
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-05-27

t读音:英[tiː] 美[tiː]



1.The Hydraulic Transmission System Design of 400 t Forging Press Welder.


2.T ü r ( door) in German is a feminine noun.


3.T is believed ( those) reading increases our knowledgeable and broadens our mind.


4.T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection.


5.No matter how hard you try, you can ’ t turn something that large on a dime, or even a few thousand dimes.


6.These laws are programmed into Asimov's robots-they don' t have to think, judge, or value.


7.It doesn't do much good for farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa to produce more food if they can' t get it to hungry consumers.


8.Retailers and banks stand to benefit from the lower fraud levels of chip-and-PIN cards but have been reluctan for years to invest in the new infrastructure needed for the technology, especially if consumers don ' t have access to it.


9.When students become too fixated on a particular school early in the admissions process, that fixation can lead to severe disappointment if they don ’ t get in or, if they do, the possibility that they are now bound to go to a school that, given time for further reflection, may not actually be right for them.


10.Back in June, the Federal Communications Commission fined AT& T$ 100 million over accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of data.



#谭思姣# 英语中t的发音 -
(14771244566): 当然字母 “t” 通常不发成 “t”.但是你可能注意到在流利的口语中,以英语为母语的人有时就会把 “t” 发成 “d”那通常是 “t” 出现在两个发音的中间.你知道在英语里什么音是不发音的?在英语中有十五个发音的辅音同样地,所有英语元...

#谭思姣# 关于辅音[t]的发音
(14771244566): 这是因为发音同化的问题,在这里,t 的后面是 a, 由于a 的发音舌位靠前,收到这个作用,在发 t 的音时,舌位也提前了.所以你听着会像是 l.

#谭思姣# t与单韵母四声调拼读是什么意思啊? -
(14771244566): t与单韵母四声调拼读,回答如下: t与单韵母相拼的单韵母有:a e i u,t与单韵母组成的音节有两拼音节和三拼音节.如两拼音节:tā tá tǎ tà tē té tě tè tī tí t... t与单韵母相拼的单. t和a组合的四个声调: 分别是tā、tǎ、tà. 1、它 读音:tā 意思:人...

#谭思姣# 硬盘容量T的中文读音是什么 -
(14771244566): T是Tera,译作太 正确的应该读太,不过你读T也可以

#谭思姣# 英语中t发音是“特”还是“吃” -
(14771244566): t + s 就念“吃(次)”,如:rats t结尾通常会念“特”,如:rat 还有以t结尾但不发音的,这类词通常是英语从其他语言中借鉴来的,如:depot

#谭思姣# 中文如何分清t的发音 -
(14771244566): 楼主你好:这是我看了你的问题自己想的,如果你感觉有帮助就采纳了.没有帮助就算了.那个t的发音是舌头尖顶住上颚与上部牙齿,在舌头离开一瞬间的发音.而k是舌头后半部分顶住上颚在离开一瞬间发音.两者的发音区别是发音部位不同,t稍靠前,而k稍靠后.希望可以对您有所帮助.

#谭思姣# 法语的T怎么读 -
(14771244566): 我前两天才回答过这个问题(:用英语的音标发这个音,就是[tei],就是T+A的音./t/是发英语音标里的/t/

#谭思姣# 法语中字母T怎么发音? -
(14771244566): 用英语的音标发这个音,就是[tei],就是T+A的音./t/是发英语音标里的/t/

#谭思姣# 硬盘容量中的T应该怎么读?? -
(14771244566): 1TB =1024 GB 1GB=1024MB 1MB=1024KB SI词头表中,T是tera,译作太,艾是E(exa),所以叫太兆