t was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply close up 谁能给我翻译一下这3句英语?

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
仔细想想应该是CLOSED,when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply close up


我感觉应该是closed up

应该是closed up

同上= =


1 近年来,现代耕作方式对农村景观的影响引发的争议已经在农业与环境的利益之间造成激烈的冲突。
2 当店主想要去度假时,一定会关门歇业,这是很正常的现象(做法)。
3 她拿起了话筒,没有说让来电的人等下,就出去叫杰克接电话了。


#荣钩莉# pros and cons,以及common practice怎么翻译 -
(19679979759): pro and con如果用于辩论的话指的是“正方和反方”,如果用于一般的作文的话是“赞成和反对”等于“for and against”,写作文可以作为固定句式来用,比如,“think over the pros and cons, i hold that……”,“考虑过正面和反面(积极或消极)的因素后,我认为……”; 而common practice 是“惯例”,“一般的处理手段或办法”.加油!

#荣钩莉# it is - -- - practice that we should respect the old and love the young. -
(19679979759): C common practice习惯作法/惯例

#荣钩莉# 急求一篇以“校园生活和学习”为主题的英语作文,不能超过130词.谢谢! -
(19679979759): widerspread Extravagant Spending on campus Recently, the monthly expenditures of college students tend to be on the rise. Some people see widespread extravagant spending on campus as a common practice. However, others argue that ...

#荣钩莉# 关于生命的英文作文 -
(19679979759): 好久不动笔了.今天破例给你写一篇吧.An essay on life, wealth and health Despite what many might think, life, wealth and health is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. life, wealth and health has been around for several ...

#荣钩莉# 英语翻译3句
(19679979759): 1.It's a common practice for us to fee a waitor abroad. 2.Many people hold such a point of view that the stars in action films should show his own stunts 3. In this book, the young woman has been described as a chinese heroine who dedicated to her mother land. 4. don't be so sad,after all, you have tried your best.

#荣钩莉# according to the text,which of the fllowing was a common practice in starbucks before? 求知识请问which后面的这些词 应该如何排列呢 这是一个什么语句? ... - 作业帮
(19679979759):[答案] 很高兴为您解答! which在这里引导一个主语从句,表示“哪个” 翻译:根据这篇文章,下列哪些是在星巴克常见的行为? 希望可以帮到您,

#荣钩莉# She had golden hair when she was a child, but() she got older and ol...
(19679979759):[答案] 3 false ,以为北爱尔兰是大英国家的一部分,所以此题说整个爱尔兰就不对了. 4 true ,在英国没有已经建立的法律,他们... 6 true 在这个时间以前,英国在世界上是占据主导地位的 7 true 济慈,雪莱和拜伦都是浪漫主义时期的著名诗人,他们很大程...

#荣钩莉# 求英语高手帮我翻译两个短文,跪求
(19679979759): 你好,是用翻译器翻译的,所以仅供参考. Wa raining in March, it was the spring season. Spring is the fresh, is pure and fresh and dripping wet. The most common practice is the south "monte salted fresh", bacon, ham, bamboo shoots in ...