
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
Today is Mother's day and i have prepared for it for such a long time , because i do really want to provide a surprise to my mother. Ultimutely, i sent a bunch of roses which are made from papers. Of course , my mother was really happy and she smiled for the whole day . Besides, my father also prepared something for her while i also baked some dilicious cookies for them . I do wish my mother could be happy and beautifu forever . Owing to her kindness and warmheart , she is so sweet to others and she gets some respection from others. However , if we do love our mothers , everyday is Mother's day indeed. In fact , we are all expected to care about her and help doing some housework in daily life. Love is everywhere.


Dear mother:
I'm your child . Today is Mother's day.I have a lot of saying to you.
Thank you your love!Let me know how to be a good student.Thank you your love!Let me know how to make friend. Thank you your love!Let me so happy!
I want to say you I love you !
Mother's Day Introduction
As a thank his mother for Mother's Day holiday, first appeared in ancient Greece, time is the annual January 8, while in the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is every year the second Sunday in May, a number of other countries dates were the same (see below "the world celebrate Mother's Day time is different"). On this day mothers often receive gifts.
Overseas, the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother.
In China, mother lily flower flower, also known as Wang Youcao.
Liliaceae Hemerocallis Hemerocallis is a perennial herb, fleshy rhizome, leaves long, slender top out orange or orange flowers, very beautiful, it is not only for people watching, called the lily buds, but also as a vegetable for human consumption , in the widely cultivated in South and North.(母亲节介绍
萱草 萱草是百合科多年生草本植物,根茎肉质,叶狭长,细长的枝顶端开出桔红或桔黄色的花,十分艳丽,它不仅供人观赏,花蕾叫金针,也可作蔬菜供人食用,在我国南北方广为栽植。)


#计姚丽# 小学母亲节的英语作文80多字 不要太多 -
(13855336752): Dear my mother:(亲爱的妈妈)today is a special day!(今天是一个特殊的日子)because today is mother's day(因为今天是母亲节)my great mother.I'm thanks for you give me a life and look after me grow up!(我伟大的妈妈,我感谢你给...

#计姚丽# 关于母亲节的英语作文 -
(13855336752): Today is Mother's Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to ...

#计姚丽# 急求一篇关于母亲节的英语作文 -
(13855336752): Mother's Day Introduction As a thank his mother for Mother's Day holiday, first appeared in ancient Greece, time is the annual January 8, while in the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is every year the second Sunday in May, a ...

#计姚丽# 英语写母亲的作文 -
(13855336752): Today's weather very good, God deliberately arranged. This particular day, blue skies, the number of words Happy Mother's Day reverberated in the ears. From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. ...

#计姚丽# 送妈妈生日礼物的英语作文 -
(13855336752): today is my mother's birthday. my father and i wanted to give her surprising birthday presents. In the morning we went to the shop and bought a big cake. then we went to the market and bought some food that mother liked very much. after getting ...

#计姚丽# 求一篇关于送给妈妈生日礼物的作文,英语,70词左右,亲们帮我!)加上.妈妈喜欢购物.一些关联词,(so,bat).She always••••••(同always的词) - 作业帮
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#计姚丽# 给妈妈的礼物,英语作文 -
(13855336752): dear mother, Thank you for your gift that I love very much.I believe I will be a wonderful day of my birthday. As I sleep in your arm,I'm amazed at your love.On this unusual and important day, I will say thank you sincerely.And your love move me deeply. ...

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(13855336752):[答案] The best present I have ever received is a Teddy bear. My mother gave it to me for my sixth birthday. I liked it very much. On Mother's Day this year, I gave mom a picture of her. I painted it myself. Father's Day is coming. I want to give Dad a baseball glove....

#计姚丽# 母亲节英语作文
(13855336752): The mother'day is coming ,but Linda doesn't know what should she get for her mom.So yesterday she went to my house and asked for advice.Here is what I thought.I said to her that the gold ring was too expensive to buy,so she couldn't choose it....

#计姚丽# 写一篇关于母亲节的英语作文? -
(13855336752): 母亲节的感思 那一夜,没有风,也没有雨,天空静的出奇.一颗美丽的流星从空中划过,一个新的生命诞生了.母亲告诉我,那颗流星就是我.那一夜,她哭了,那是初为人母时高兴的泪水,幸福的泪水,母亲对流星许了个美丽的心愿:她要做...