
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-01
  T: hi, Betty.what's up?


  B: nothing special. how about you? Are you used to the life here in the States?


  T: evertything has been fine for the past several months.


  B: great!


  T: well, I wish someone could talk to me about Western table manners


  B: sounds interesting. Where did you get the idea?


  T: as you know, table manners in China are quite different from those of Westerners.


  B: absolutely. that's because both of us have distinctive cultural features.


  T: for example, in China, it's okay to talk while eating. However, you may regard it as rude.


  B: yes. this must be a huge difference.


  T: can you think of anything else?


  B: sure. We tend to think that the slower on eats, the more polite one seems.


  T: I didn't know that before.


  B: and we never sip or slurp the soup loudly. we quietly like little mouthfuls.


  T: i got it. i'll bear it in mind.


  B: don't worry. i'm sure our etiquette will bee a natural part of your behavior as time goes by.


  T: I hope so.

  Chatting Online 网上聊天

  dialogue 1

  Mark: do you have internet in your room?


  Peter: sure, I am a total internet junkie, I can't survive without internet.


  M: really? What do you usually do online?


  P: well, there are a lot of things, like reading news, email, shopping, etc. but mostly I chat online. You could say I'm addicted to online chatting.


  M: I never chatted online before. What's it like.


  P: well, basically it's similar to face-to-face chat, but you type instead of talk. You should try it at least once.


  M: really? Who do you chat with?


  P: to people all over the world! I have a lot of net pals. See, the magic of internet is that it connects people from all over the world. You can chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they were just next to you. But I also use it to chat with my brother in India and other friends abroad.


  M: that's amazing. I will install an online messenger program when I get home.


  P: well, my suggestion for a newbie like you is that don't get lost in the cyberspace. You know internet won't do the filtration for you, so you still need to use your judgement. There are a lot of people on the internet who might try to take advantage of you.


  M: don't worry.

  Emily: OMG! It must be so late where you are. What time is it?


  Brad: just after 2 am.


  E: what's wrong? Can't sleep?


  B: nope, actually I was waiting for you. I have something big to tell you.


  E: really? What is it?


  B: I have an offer to work for a pany in your city today?


  E: I can't believe it! Is it real? You're moving here?


  B: I haven't accepted the position yet and with the uping holiday I think it's the perfect chance to visit the city and take a good look at the pany before deciding. If you have time I think we could get together in person.


  E: just give me the dates and I'll make sure I'm free. You know after all these chatting online, it will be great to meet you in real life. I look forward to seeing you soon!


  B: me too. But I think I am going to bed now. my head is getting heavy. Have a nice day there!


  E: thanks. This is so exciting. Sleep tight and sweet dreams!


  B: talk to you later.




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