求神秘博士第七季07最后博士独白台词,英文版的 求《神秘博士》第七季第五集amy写在后记里给doctor的那...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-05-13
All these people who've lived in terror of you and your judgement.
All these people whose ancestors devoted themselvesSacrificed themselves.
To you.
Can you hear them singing?
Oh you like to think you're a god.
But you're not a god.
You're just a parasite eaten out witg jealousy and envyand longing for the lives of others.
You feed on them.
On the memory of love and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow.
Come on,then.Take mine.
Take my memories.
But i hope you've got a big appetite.
Because i've lived a long life and i've seen a few things.
I walked away from the Last Great Time War.
I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
L saw the birth of the universe and i watched as time ran out.
moment by moment,until nothing remained
No time No space
Just me
I've walked in universes where the laws of physics were
Devised by the mind of a madman.
I've watched universes freeze and creations burn.
I've seen things you wouldn't belive.
I've lost things you'll never understand.
And l konw things.Secrets that must never be told.
Knowledge that must never be spoken.
Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze.
So come on then!
Take it!Take it all,baby!
Have it!You have it all!

我从最后的时间大战中抽身离去 ,我见证了时间领主的灭亡,我目睹了宇宙诞生,也看惯了时间流尽,一瞬又一瞬,直至所剩无物,没有时间,没有空间,只有我!
我曾走在那样的宇宙 ,其中的物理法则都出自一个疯子的构想!我曾目睹宇宙冻结,造物焚毁!我曾目睹过你无法置信的事物!我曾失去过你永远无法理解的东西!我还知晓天机,知道永远不可泄露的秘密!知道永远不可提及的知识!那足以使寄生神灵灼烧的知识!所以!来吧!来拿啊!都拿走啊,宝贝儿!拿走啊!你把它都拿走啊!




英:Afterword,by Amelia Williams. Hello,old friend.And here we are,you and me,on the last page.By the time you read this words,Rory and i will be long gone.So know that we lived well,and were very happy.And above all else,know that we will love you always.Sometimes i do worry about you,though.I think once we're gone,you won't be coming back here for a while,and you might be alone,which you should never be.Don't be alone,Doctor.And do one more thing for me.There’s a little girl waiting in a garden.She's going to wait a long while.So she's going to need a lot of hope.Go to her.Tell her a story.Tell her that if she‘s patient,the days are coming that she'll never forget.Tell her she'll go to the sea and fight pirates.She'll fall in love with a man who'll that wait 2000 years to keep her safe.Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived and save a whale in outer space.Tell her,this is the story of Amelia Williams.And this the how to it ends. 中:后记,Amelia Williams著。你好,老朋友。你和我又见面了,在这最后一页上。当你读到这些词句之时,我和Rory都已离你远去了。但是你要知道,我们过得很好,很开心,也很幸福。而且最重要的是,你要知道,我们很爱你,一直且永远。虽然有时我会担心你。我总觉得,自打我们走后,你肯定有一阵都不会回来这儿了,所以你可能会孤单,而你永远都不应该感到孤单。博士,别再孤寂。再为我做最后一件事吧。有一个小姑娘正在一个花园里等待着。她将会等待很长的一段时间。所以她会需要一些帮助。去找她吧。给她讲个故事。告诉她,如果她足够耐心,她便会等到那些她永生难忘的日子。告诉她,她将会去到海上,与海盗作战。她会和一个人坠入情网,一个等待了她两千年,只为护她周全的男人。告诉她,她将会给予世界上最伟大的画家以希望,她还会在外太空拯救一只鲸鱼。告诉她,这是Amelia Williams的故事。而这故事就是这样落幕的。

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(19799607377): 以这个猛料作为结尾,节目结束的时间到了On that bombshell, it's time to end.非常感谢大家的收看,敬祝晚安!Thank you very much for watching. Good night!大概就这些,有...

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#霍审昂# 神秘博士第七季到第八季之间的特别篇都有哪几个?要按顺序来 在线等 -
(19799607377): 第7季(1~5集) 圣诞特辑 雪人 第7季(6~13集) 50周年特辑前传 the night of the doctor 50周年特辑 the day of the doctor 圣诞特辑 the time of the doctor 第8季

#霍审昂# 神秘博士第五季到第七季有哪些特别版 -
(19799607377): 2005年的第一季 2005年圣诞特别篇 圣诞入侵 2006年的第二季 2006年圣诞特别篇 逃跑新娘 2007年的第三季 2007年圣诞特别篇 诅咒之旅 2008年的第四季 2008年圣诞特别篇 又一个博士 2009年的四个特别篇 死亡星球 火星之水 时间终结上下 2010年第五季 2010年特别篇 圣诞颂歌 2011年第六季 2011年特别篇 (博士,寡妇 ,与橱柜) 2012年的第七季1--5集 2012年的圣诞特别篇 雪人 2013年的第七季 6-13集 然后是五十周年特辑 博士之日 博士之时复制去Google翻译翻译结果

#霍审昂# 生化危机3里的经典台词 就是最后博士对艾丽斯说的关于谁是未来的话 说完博士就被激光给切死了的那个地方 -
(19799607377): 博士:For so long ,I thought you were the future.I was wrong.I am the future.爱丽丝1:hehehe, No, you are just another asshole.And we are both gonna die down here.博士被激光切死 爱丽丝2:Yeah,you are the future,all right!