it is time to和it is time for的区别是什么?     时间: 2024-06-01

it is time to和it is time for的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。


1、it is time to:到什么的时候了。

2、it is time for:是时候了。


1、it is time to:to则含有“向最终目标运动”的意思。

2、it is time for:for往往含有“向前方的目标运动”的意思。


1、it is time to:后面接要做的事情。

2、it is time for:后面接事情的目的或者人。


#仉申郊# it is time to do sth 和it is time for sth有区别么? -
(15336887097): It is time to do something和It is time for something意思没有区别,但结构不一样. It is time后面可以用三种不同的句型: It is time for加名词,如: It is time for school. It's time for lunch. It is time后面加动词不定式,如: It's time for you to go to ...

#仉申郊# it is time to do等于it is time for doing? - 作业帮
(15336887097):[答案] 没有区别 It is time to do sth.这种更常用.例如:It's time to go to bed. It is time for doing 也有,但不如前者那么常用.例如:It's time for breakfast(eating breakfast).

#仉申郊# it is time for和 it is time to 有什么区别 -
(15336887097): It's time to have lunch.=it's time for lunch.for后跟名次或动名词,to后跟动词原形.

#仉申郊# it is time for 和 it time to有什么不同
(15336887097): 答案是: 前者后面跟上名词或者名词词组,后者是跟上动词原形 比如: It's time for class It's time to get up ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

#仉申郊# it is time to 和it is time for 的区别 -
(15336887097): it is time to +do it is time for +doing

#仉申郊# it is time to do等于it is time for doing?吗 -
(15336887097): 没有区别 It is time to do sth.这种更常用.例如:It's time to go to bed. It is time for doing 也有,但不如前者那么常用.例如:It's time for breakfast(eating breakfast).

#仉申郊# It is time for something.和It is time to do something.有什么区别? -
(15336887097): 具体用法的区别.it's time for 名词 .it's time to 动词(+名词)

#仉申郊# It is time to do something. 和It is time for something.有什么区别 -
(15336887097): It is time to do something. 和It is time for something(前者接动词,后者接名词,有时可以互换),如 It is time to have classess./ It is time for class. It is time to have lunch.= It is time for lunch.

#仉申郊# it is time to do sth 和it is time for sth有区别么
(15336887097): it is time to后面加的是动词原形do,比如:it is time to go home 而it is time for后面接名词(或动名词),比如it is time for lunch 希望我的回答你有帮助,不懂可以追问

#仉申郊# It is time to do sth和It is time for sth有区别吗?区别是? -
(15336887097): for 后跟 名词或doing sth. to 后跟 do sth.意思一样,都是'该是做某事的时候了!'It's time to get out of here! ;It's time for getting o...