张杰唱的《他不懂》的英文歌词 张杰的他不懂英文版

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
He left you back
About love to mention harm you cry red eyes
He put the lie to say unexpectedly so sweetly
More than once he lied to you is not worth you be sad for him
He doesn't understand your heart pretended to calm him do not understand love it when the game
He did not understand that love this thing sorry can only sigh in addition
He did not understand why your heart cries to I can't breath Oh ~ asphyxia
He doesn't understand your heart he recalled to you
Together with the sadness inflicted upon you and say to you to unfair
His lies sentence say so beautiful
More than once he lied to you is not worth you be sad for him
He doesn't understand your heart pretended to calm him do not understand love it when the game
He did not understand that love this thing sorry can only sigh in addition
He did not understand why your heart cries asphyxia to I can't breath
Oh ~ he doesn't understand your heart


他留给你是背影,关于爱情只字不提 害你哭红了眼睛
他把谎言说的竟然那么动听,他不止一次骗了你 不值得你再为他伤心
他不懂你的心为何哭泣,窒息到快要不能呼吸 喔喔~
喔喔~ 他不懂你的心


He left you back
About love to mention harm you cry red eyes
He put the lie to say unexpectedly so sweetly
More than once he lied to you is not worth you be sad for him
He doesn't understand your heart pretended to calm him do not understand love it when the game
He did not understand that love this thing sorry can only sigh in addition
He did not understand why your heart cries to I can't breath Oh ~ asphyxia
He doesn't understand your heart he recalled to you
Together with the sadness inflicted upon you and say to you to unfair
His lies sentence say so beautiful
More than once he lied to you is not worth you be sad for him
He doesn't understand your heart pretended to calm him do not understand love it when the game
He did not understand that love this thing sorry can only sigh in addition
He did not understand why your heart cries asphyxia to I can't breath
Oh ~ he doesn't understand your heart

#湛殷供# 求张杰《他不懂》的歌曲链接是什么
(13078152635): 张杰《他不懂》的歌曲链接 http://www.ikoumi.com/yunpan/cwQpbp7YhE8j9/e2f4.mp3 亲试可用,先用鼠标把链接拉成蓝色,再选择复制,不要复制快捷方式,然后去空间里添加网络音乐.满意记得采纳 祝您每天开心快乐 ^_^ 链接可以用的话 记得采纳下哦 可以的话 记得采纳下哦 如果能够帮助你解决问题,那么希望你点击“采纳”, 举手之劳,将鼓励我们继续解答其他QQ网友的问题,谢谢

#湛殷供# 求张杰所有唱过的歌的歌名
(13078152635): 张杰 演技派 RIPCORD 因为爱情来得不容易 爱,不解释 我在这 你在哪里 逆态度 两全 他不懂 演技派 RIPCORD 因为爱情来得不容易 爱,不解释 我在这 你在哪里 逆态度 ...

#湛殷供# 求张杰 他不懂 mp3 百度云 下载链接 -
(13078152635): 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PXTm4-DbWJRiIMHvpe4Vbg 提取码:nwb8《他不懂》由周振霆、代岳东作词,唐湘智作曲,邓讴歌编曲,张杰演唱,收录在张杰第十张专辑《爱,不解释》中,是该专辑的第二主打. 这首歌的创作源自一个真实的故事,2013年11月30日在“It's Love 这就是爱”张杰广州演唱会上首唱.2013年12月5日,通过网易云音乐首播.2014年该歌曲在MusicRadio中国TOP排行榜上蝉联三周冠军并获第21届东方风云榜年度十大金曲.

#湛殷供# <他不懂>是谁唱的? -
(13078152635): 张杰唱的 他不懂你的心假装冷静 他不懂爱情把它当游戏 他不懂表明相爱这件事 除了对不起就只剩叹息 他不懂你的心为何哭泣 窒息到快要不能呼吸

#湛殷供# 有一首歌,女的唱的,有句歌词叫“他不懂你的…他不懂你的…”记不清了,好几个“他不懂…”歌名是啥 -
(13078152635): 你好,这句歌词出自歌曲《他不懂》,具体歌词如下: 他不懂 作曲:唐湘智 作词:周振霆,代岳东 演唱:张杰 他留给你是背影 关于爱情只字不提 害你哭红了眼睛 他把谎言说的竟然那么动听 他不止一次骗了你 不值得你再为他伤心 他不懂你...

#湛殷供# 一首张杰也唱过的英文歌曲 -
(13078152635): as long as you love me 张杰 Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my life in your hands People say I'm crazy and that I am blind Risking it all in a glance How you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head...

#湛殷供# 张杰唱过的英文歌,歌词有 her eyes -
(13078152635): 《just the way you are》原唱Bruno Mars,张杰在《我是歌手第二季》翻唱望采纳~补上歌词!Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛 Make the stars look like they're not shining让星星看起来失去光泽 Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发 Falls ...

#湛殷供# 张杰在哪部电视剧中唱的他不懂 -
(13078152635): 《他不懂》由周振霆、代岳东作词,唐湘智作曲,邓讴歌编曲,张杰演唱,收录在张杰第十张专辑《爱,不解释》中,是该专辑的第二主打.并不是在电视剧中演唱

#湛殷供# 为什么我男朋友让我听张杰唱的《他不懂》呢? -
(13078152635): 有两种可能,一种是单纯喜欢这首歌,还有一种就是他有想对你表达的东西在歌词里面,让你去听歌后希望你能懂.

#湛殷供# 求张杰 他不懂 mp3 百度云 下载链接 -
(13078152635): 使用百度网盘免费分享给你,链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PXTm4-DbWJRiIMHvpe4Vbg 张杰 - 他不懂.mp320.36M 来自:百度网盘提取码: nwb8复制提取码跳转 提取码: nwb8 《他不懂》由周振霆、代岳东作词,唐湘智作曲,邓讴歌编曲,张杰演唱,收录在张杰第十张专辑《爱,不解释》中,是该专辑的第二主打. 这首歌的创作源自一个真实的故事,2013年11月30日在“It's Love 这就是爱”张杰广州演唱会上首唱.2013年12月5日,通过网易云音乐首播.2014年该歌曲在MusicRadio中国TOP排行榜上蝉联三周冠军并获第21届东方风云榜年度十大金曲.