用英语写“至少3个理由,说明自己为什么学英语” 提供3个学习英语的好方法并说出理由(用英语、带翻译

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-01

1、Learning English can broaden your mind.


2、Learning English is a fun thing.


3、English will contribute to your career success.


4、English promotes international communication.


5、Learning English will help your family, too.









It's widely used.
It's a way to communicate.
It's can enrich one's life.

1)we learn English because we have more and more chances of connecting with foreigners.
2)As an official language, as a tool of communication, also a skill in our lives.
3)it helps us to learn more about other countries' culture and customs in a convenient way.

I love english, it is interesting.

Learning english well can make me communicate well with foreigners.

Knowing English can make me know more information, for example, I can read English books, newspaper


at least three reasons, explain why do i learn english

the good ways of learning English

Nowadays, English has become the international standard language. As China is stepping to the internationalization, learning English is more and more important. But many people find it hard to learn English well. According to my own learning experience, I think determination, read English materials and patience are the most significant.
First of all, doing everything needs determination. Determination is a prerequisite to do something. When facing difficulty, the people who have determination will insist, on contrary, the people who don’t have determinatin are easily give up. Thus, if people wants to do something well, the first thing they need to do is to make up their mind. Secondly, reading English materials is a great help for learning English. It can help people raise sense for English language, have interest and confidence in Engilsh. That will help people a lot in the process of learning. Last, patience is necessary in English learning. Most people will feel difficult to learn English at the beginning. The people without patience will often upset towards learning English. As a result, it will increase the difficulties of learning English and vice versa.
In general, determination, reading English materials and patience are the effective ways to learn English. If people recognize those, they will learn it well sooner or later.

#荣玛莎# 作为一个英语学习者,你能说出你为什么要学习英语吗?请各自罗列理由,写一篇初二英语作文,拜托大家给写下. -
(13197176470): In my opinion, the reasons of learning English that is so much fun are as follows: Firstly, it's a important tools that we will use in the future , especially in the job search. What's more , it is a required course that everyone must learn well. The last but ...

#荣玛莎# 我们为什么要学习英语?
(13197176470): 看看下面的,或许对你有帮助1:背单词.长久的来说,你每天能背20个单词.就可以保证你以后英语很牛 2:多说,尽量找英语好的人或者外教,有条件也可以到聊天室,尽可能的张开嘴,不要害怕不要害羞 3:书面的英语教材要多练,阅读每天都做上一篇.并且认真理解 4:掌握语法的大致架构,了解语法的语类、时态、语态、句子结构等,即对语法有一个整体的认识.在学习英语的过程中,如果发现自己缺少某一部分的语法知识,停下来,打开语法书查找相对应部分的规则并加以掌握,结合例句来学习所遇到的实际语法现象.这样你很快就能够在学习英语的过程中学好语法,而这样学到的语法才是真正能够运用的“活”语法

#荣玛莎# 学好英语的十大理由 -
(13197176470): 有10大理由. 1.学好英语让人羡慕,受人尊敬! 2.今后考试都要! 3.将来许多行业都要英语人才! 4.英语是国际斗地主普通话! 5.当许多人学不好英语的时候,我就想把它学好!我将与众不同! 6.有了自己的专业技能,英语就像插上的翅膀,任我飞翔! 7.现在的企业都懂管理,都英语!我将来也是企业家! 8.做一个潇洒的国际人才,在国飞来飞去!我将受人欢迎,获得一份意想不到的爱情! 10.能学好英语的人是有毅力的人! 这是我们学英语的10理由,也是必要的,对一个人英语学习有很大帮助,去静下,想想吧.英语是多么的重要!呵呵

#荣玛莎# 以我为什么要学英语为题目写一篇80词英语作文 -
(13197176470): 如果你要问我们为什么我们要学英文,我的答复很简单明了.现在让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面:第一,英文已成为一种国际语言.如果你通晓它,你可以环游世界不会被人误解.其次,大多数有价值的书籍,报纸和杂志都是用英文写的.如果你希望获得知识,你必须学习英文.

#荣玛莎# 英语作文为什么要学英语 -
(13197176470): Why we should learn English.First of all, America, England, Austrilia etc. are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance technology and useful theories. While, they are very powerful many things ...

#荣玛莎# 为什么要学英语?
(13197176470): 国人的无知.英语是该学,但不应该全民皆英,更不应该是中高考的主要内容,和职称的标准.本人语文可以,但就是不喜欢英语

#荣玛莎# 我们为什么要学英语?请用一百个单词阐述原因
(13197176470): There are many countries and languages in the world.People are sure to have some talks.So we must have one unified language.However,English is used widely around the world.Because of it,we have to learn English,although Chinese is used by ...

#荣玛莎# 英语作文英语的重要性,我们为什么要学英语,如何学英语? - 作业帮
(13197176470):[答案] I.基础知识部分: 把平时出现的错题一一记录下来(分类最好), 记下正误答案和出错原因, 不断翻看. 2、对待词汇的记忆... 首先学习英语不能中断,每天至少挤出10分钟的时间来听磁带.其次学习时如有厌倦感一定要变换学习形式.最后坚信自己一...

#荣玛莎# 用英语写一篇《我喜欢英语的原因》 -
(13197176470): 英语其实只是一个工具,但是通过学习这个工具你会开起很多扇大门.我是学英语师范专业的,通过英语可以了解到说英语国家的风俗习惯,文化文学,历史文明,还可以学习英语教育(怎样教好英语).又因为我是英语专业的学生,我们可以...

#荣玛莎# “接下来我将列举三个理由来表明为什么我更喜欢独自学习”的英文翻译 -
(13197176470): 接下来我将列举三个理由来表明为什么我更喜欢独自学习 Next I will give three reasons to show why I prefer to learn by myself.