同时还能提高
(13340206466): 通过媒体的广告与报纸宣传,电视及网络的深入人心,外加产品质量价格性价比值较高,企业售后服务的人性化比较到位,这些方面都做好了,产品销量就自然会上去.2.同时还能提高店面的知名度?好的店名,兼具实用性,传播性,美誉度;好的店面形象设计要大方,个性鲜明有强的视觉冲击力;宣传口号易记,朗朗上口蕴意主题突出;做好这些工作后,想店面不出名都难啦!!

#荆追荆# 怎样让新产品销量上升对于一个新的产品,在费用有限的情况下,怎样能
(13340206466): 先薄利利多销,多做推广工作,以低价吸引眼球,增加知名度广告是必备之选!!!!高投入高收获

#荆追荆# 英语高手帮帮忙~
(13340206466): Nowadays, Advertising has become a very common thing. As soon as the products come out, the merchants would like to Advertise to promote their products , and they even would like to find some film stars as the spokemen so as to improve their product sales.

#荆追荆# 怎么打出一个新产品的名声, 让销售量大增?
(13340206466): 广告投放,不花钱想收到效果,除非你在网络里有极大的人脉,找一堆的人帮你去推广,那么你就可以收到比平面媒体还要好千百倍的效果,否则你就老老实实花钱做广告吧.

#荆追荆# 怎么提高销量 -
(13340206466): 提高销量,需要采用多种有效的推广方式,我们公司用的多种推广方式在互联网上推广产品,效果不错.是一款skycc组合营销软件来做,也比较简单.

#荆追荆# 怎么帮助厂家提升产品销售量?
(13340206466): 提升产品销量的话我最近看到一个平台还挺不错的,叫点购广场,可以去了解一下,这个平台的红利流量很大,覆盖面也很广,售卖产品还是很不错的.

#荆追荆# 这个广告的目的是促销他们的新产品.(promote) 用括号里的词组翻译成英语句子
(13340206466): 这个广告的目的是促销他们的新产品 The purpose of this advertising is to promote their new products

#荆追荆# 高一学生口语考试,求一篇150词英语作文,关于如何提高手机公司销售额的,不要太难,谢谢 -
(13340206466): As to(关于) how to improve the sales(销售额) of phones of mobile phone companies, I have been thinking for a long time. From my own point of view(就我个人观点), the following measures can be taken to effectively(有效地) help ...