help to do 和help doing的区别 help doing 和help to do 的区别     时间: 2024-06-17

help doing 和help to do的区别是释义不同、用法不同等。

1、释义不同:help doing与can't连用,意为忍不住/情不自禁去做某事;help to do 意为帮助、援助。

2、用法不同:help (to) do sth实际上有时候to是省略掉的,用作help do sth。help + doing 是与can't一起用的,用作can't help doing sth。容易与can't help doing混淆的是can't help to do,译为不能帮助做某事。


(1)I can't lift this box — will you help me please? 译文:我举不动这个箱子,请你帮我一下好吗?

(2)I couldn't help crying.译文:我忍不住哭了。

(3)He can't help to do housework,for he is busy. 他由于忙不能帮助干家务。



1、help sb.with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”或“在……方面帮助某人”。有时在上下文意思清楚时,help sb.(to) do sth.意思相近。

例句:You can help me carry the things./ You can help me with the things.译文:你可以帮我拿这些东西。

2、help oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”。这是招待客人的常用语,oneself有人称和数的变化。

例句:Help yourself to some chicken. 请随便吃些鸡肉。

首先我们来看下help to do和help doing的大致意思:

help to do:词性为动词短语,help:帮助;to:表示目的;do:做

help doing:词性为动词短语,help:帮助;doing:正在进行

通过下面的表格我们了解下help to do和help doing的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下help to do和help doing的用法区别:

1.语法结构:help to do是及物动词+不定式,而help doing是及物动词+动名词。


- Can you help me to clean the room?

(Can you help me to clean the room?)

- I helped him to find his lost keys.

(I helped him to find his lost keys.)

2.意义差异:help to do表示帮助去做某事,强调动作的完成;help doing表示帮助正在进行的事情,强调动作的进行。


- She helped him to write the report.

(She helped him to write the report.)

- He is helping his sister clean the house.

(He is helping his sister clean the house.)

3.语义重点:help to do强调帮助的对象,即谁去做某事;help doing强调帮助的行为,即在做什么事情。


- They helped him to win the championship.

(They helped him to win the championship.)

- He is helping his friends move to a new apartment.

(He is helping his friends move to a new apartment.)

4.习惯用法:help to do常用于口语及正式文体;help doing常用于口语和非正式文体。


- Can you help me to carry these bags?

(Can you help me to carry these bags?)

- She is helping him organize the party.

(She is helping him organize the party.)

5.时间性:help to do表示帮助在将来完成的动作;help doing表示正在进行的动作。


- He will help her to prepare for the exam tomorrow.

(He will help her to prepare for the exam tomorrow.)

- They are helping each other decorate the Christmas tree.

(They are helping each other decorate the Christmas tree.)

6.语态:help to do可以用于被动语态,形式为help to be done;help doing不可用于被动语态。


- The teacher helped him to be admitted to the university.

(The teacher helped him to be admitted to the university.)

- She is helping her mother clean the house.

(She is helping her mother clean the house.)

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度help to do 和help doing分析的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Help to do" 表示帮助某人去完成某个动作或任务。

- "Help doing" 表示帮助某人在进行某个动作或活动时。


- She helped me to clean the house.(她帮助我打扫房子。)

- He helped by carrying the bags.(他帮助搬运袋子。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Help to do" 后面跟不定式的原形,表示帮助某人完成具体的行动或任务。

- "Help doing" 后面跟动词的-ing形式,表示帮助某人在进行某个动作或活动时提供帮助。


- She helped me to find a solution to the problem.(她帮助我找到了解决问题的方案。)

- He helped by cooking dinner.(他帮忙做饭。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Help to do" 可以用于正式或非正式场合,适用于各种不同的帮助情境。

- "Help doing" 更常用于非正式场合,用于描述在具体活动或任务中给予帮助。


- The teacher helped the students to understand the lesson.(老师帮助学生理解这节课。)

- My friend helped by lending me some money.(朋友借给我一些钱帮助我。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Help to do" 更加强调帮助的目标或行动本身,侧重于帮助完成特定的任务或行动。

- "Help doing" 更加强调帮助进行某个特定的动作或活动,侧重于支持该动作的进行。


- He helped me to fix my car.(他帮助我修理我的车。)

- She helped by cheering me on during the race.(她在比赛期间助威给我帮助。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Help to do" 的影响范围较广,可包括帮助完成各种不同的动作或任务。

- "Help doing" 更加具体和明确,适用于特定的行动或活动。

- She helped me to find a job.(她帮助我找到了一份工作。)

- They helped by donating money to the charity.(他们通过给慈善机构捐款来提供帮助。)

"help to do" 和 "help doing" 是两种不同的句式结构,它们在用法上有一些区别。

  • "help to do" 通常用于表达一个行为或情况发生之前的动作,强调提供帮助的对象和所要完成的动作之间的关系。例如:

  • She helped me to prepare dinner.(她帮我准备晚餐。)

  • Can you help me to find my keys?(你能帮我找到我的钥匙吗?)

  • "help doing" 则用于表示一个正在进行中的动作,强调提供帮助的对象正在进行的动作。例如:

  • She is helping him carry the bags.(她正在帮他拿包。)

  • They always help their neighbors with gardening.(他们总是帮助邻居做园艺。)

  • 此外,"help to do" 还可以用于问句或否定句中,但 "help doing" 在这种情况下不常使用:

  • Can you help me to clean the room?(你能帮忙清理房间吗?)

  • I can't help her to solve the problem.(我不能帮助她解决问题。)

  • 综上所述,"help to do" 更常用于陈述句、疑问句或否定句中,而 "help doing" 更多用于进行时态的动作描述中。

“help to do”和“help doing”在意思和用法上有一些区别。
在意思上,“help to do”表示“帮助某人做某事”,而“help doing”则表示“想要或试图做某事”。
在使用上,“help to do”通常用于表示帮助他人完成某个具体的任务或动作,例如:Can you help me to install this program?(你能帮我安装这个程序吗?)而“help doing”则更多地用于表示自己的某种意图或想法,例如:I need to go and help myself to some more wine.(我需要去多拿些酒来。)
需要注意的是,“help doing”有时也可以看到一些语境中与“help to do”意思相同,例如:Can you help me to/doing getting this heavy box up the stairs?(你能帮我把这个重箱子搬上楼梯吗?)在这种情况下,“to do”和“doing”的区别并不是很大,都可以表示同样的意思。
总的来说,“help to do”和“help doing”在大多数情况下是有区别的,但在某些特定的语境下,它们也可能具有相同的意思。

can't help to do和can't help doing的区别?~

1.词义不同:can’t help to do:译为不能帮助做某事。这里的help为帮助的意思。
can’t help doing:译为情不自禁做某事。这里的help帮助构成短语。
2.使用环境不同:一般来说can’t help to do后面帮助的事情还没有发生,是在回答不能够去帮助做这件事情,因此后面接的是一般现在时。
can’t help doing一般是描述已经发生的事情,即情不自禁地做了某事或者说是形容自己对某事没有抵抗力,即表示的是一般情况。
can’t help to do后面接的是句子,而can’t help doing后面接的是名词。

例句:can’t help to do:
1.I can’t help to do it.
2.He can’t help to do housework,for he is busy.
can’t help doing:
而这里的意思就和can’t help to do完全不同,指的是情不自禁,一般用来渲染情感,可根据以下例句体会所处的环境氛围。
1.In the first case, we wish to say: "I can't help doing what I do."
2.I can't help doing anything for you, not asking for return, only because I love you.

help doing和help to do

#毕雯邰# help to do sth.&help doing sth.的区别、用法RT.希望能有准确的答案.我错了 - - 是help do sth.&help doing sth - - 乃们见谅哈【尴尬- - 作业帮
(17858026473):[答案] 其实都可以,意思没区别的. help sb with sth 这个和这两个倒是有点不一样,with后加名词或动名词短语.

#毕雯邰# helpdoing和to do的区别 -
(17858026473): 有 can't help doing 禁不住做某事的用法 ,帮助(某人)做某事应用help(sb)(to)do sth

#毕雯邰# help do 和 help doing有什么区别 -
(17858026473): can't/couldn't help doing忍不住要做某事,情不自禁做某事 help (to)do sth.帮助做某事

#毕雯邰# helpdoing和to do的区别 -
(17858026473): 有 can't help doing 禁不住做某事的用法 ,帮助(某人)做某事应用help(sb)(to)do sth

#毕雯邰# help 接to do 还是 help doing
(17858026473): cann't help to do 是迫不及待 cann't help doing 是情不自禁 help (to) do sth实际上有时候to是省略掉的. help do sth 还有can't help doing sth.(忍不住/情不自禁去做某事) ...

#毕雯邰# help doing 和help to do 的区别 -
(17858026473): help (to) do sth实际上有时候to是省略掉的.help do sth 还有can't help doing sth.(忍不住/情不自禁去做某事) help doing 是与can't一起用的 没有help doing 这种用法 中古英语helpenvt,vi 帮助,援助 I can't lift this box — will you help me please?我...

#毕雯邰# help doing有help doing的形式吗? -
(17858026473): 没有help doing这种形式,没有比较的必要,help do和help to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同.一、意思不同 do意思:帮助做 to do意思:有助于二、用法不同 do用法:help既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物...

#毕雯邰# help do 和 help doing有什么区别
(17858026473): help sb to do sth这里的to 是可以省略的,基本等于help sb do sth 如果非要深究,htlp sb to do sth是帮助者做,help sb do sth 是帮助者与被帮助者共同做,但是一般不会这么死抠的.没有help sb doing sth这种说法.

#毕雯邰# help接todo还是helpdoing初中英语,忘了
(17858026473): cann't help to do 是迫不及待 cann't help doing 是情不自禁 help (to) do sth实际上有时候to是省略掉的. help do sth 还有can't help doing sth.(忍不住/情不自禁去做某事) ...

#毕雯邰# help to do sth.和help doing sth.有什么区别?
(17858026473): help to do sth./ help sb. do sth. 二者的意思都是"帮忙做么事" 但是一个是直接加不定式,另外一个是接宾语.做题目的时候就要好好看清楚了. can't help doing sth.这个是个固定搭配 意思是"情不自禁做..." 例如: She is so beautiful that i can't ...