various 与difference 的本质区别     时间: 2024-06-01

various 是形容词,各种各样的,多方面的difference 是名词,指不同,差别两个例子可以比较一下Can you tell me the difference between the two schools?你能告诉我这两个学校的差别么?The reason is various.原因是多方面的。


different adj.
不同的 各别的, 差异的 [常作表语]
as different again 又大不相同(指向好处转变的差异)
as different as chalk from cheese (尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同
be different from 与...不同
be different to 与...不同
be different than 与...不同 The two boys are different in their tastes.
I don't like that dress, I want a different one.
It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.
Susan is different from / than / to Alice.
苏姗和爱丽丝不同。 difference n.
all the difference (in the world) 天渊之别, 大不相同
as near as makes no difference 没有多少差别
iron out the difference(s) 消除分歧
make a great difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响]
make a difference between 区别对待
make some difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make no difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make all the difference 关系重大, 大不相同
make all the difference in the world 关系重大, 大不相同
make a world of difference 关系重大, 大不相同
pay the difference 付差额金
meet the difference 付差额金
settle differences 调停
split the difference 妥协, 折中, 互相让步
the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee 几乎没有什么差别
What's the difference? 这有什么关系呢?
Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.

distinction强调的是某一件事物的独特和突出,无须比较它本身已经stand out。

1、Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?
2、Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel.
3、The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.
4、That is the fundamental difference between the two societies.

#贝闸丽# different和various都表示“不同的”意思,但在具体用法上有什么不同? - 作业帮
(17668781257):[答案] various:multiplicity/variety of choices 有各种各样的意思,多种选择很多种类.different:used when showing that the choices are not the same as something else 表示种类或选择与其他的不一样various和differen...

#贝闸丽# difference和differences的区别 -
(17668781257): difference和differences不一样,可数时,表示不同之处.不可数时表示不同.二者区别: (1)differences 是指不同之处 (2)difference 指抽象的不同 difference当名词时,可作可数或不可数名词.意思:区别,差异,不同之处 There are ...

#贝闸丽# different和difference的区别 -
(17668781257): 一,词性不同 different是形容词,而difference是名词. 二,意思不同 different表示不同的,而difference表示区别. 例句: We human are different from animal.我们人类不同于动物. We have a big difference. 我们有很大的差异. 三,用法不同 ...

#贝闸丽# various 与difficult 的区别 -
(17668781257): various是各种各样、不同的意思!difficult是不同的困难的意思

#贝闸丽# Differentiation 和difference的区别 -
(17668781257): 前者n. 区别;变异,分化 后者n. 差异;不同;争执1. differentiate v. 区分,分辨(就是区别出事物的不同之处,辨别出来的意思) 例如:It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.区分/辨别事实和观点非常重要.differentiation n.区分,分辨(的动作或能力) 同时 differentiation differentiate 还可以表示数学中的微分

#贝闸丽# variance和difference的区别 -
(17668781257): variance 英[ˈveəriəns] 美[ˈveriəns] n.变化,变动;不一致;分歧;方差 复数:variances 双语例句 Many of his statements were at variance with the facts. 他的说法有很多和事实不符. This idealistic concept is at variance with reality. 这种理想主义的观念和现实相矛盾.

#贝闸丽# different与differences的区别什么时候用 -
(17668781257): different是形容词比如:These two cups are different这两个杯子不同.而differences是difference的复数形式,为名词比如:There are many differences between China and USA. 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

#贝闸丽# various与varied的区别 -
(17668781257): various形容词 a. 1.不同的;各种各样的,形形色色的Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons. 由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了. 2.好几个的;许多的[Z]Wheat is varied是vary 的过去式及物动词 vt. 1.使不同;变更;修改He never ...

#贝闸丽# difference from ,difference between区别,谢谢! -
(17668781257): 一、含义不同 1.difference from 释义:差异. 2.difference between 释义:…之间的不同. 二、用法不同 1.difference from 用法:difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之...

#贝闸丽# different和difference的区别和用法 -
(17668781257): different是形容词,修饰名词. be different from 与...不同 be different to 与...不同 be different than 与...不同 difference是名词,词组通常是 all the difference大不相同 make a great difference 有很大差别, lz2个单词词性不同 很大区别喔 我下面附的链接解释也不错 呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈 亲~新年快乐哈 如果满意~亲 记得采纳~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦