
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
My Mom came from a family of 14 children.,我母亲来自一个有14个孩子的大家庭,Christmastime wasn't always the best.,圣诞节却并不总是最开心的时候,However,,可是,there was a man,,却有一个人,who went out of his way,,费心费力,to make the day special.,让这一天变得独一无二,Over the years,数年来,my Mom talked about,母亲每每谈及,how this man would e out on Christmas,这个人总会在圣诞节的时候到来,and bring candy to her,给她带来糖果,and her brothers and sisters.,还有她的哥哥和姐姐,Mom never fot his kindness.,妈妈从未忘记过他的善举,I believe,我相信,because of the kindness shown to her at Christmastime,正是因为圣诞节时她曾收到的善意,Mom made it a point,妈妈总是十分认真的,to do special things,想要做一些特别的事情,for the less fortunate.,为那些穷苦的人,Mom was a great baker,妈妈是一个很好的烘焙师,and she did bake cookies,,她做了饼干,but she wanted a variety,但她总想多准备几种,to give away.,送给那些穷人,There was a lady in town,城里有一位女士,who made and sold cookies.,以做饼干出售为生计,Mom would place an order,妈妈会在她那里预定一些饼干,and when the cookies were ready,当饼干烤好了,we would go over,我们会过去,and pick them up.,取走他们,I well remember,我清楚的记得,the wonderfu l *** ell of cookies,饼干香甜的气息,when she opened the door.,每次妈妈推开饼干店的门就能闻到,After we had the cookies,我们拿到饼干后,I'd help Mom divide them up on plates,我会帮助母亲把它们分装到各个盘子里,and we would deliver them.,我们就把这些饼干送出去,One summer,we went back to Mom's hometown.,As I remember,,she bought some flowers and candy.,We then drove over to the house of the person,who had given her candy on Christmas,so many years before.,Mom knocked on a large wooden door.,An elderly, frail man answered.,Mom introduced herself,and thanked him,并对他表示感谢,for the kindness he had shown her family so many years before.,感谢他多年前对她的家人表现出的善意,Then she handed him the flowers and candy,接着她将花和糖果递给他,as she gave him a hug.,给了她一个拥抱,I'm thankful,我心存感恩,I had a Mom,为我有这样一位母亲,who taught me to give.,她教会我给与,I may have been an only child,,或许我是家里唯一的孩子,but I was always giving toys, etc away to children,但我总会把玩具等东西送给其他的孩子,who had less than I did.,那些没有我这样富足的孩子,She taught me,,是母亲教会我,It is more blessed to give than to receive.,给予比接受更加有福


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