
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-17
Can you help me with my English?

在请求帮助时,使用礼貌且直接的语言是非常重要的。当你想说“请帮我英文怎么说”时,一个更自然且地道的英文表达方式是:“Can you help me with my English?” 这个句子既表达了你的需求,又显得尊重和谦逊。

当你请求别人帮助你提高英语时,你可能是在寻找语言学习的建议、纠正发音或语法错误,或者是想了解某个特定词汇或短语的用法。在请求帮助时,提供具体的信息会有助于对方更好地协助你。例如,你可以说:“I’m struggling with the pronunciation of certain vowels. Could you help me practice?” 或者 “I’m not sure how to use the phrase ‘in conclusion’ in a sentence. Could you give me an example?”


总之,当你想要请求别人帮助你的英语学习时,使用“Can you help me with my English?”是一个既直接又礼貌的表达方式。同时,提供具体的信息和保持开放的态度将有助于你更有效地获得帮助。


#池易索# 请帮帮我翻译成英语
(13393194186): Composition: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, your birthday just at the mid-term examination this day, so your life is doomed half. For your pain half the happy future, cheer, life faster driving!

#池易索# 请帮我翻译成英语 -
(13393194186): “一个圣诞颂歌”是一个很短的故事,作者是查尔斯狄更斯在1843年.这个故事没有描述高兴平安夜像往常一样,但社会问题在时间和改变人的本质. 主角, Scrooge ,勤奋,聪明,意味着岁的商人,只关心他的钱.他减少了员工的工资,拒...

#池易索# 请帮我用英语翻译
(13393194186): This is the ticket for a star vocal concert, my friend gave it to me, I want to sell to you because I am not free to watch it. The price is low.

#池易索# 请帮我用英语翻译一下,谢谢. -
(13393194186): My hometown is located in the river, beautiful scenery, suitable for living, along with the rapid economic development, many of the new factory, housing, roads, etc.). But there plenty of problems, such as water, air is polluted, the traffic is very heavy. 楼主其实可以百度一下“在线翻译”,然后就会出来搜索结果、 把要翻译的复制进去就可以啦、 谢谢采纳、

#池易索# 请帮我翻译成英语
(13393194186): Hello, everyone.I am your tour guide.Beijing is the capital of China.It is a very beautiful city.Then said the Great Wall.We can only stay on the Great Wall two hours.Our car waiting at the exit.I wish you all a good time.

#池易索# 请帮我翻译成英语,谢谢
(13393194186): With the development of economy of China, chinese become more and more rich. People are loving in travel which contained various ways as air, trian, ship,car and so on. Air plane is the most popular one for its speed and comfort. But there is also...

#池易索# 请帮我用英语翻译下 对我很重要的 谢谢 -
(13393194186): Really showed interest but stand away, don't think that you are just I the traveler in the life, if you will miss me once everyday.If you say we have each other...

#池易索# 请帮我用英语翻译出来,谢谢啦. ~~ -
(13393194186): It is simple enough to say that since books have classes--fiction, biography, poetry--we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we ...

#池易索# 请帮我用英文翻译一下,谢谢~不要电子翻译. -
(13393194186): 1今天是我的生日,我的哥哥来给我过生日.我们在餐厅吃晚餐.我们吃鱼,蔬菜,面条,米饭和汤.我们还吃了生日蛋糕,我许了一个愿望.就是我和我的家人都健康快乐.我今...

#池易索# 请帮我用英语翻译一句话:“谢谢你们,希望我们合作愉快!祝生意兴隆!” -
(13393194186): Thank you, we hope that the cooperation happy! Wish business is booming!"