老子道德经的道,最贴切的翻译成英文是哪个单词? 请帮忙翻译成英语,有关老子方面的

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-12

道——“the way”

德——“the power of the way”





The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; The names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang; 

The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind. Truly, ―Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences‖;He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes. 

These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name. This ―same mould‖ we can but call the Mystery,Or rather the ―Darker than any Mystery‖,The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences.



The man of highest ―power‖ does not reveal himself as a possessor of ―power‖; Therefore he keeps his ―power‖. 

The man of inferior ―power‖ cannot rid it of the appearance of ―power‖; Therefore he is in truth without ―power‖. 

The man of highest ―power‖ neither acts nor is there any who so regards him; The man of inferior ―power‖ both acts and is so regarded. The man of highest humanity, though he acts, is not regarded; 

Whereas a man of even the highest morality both acts and is so regarded; While even he who is best versed in ritual not merely acts, But if people fail to respond 

Then he will pull up his sleeves and advance upon them. That is why it is said: 

“After Tao was lost, then came the 'power'; 

After the 'power' was lost, then came human kindness.‖ After human kindness was lost, then came morality, After morality was lost, then came ritual. 

Now ritual is the mere husk of loyalty and promise-keeping And is indeed the first step towards brawling.‖ Foreknowledge may be the ―flower of doctrine‖, But it is the beginning of folly. 

Therefore the full-grown man takes his stand upon the solid substance And not upon the mere husk, 

Upon the fruit and not upon the flower. Truly, ―he reject that and takes this‖.



The Dao is the underlying principle behind the creation of the myriad things. The order of the process giving rise to the myriad things began with the Dao producing a kind of generative force.


“Daoism” exhorts Nature-oriented and discourages violation of Nature. It is the essence of “Daosim” in Laotsz’s way, and also his“Rule”to rule the state. It represents the naturality and “let it be” nursing in “Daoism”, as the Daoist soul and pith. Therefore, this paper shall mainly dwell on the “Daoism”, daoist “Nature-oriented” idea.

#壤隶杰# 老子 用英语怎么说 -
(19551019226): 1. 老子 Lǎozǐ [Laozi] 中国春秋时思想家、道家学派创始人.一说老子即老聃,姓李名耳,字聃,楚国苦县(今河南鹿邑东)人.曾为周“守藏室之史”(管藏书的史官),后隐退著《老子》一书.他把宇宙万物的本体看做“道”,认为它是超越时空静止不动的实体,是产生整个物质世界的总根源.他在观察社会和自然变化时,又具有朴素的辩证法思想,认为一切事物都存在于正反两方面的对立之中,它们互相依存,互相转化.政治上他主张“无为”,企图缓和尖锐的社会矛盾,回到“小国寡民”的幻境之中.老子的思想在中国思想史上占有重要的地位老子 lǎozi2. [father]∶父亲 3. [I;me]∶老年男子的自称.即老夫

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(19551019226): <The Morals> 这个应该比较准确.

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#壤隶杰# “老子”用英语怎么说? -
(19551019226): 别找了,英文没有这样语气的自称