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what is it in English?


I can't speak english ___竭诚为您解答,麻烦亲不吝赐一个好评,感激不尽!

#隆魏莎# 英语翻译用英文怎么说 - 作业帮
(17130341081):[答案] 格律 metre 押韵 rhyme 体式 style

#隆魏莎# 英语用英文怎么说 -
(17130341081): English

#隆魏莎# 2010用英语怎么说?请用英语回答一下. - 作业帮
(17130341081):[答案] two thousand and ten 或者 twenty ten

#隆魏莎# 用英语怎么说
(17130341081): How to say it in English

#隆魏莎# 用英语怎么说
(17130341081): In the past I often late

#隆魏莎# 用英语怎么说 -
(17130341081): 话虽然这样说,成人不自在,自在不成人,有系统的学习方法是大众所适用的.毕竟有多少人因此而事半功倍 现在英语中的学习方法总结如下: 学好英语要的努力勤奋,要每天学习单词和语法,英语水平好比一座楼房,语法是盖楼房的砖瓦,...

#隆魏莎# 英文怎么说? -
(17130341081): If there is improvement on the number of products produced, we will update the schedule for you as soon as possible

#隆魏莎# 用英语怎么说 -
(17130341081): Hey kid,First,you should know what you like,what kind of life you want to live,for which we can start to prepare.This kind of life will be your direction and power to pursue in future.Second,we need to know what we are lack of,like technique.Beside the ...

#隆魏莎# 用英语怎么说 -
(17130341081): Eight o'clock 如果要区分上下午的话,上午说:Eight am;下午说:Eight pm.满意望采纳 :)

#隆魏莎# 我爱你用英语怎么说?除了I LOVE YOU - 作业帮
(17130341081):[答案] 101种方法说我爱你 I adore you. I am infatuated with you. I appreciate you. I can't live without you. I can't stop thinking about ... I yearn for you. I'm a better person because of you. I'm blessed to have you in my life. I'm devoted to you. I'm fond of you. I'm lost ...