What do you know about Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festuval? (英语中考作文)请根据自己的实际情况和体会,完成A、B两部分...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-02
The Dragon Boat Festival,the 5th day of the 5th lunar month ,has had a history of more than 2,000 yeas .It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.
There are many legends ahout the evolution of the festival ,the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340 BC-278 BC).Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of china’s earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled ba King Huai. In hia exiled days,he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poem including Li Sao (The Lament),Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions)and Jiu Ge (Nie Songs),which had far-reaching influences.In 278BC. he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu’s capital ,so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand)and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th mounth in the chinese lunar calendar. After his death,the poeple of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him.The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutious rice dumplings wrapped in reed or hamboo leaves)and eggs to divert possbile fish or shrimp feom attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar)into the water ,hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That’s why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing,eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.
Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country.As the gun is fired people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurredly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination. Folk tales say the game originates from the ativities of seeking Qu Yuan’s body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research, conclude that dragon boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC). In the following thousands of years, the game spread to Japan,Vietnam and Britain as well as China’s Taiwan and Hong Kong.Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit. In 1980, it was listed into the state sports competition programs and has since been held every year. The award IS called“Qu Yuan Cup.”
Zongzi is an essential food of Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that people ate them in the Spring and Autumn Period (772BC-476BC).In early times, it was only gletinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread,but now the fillings are more diversified,including jujube and bean paste, fresh meat,ham and egg yolk. If time permits, people will soak glutinous ruce, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves. Otherwise, they will go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want. The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.
On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up sith a perfume poush.They first sew little bags witn colorful silk cloth,then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk threads. The perfume pouch will be humg around or neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. They are said to be able to ward off evil.

Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the 5-th Day of the Fifth Month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar.


What do you know about Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festuval?~

Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festivals, began in the Spring and Autumn Period in China, has more than 2,000 years of history.
The legend of Qu Yuan's death, Chu abnormal grief people have flocked to the Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. Fisherman who is starting vessel salvage his real body back and forth on the river. A fisherman in the balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan, thump, thump "thrown into the river, that is to allow the fish or shrimp, no graffiti flexor doctor health. People see below followed suit. A doctor will use a jar of realgar wine poured into the river, say yes to drugs halo water dragon beast, in order to avoid injury to the flexor doctor. Later, for fear of balls dragon as food, people come up with a board with neem leaves, wrapped around outside, color silk into Zongzi.
After the annual May festival, dragon boat races, eating dumplings, drinking realgar wine customs; in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.


Dear Amy,
I learn from your letter that you want to know something about Chinese traditional festival – The Dragon Boat Festival. I’m happy to share what I know about it with you.
The festival has a history of more than 2,000 years. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth monthaccording to the Chinese lunar calendar. On that day, people watch exciting dragon-boat races and make delicious zongzi, a kind of special food with sticky rice,meat etc. wrapped in bamboo leaves. These two are both done in memory of Qu Y
uan, a great poet in history.
In a word, we all love the festival because it’s a good reminderto look back on history andawonderful time to get together with family. I hope that you can come to celebrate iwith us in the near future.
Best wishes,
Si Xiang

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