一群韩国男的和女的在游泳池边锻炼集训,还有沙滩什么的,是MV还是电影?叫什么名字!求解答。 有个英文歌mv是一个女的穿着泳装,刚开始在泳池旁边唱歌,后来...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-12
亲,是MV,是少女时代和2PM的《cabi song》。

Cabi Song 完整版-- 2PM & 少女时代

少女时代 和 2pm 的 Cabi song


Sandara Park - Kiss

Marry The Night - Lady GaGa

I’m gonna Marry the Night
I won’t give up on my life
I’m a warrior queen
Live passionately Tonight.
I'm gonna Marry the Dark
Gonna make love to the stars
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness
I'm a winner
Gonna Marry the Night
Gonna Marry the Night
Gonna Marry the Night
I'm gonna Marry The Night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna Marry the Night
Leave nothing on the street to explore
M-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the Night
M-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the Night
I'm gonna lace up my boots
Throw on some leather and cruise
Down the streets that I love
And my fishnet gloves I'm a sinner
We're gonna go down to the bar
Where I won't cry anymore
I'll hold my whiskey up high
Kiss the bartender twice I'm a loser
I'm gonna Marry The Night
I'm gonna Marry The Night
I'm gonna Marry The Night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna Marry The Night
Leave nothing on the street to explore
M-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the Night
M-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the Night
Nothing's to cool
To take me from you
New York is not just a town that you never knew
Love is the new denim or black
Skeleton guns or wedding bells in the attic
Get your engine ready cause I'm coming out front
Wont poke holes in the seat with my heals
Thats where we make love
Come on and run
Come on and run
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna burn a hole in the road
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on these streets to explore
M-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the night
Oh m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the night
Oh m-m-m-marry m-m-m-marry
M-m-m-marry the night
I'm gonna marry marry
I'm gonna marry marry come on come on'
The night the night the night
The night the night the night the night
The night the night the night
The night the night the night
The night the night

#澹饱东# 跳水需要经过哪些训练 -
(18121377142): 1.游泳技能; 2.体操技能; 3.压腿压脚; 4.原地跳高; 5.原地跳远; 6.倒立撑跳; 7.力量训练; 8.仰卧起坐; 9.两头起卧; 10.等等.

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#澹饱东# 婴儿游泳好吗?对宝宝有哪些好处? -
(18121377142): 淮安金宝贝游泳馆告诉您:婴幼儿游泳可谓好处多多,至少在以下8个方面对宝宝身心发育有促进作用:1、更加聪明:游泳锻炼可以提高大脑的功能,促进大脑对外界环境的反应能力和智力发...

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