
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-15
1:As we all know,when we go out,we must wear something.And there are many clothes,such as:Jeans,dress,plants and so on,if you wear some beautiful clothes,you friends will think you are very pretty,but if you wear some ugly clothes,you friends will think you don't wear beautiful,you think I was very ugly and you don't like go shopping with me.So remember,the clothes is more important when you meet your friends.A beautiful clothes make us fell happy,but an ugly clothes will make us fell unhappy.:2:Each of us is the clothes on the required wearing of
Clothes can help us block the body
I said good-looking clothes do not look good
As for that ugly nor
He formed by the lattice lace
Kind of aristocratic atmosphere
His color is blue
Melancholy blue Representative
I was melancholy
So I like the blue
I like my clothes


#车任凯# 英语作文 假如你是刘鹏,用简单的语音介绍你喜欢的衣服和颜色 - 作业帮
(13182303757):[答案] 什么是最好写一个论文题目,希望能帮助你! 1.在商务英语与文化 之间的关系2.商务英语广告语言的特点和 3商务英语表达传播文化因素 4.通信在商务英语谈判中的地位和作用的语言 5.习惯在商务中国和西方文化谈判英语角色 6.在文化差异上的商务...

#车任凯# 寻找一篇英语作文
(13182303757): a stole here is a very rarity clothes in show case.it is made of natural materials, and it is very light. it is white and it can reflect all colours of light .so or you wear it , you will feel much more comfortable when you are in the sun. it is King Alfred of Wessexs and we call it stole.

#车任凯# 自己的家庭每位成员喜爱的衣服颜色英语作文 -
(13182303757): my family people like different close 衣服 ,my mom like Red,my Father like blue and me like yellow,but,my family like own is me

#车任凯# 写一篇英语小短文介绍你和家人平时喜爱的服装和颜色,以及在节假日你们的穿着打扮 -
(13182303757): My family has four individuals. My father, my mother, my brother and me. My dad likes to wear plain clothes. He likes blue. My mother likes to wear bright clothes. She likes red. I like to wear nice clothes. I like pink. My brother likes to wear the shirt. He likes black and white.

#车任凯# 自己的家庭每位成员喜爱的衣服颜色英语作文 - 作业帮
(13182303757):[答案] my family people like different close 衣服 ,my mom like Red,my Father like blue and me like yellow,but,my family like own is me

#车任凯# 用英语介绍自己最喜欢的一件衣服 -
(13182303757): A lightblue coat is my favorite! As if it was designed for me! It fit me very well! It has a fishion style and soft cloth.一件浅蓝外套是我的最爱.好像它是为我量身订做的,它非常合身,它有时尚地风格和柔软的面料!

#车任凯# 描写你最喜欢的一件衣服.50个单词三种句型.简单点,四年级 英语作文 - 作业帮
(13182303757):[答案] My Clothes I have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my ... 这个T恤衫是我的最爱.我也喜欢这条短裤.我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色.因此我的衣服都是蓝色.你喜欢这些种类的衣服吗?你喜欢蓝...

#车任凯# 上海初一英语作文我喜欢的衣服和什么颜色80词左右急需大神们拜托了
(13182303757): Life is full of colors and different colors reflect different attitudes towards life. What is your favourite color? Are you in favour of those warm colours, such as yellow, orange, or ...

#车任凯# 关于介绍衣服大小颜色尺寸品种的英文作文 - 作业帮
(13182303757):[答案] 建议直接去服装网站搜寻.

#车任凯# 介绍一家人服装喜欢的颜色的英语作文 - 作业帮
(13182303757):[答案] My family has three colors, "orange" father -- kind,sunshine, sometimes temper, "red" mother -- hot, love temper, only good-natured, "blue" I -- naughty, always have strange ideas, as lovely as The Smurfs. My fatherusually to me is not fierce, but ...