
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
Noun:an adult female person (as opposed to a man);"the woman kept house while the man hunted"

a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man;"he was faithful to his woman"

a human female employed to do housework;"the char will clean the carpet"
"I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"

women as a class;"it's an insult to American womanhood"
"woman is the glory of creation"
"the fair sex gathered on the veranda"

Awoman is an adult female human being.
e.g. ...a young Lithuanianwoman named Dayva.
e.g. ...men and women over 75 years old.
You can refer to women in general aswoman .
e.g. ...the oppression ofwoman.
If you say that a woman is, for example, a gamblingwoman or an outdoorswoman, you mean that she likes gambling or outdoor activities.
e.g. She is an avid outdoorswoman...
e.g. I'm too old to have a dog now. I'm a catwoman.
If you say that a woman is, for example, a Londonwoman or an Oxfordwoman, you mean that she comes from London or Oxford, or went to university there.
e.g. ...a 38-year-old Londonwoman...
e.g. The headmistress was an Oxfordwoman.
Some people refer to a man's wife, lover, or girlfriend as hiswoman .
e.g. I know mywoman will never leave me.
You can refer to a female representative of a company or organization as that company or organization'swoman .
e.g. Yet another successful Labourwoman took her seat...
e.g. That's Judith Croft, the CNDwoman.
那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特, 核裁军运动女代表。
People sometimes address a woman aswoman when they are ordering her to do something or when they are angry or impatient with her. This use could cause offence.
e.g. Do you realize,woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?
8. see also: career woman
If you say that a womanis herown woman, you approve of the fact that she makes her plans and decisions herself, and does not depend on other people.
e.g. She knew she had made the right decision. She was her ownwoman again.
10. woman of the world -> see world
She is a career woman rather than a housewife.
The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman.
She seems a pleasant woman.
Her mother is a woman with great refinement.
用作名词(n.)When a girl grows up she becomes a woman.
女孩长大以后便成为一名妇女。Many men still don't like working under a woman, and would rather have a male director.
许多男人仍不愿在女人手下工作,而愿意让男性当自己的上司。The old woman was dressed more than simply.
这位老妇人穿得岂止是朴素简直近乎破烂。She spoke in a shrill voice.That's why she was written off as a somewhat hysterical woman.
她说话尖声尖气,因而被当做是有些歇斯底里的女人而被排除在外。Ask the women to come in, but not the girls or the men.
让妇女进来,但不要让女孩和男人进来。I was tightly wedged between two fat women.
我被紧紧地挤在两个胖女人中间。In this country the men plant the corn and the women later weed it.
在这个国家里,男人种植谷物,然后妇女为谷物除杂草。Indian women vote their minds, not their husbands.
印度妇女投票表达自己而不是他们丈夫的意见。He's got a daily woman who comes in and cleans his room.
他雇用了一个每天来打扫房间的女佣人。A woman comes in twice a week to clean.
女仆每周来清扫两次。Woman,like man,must strive for political freedom.
女人和男人一样,必须争取政治自由。Woman is an unpredictable creature.
女人的行为是无法预料的。There is little of the woman in her.
她几乎没有女人气质。There is something of the woman in his character.
他的性格中有女人气。There are a lot of women doctors in the hospital.
用作名词 (n.)动词+~admit a woman to招收妇女进…,允许妇女进入…choose a woman挑选一名妇女deliver a woman (of a baby)替产妇接生elect a woman选举一名妇女exploit woman剥削妇女help a woman帮助一位妇女kiss a woman吻一位妇女look down upon woman瞧不起妇女love a woman爱一个女人marry a woman同一女人结婚,娶一女人为妻oppress woman压迫妇女play the woman撒娇respect woman尊重妇女treat a woman对待妇女understand woman理解妇女,明白女人的心情形容词+~agreeable woman惬意的女人,令人感到愉快的女人attractive woman富有魅力的女人average woman相貌一般的女人beautiful woman美丽的女子childless woman无子女的女人,不生育的女人dark-haired woman黑发女人domestic woman只关心家务事的女人,家庭主妇energetic woman精力充沛的女人fat woman胖女人fashionable woman时髦的女人good-hearted woman好心肠的女人good-looking woman漂亮的女人grown woman成年妇女handsome woman端庄秀丽的女子hard-hearted woman无情女子,硬心肠的女人healthy woman身体健康的女人ideal woman理想的女人kind woman善良的女人large woman特别肥胖的女人,大块头的女人light woman轻快伶俐的女人manly woman有男子气的女人married woman已婚的女子,结过婚的女人middle-aged woman中年妇女new woman新女性nice woman可爱的女子old woman老太婆,老太太,老妇人passionate woman易动感情的女人,多情的女人plain woman相貌平常的女人poor woman可怜的女人pretty woman漂亮的女人professional woman从事专门职业的妇女quick-footed woman腿脚麻利的女人short woman矮个子女人short-sighted woman目光短浅的女人simple woman纯朴的妇女single woman单身女子slender woman身材苗条的女人smart woman精明的女人strong woman强壮的女人tall woman高个儿的女人thin woman瘦女人ugly woman丑陋的女人unmarried woman未婚女子wise woman明智的女人working woman有职业的女性young woman年轻女子名词+~anchor woman新闻节目女主持人business woman女商人career woman职业妇女cleaning woman女清洁工newspaper woman女新闻记者society woman上流社会妇女~+名词woman doctors女医生们woman driver女司机woman friend女友woman workers女工们~+介词woman of action女活动家woman of child-bearing age育龄妇女woman of letters女作家,女学者woman of the world深谙世故的女人woman of the year年度新闻女人woman with a kind heart心地善良的妇女七、词语用法
n.(名词)woman用作可数名词时,意思是“成年女子”,泛指一切成熟的女性,而不管婚否。woman也可用作“女人,女性”的总称, woman还可指“女人的气质和属性”,是抽象名词,不可数。woman还可作“女仆,女佣人”解,作此解时,是可数名词。woman可用于其他名词前作定语,表示“女性的…”,如果被修饰的名词是单数,就用其单数形式,如果被修饰的名词是复数时,通常用其复数形式。woman的相关近义词
womb、wolf、womanly、woman-、womanize、womanist、womanise、womanism、womanish、woman Du、womanity、womanaut


#戎临应# 英语中的women到底怎么读?
(14728266158): 音节划分:wom▪en women生词本英 ['wɪmɪn] 美 ['wɪmɪn] n.女人(woman的复数);堂客;红粉 网 络

#戎临应# woman,women,men,man怎样读? 在线等,明天中考口语! -
(14728266158): woman 'wʊmən women 'wɪmɪn men men man mæn

#戎临应# woman英文怎么拼 -
(14728266158): 乌们

#戎临应# 女人这个词用英语怎么拼(单数复数都要有) -
(14728266158): woman(单) women(复)你知道为什么女人的复数形式为什么不是womans嘛?因为这是特殊形式,以此类推,男人:man,复数:men.

#戎临应# woman的音标 -
(14728266158): woman: [ 'wumən ] n. 妇女,女人 http://dict.iciba.com/woman/ brown: [ braun ] a. 褐色的,棕色的 n. 褐色,棕色 (姓)布朗 http://dict.iciba.com/brown/ 音标已注,也可以打开下面网站,点击单词旁的小喇叭,就能听到标准发音

#戎临应# women怎么读 -
(14728266158): women[英]['wɪmɪn] [美]['wɪmɪn] 生词本 简明释义 n.女人(woman的复数);堂客;红粉 易混淆的单词:Women 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 1.(woman 的复数)Women is the plural of woman. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 Women have strengths that amaze men. 女人拥有震惊男人的力量.

#戎临应# woman 怎样读 -
(14728266158): 这单词发“午门”这个音(是谐音)

#戎临应# 求个翻译是女士的英语单词,读什么威米的.急急急~各位.帮帮我吧 -
(14728266158): woman 女士(单数) 读:乌慢 women 女士 (复数)读:威敏

#戎临应# woman正确的读法...
(14728266158): 可以肯定的告诉你woman绝对不是发[wuman]音,这词不存在什么英美发音的差异. 其中w重音,a应该发“饿”音——在百度一些音标是不能输入的,你这问题问得有意思.

#戎临应# 我在听英语磁带时发现”woman”的读音不太一样,有的读”屋们”有的读”窝们”,请问倒底哪个对? - 作业帮
(14728266158):[答案] 由于在英语上/u/是圆唇音,就看你圆唇动作的大小了.圆唇动作大点就成了“窝们”,圆唇动作小点就成了”屋们”.两种都没什么问题的.