孟姜女的原著或原版故事。 孟姜女哭长城 的故事 英文版

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-02




  直到200年后,曾子在评论蒉(音kuì)尚在路上接受使者吊唁时,又提到了此事,说:“其妻迎其柩于路而哭之哀。庄公使人吊之。”曾子认为蒉尚不如杞梁的妻子懂得礼仪。在曾子的嘴里,杞梁妻不仅“哭”了,而且还哭得很悲伤,故事已经带上了明显的感情色彩。战国时期的《孟子》,曾引用了当时一个叫淳于髡(音kūn)的人的话,也说“杞梁之妻,善哭其夫而变国俗”。 后来的《韩诗外传》也引用淳于髡的话说,“杞梁之妻悲哭而人称咏” 。这就使《左传》中的史实“杞梁妻拒齐庄公郊外吊唁”变成了“杞梁妻哭夫”,故事的重心发生偏移。《古诗十九首》中有一首《西北有高楼》,里面有这样几句:“上有弦歌声,音响一何悲?谁能为此曲?无乃杞梁妻。”由此我们可以看出,杞梁妻在当时人们的心目中已成了哭的典型。














  This story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). There was once an old man named Meng who lived in the southern part of the country with his wife. One spring, Meng sowed a seed of bottle gourd in his yard. The bottle gourd grew up bit by bit and its vines climbed over the wall and entered his neighbor Jiang's yard. Like Meng, Jiang had no children and so he became very fond of the plant. He watered and took care of the plant. With tender care of both men, the plant grew bigger and bigger and gave a beautiful bottle gourd in autumn. Jiang plucked it off the vine, and the two old men decided to cut the gourd and divide it by half. To their surprise when they cut the gourd a pretty and lovely girl was lying inside! They felt happy to have a child and both loved her very much, so they decided to bring the child up together. They named the girl Meng Jiangnu, which means Meng and Jiang's daughter.
  As time went by, Meng Jiangnu grew up and became a beautiful young woman. She was very smart and industrious. She took care of old Meng and Jiang's families, washing the clothes and doing the house work. People knew that Meng Jiangnu was a good girl and liked her very much. One day while playing in the yard, Meng Jiangnu saw a young man hiding in the garden. She called out to her parents, and the young man came out.
  At that time, Emperor Qin Shihuang (the first emperor of Qin) announced to build the Great Wall. So lots of men were caught by the federal officials. Fan Qiliang was an intellectual man and very afraid of being caught, so he went to Meng's house to hide from the officials. Meng and Jiang liked this good-looking, honest, and good-mannered young man. They decided to wed their daughter to him. Both Fan Qiliang and Meng Jiangnu accepted happily, and the couple was married several days later. However, three days after their marriage, officials suddenly broke in and took Fan Qiliang away to build the Great Wall in the north of China.
  It was a hard time for Meng Jiangnu after her husband was taken away - she missed her husband and cried nearly every day. She sewed warm clothes for her husband and decided to set off to look for him. Saying farewell to her parents, she packed her luggage and started her long journey. She climbed over mountains and went through the rivers. She walked day and night, slipping and falling many times, but finally she reached the foot of the Great Wall at the present Shanhaiguan Pass.
  Upon her arrival, she was eager to ask about her husband. Bad news came to her, however, that Fan Qiliang had already died of exhaustion and was buried into the Great Wall! Meng Jiangnu could not help crying. She sat on the ground and cried and cried. Suddenly with a tremendous noise, a 400 kilometer-long (248-mile-long) section of the Great Wall collapsed over her bitter wail. The workmen and supervisors were astonished. Emperor Qin Shihuang happened to be touring the wall at that exact time, and he was enraged and ready to punish the woman.
  However, at the first sight of Meng Jiangnu Emperor Qin Shihuang was attracted by her beauty. Instead of killing her, the Emperor asked Meng Jiangnu to marry him. Suppressing her feeling of anger, Meng Jiangnu agreed on the basis of three terms. The first was to find the body of Fan Qiliang, the second was to hold a state funeral for him, and the last one was to have Emperor Qin Shihuang wear black mourning for Fan Qiliang and attend the funeral in person. Emperor Qin Shihuang thought for a while and reluctantly agreed. After all the terms were met, Emperor Qin Shihuang was ready to take her to his palace. When the guarders were not watching, she suddenly turned around and jumped into the nearby Bohai Sea.
  This story tells of the hard work of Chinese commoners, as well as exposes the cruel system of hard labor during the reign of Emperor Qing Shihuang. The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall embodied the power and wisdom of the Chinese nation. In memory of Meng Jiangnu, later generations built a temple, called the Jiangnu Temple, at the foot of the Great Wall in which a statue of Meng Jiangnu is located. Meng


#闵砌祁# 孟姜女哭长城原文? -
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#闵砌祁# 《孟姜女》的梗概 -
(13381146259): 在他们成婚之日,万喜良被官兵抓走,瞬间万家陷入了无尽的悲痛之中,但这仅仅是万家恶梦的开始,厄运接踵而来:家父万金标瘁死;祖父瘫痪;年迈的祖母精神崩溃…… 独守空房的孟姜女日夜思念夫君,矢志不渝的爱情力量让她不顾世俗...

#闵砌祁# 简单的孟姜女哭长城的故事 -
(13381146259): 孟姜女哭长城 这个故事发生在很久很久以前,那时候秦始皇正徵发八十万民工修筑万里长城.官府到处抓人去当民工,被抓去的人不分白天黑夜地修筑长城,不知累死了多少. 苏州有个书生叫万喜良,为了逃避官府的追捕,他不得不四处躲...

#闵砌祁# 孟姜女哭长城是怎么回事 -
(13381146259): 孟姜女的故事,作为中国古代四大爱情传奇之一(其他三个是《牛郎织女》、《梁山伯与祝英台》和《白蛇传》),千百年来一直广为流传.孟姜女的传说一直以口头传承的方式在民间广为流传.最早的传说可上溯到《左传》. 西汉时已有了...

#闵砌祁# 孟姜女哭长城的故事 要梗概 -
(13381146259): 民间流传的故事孟姜女哭长城的故事,是我国古代著名的民间传说,它以戏剧、歌谣、诗文、说唱等形式,广泛流传,可谓家喻户晓.相传秦始皇时,劳役繁重,青年男女范喜良、孟姜女新婚三天,新郎就被迫出发修筑长城,不久因饥寒劳累而...

#闵砌祁# 孟姜女哭长城的原文 -
(13381146259): 春秋时齐国勇士杞梁之妻子,即是孟姜女,杞梁随齐庄公攻打莒国而战死,其尸运送回国时,其妻孟姜奉夫棺,将窆于城外,乃露宿三日,抚棺大恸,涕泪俱尽,继之以血,齐城忽然崩陷数尺,由哀恸迫切,精诚之所感也.后世传秦人范杞梁差筑长城而死,其妻孟姜女送寒衣至城下,闻夫死痛哭,城为之崩,盖即齐将杞梁之事,而误传之耳.忠勇千秋想杞梁,颓城悲恸亦非常.至今齐国成风俗,嫠妇哀哀学孟姜.争羡赳赳五乘宾,形如熊虎力千钧.谁知陷阵捐躯者,却是单车殉义人.满意请采纳

#闵砌祁# 谁能够给我讲一下孟姜女哭长城的故事? -
(13381146259): 孟姜女哭长城 有关于孟姜女哭长城的传说流传甚久.说的是秦始皇为修长城而大量征用民工,其中就有孟姜女的丈夫范杞梁. 孟姜女和范杞梁的感情非常要好, 却说范杞梁在北方修长城,孟姜女在南方日思夜想,夏日蚊虫多,孟姜女止不住祈...