豆花之歌歌谱 豆花 背景音乐

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-15

《豆花之歌》(英文:THE TRYTH THAT YOU LEAVE)乐谱如下:




《Deviation (just for yoonjae)》


  歌手:Darren Hayes 专辑:Spin
  When moonlight crawls along the street
  Chasing away the summer heat
  Footsteps outside somewhere below
  The world revolves I let it go
  We build our church above this street
  We practice love between these sheets
  The candy sweetness scent of you
  It bathes my skin I'm stained by you
  And all I have to do is hold you
  There's a racing in my heart
  I am barely touching you

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you

  The moonlight plays upon your skin
  A kiss that lingers takes me in
  I fall asleep inside of you
  There are no words
  There's only truth
  Breathe in Breathe out
  There is no sound
  We move together up and down
  We levitate our bodies soar
  Our feet don't even touch the floor
  And nobody knows you like I do
  The world doesn't understand
  But I grow stronger in your hands

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you
  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you

  We never sleep we're always holdin' hands
  Kissin' for hours talkin' makin' plans
  I feel like a better man
  Just being in the same room
  We never sleep there's just so much to do
  Too much to say
  Can't close my eyes when I'm with you
  Insatiable the way I'm loving you

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you
  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you
  歌手:Darren Hayes 专辑:Spin
  When moonlight crawls along the street
  Chasing away the summer heat
  Footsteps outside somewhere below
  The world revolves I let it go
  We build our church above this street
  We practice love between these sheets
  The candy sweetness scent of you
  It bathes my skin I'm stained by you
  And all I have to do is hold you
  There's a racing in my heart
  I am barely touching you

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you

  The moonlight plays upon your skin
  A kiss that lingers takes me in
  I fall asleep inside of you
  There are no words
  There's only truth
  Breathe in Breathe out
  There is no sound
  We move together up and down
  We levitate our bodies soar
  Our feet don't even touch the floor
  And nobody knows you like I do
  The world doesn't understand
  But I grow stronger in your hands

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you
  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you

  We never sleep we're always holdin' hands
  Kissin' for hours talkin' makin' plans
  I feel like a better man
  Just being in the same room
  We never sleep there's just so much to do
  Too much to say
  Can't close my eyes when I'm with you
  Insatiable the way I'm loving you

  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you
  Turn the lights down low
  Take it off
  Let me show
  My love for you
  Turn me on
  Never stop
  Wanna taste every drop
  My love for you

#弓饶径# 豆花之歌 - still the one歌词 -
(17376589067): STILL THE ONE 原曲:ONLY ONE 出品:deviation world 策划:嗳哒TVXQ 演唱:moonuknow、kamiseo、錵の榊﹏丹 改编填词:嗳哒TVXQ 后期:嗳哒TVXQ Moon:手中表 嘀哒不停的在慢跑 kami:很微妙 这种感觉让人很毛躁 Moon:我们...

#弓饶径# 豆花之歌词表达 -
(17376589067): 豆花之歌 Deviation (just for yoonjae),是允在饭(即豆花王道支持者)为允在所唱作的第一支豆花歌曲. 曲风:歌选用了钢琴曲The truth that you leave作为伴奏,略悲的旋律配合malaj清新空灵的声线和精心的后期制作,构成了整首歌深情和执着的感情基调. 制作过程:这首歌在08年一月由嗳哒TVXQ发起,本着让大家感受允在之间点滴和挣脱世俗、背离命运束缚的爱的初衷,亲自作词,之后和萧易741111完成词的修改并定题.然后由嗳哒TVXQ请到malaj录唱,并由柚子 yoyofrisky完成海报.

#弓饶径# 求大神出豆花之歌的尤克里里谱子🙏. -
(17376589067): 我可以帮你编一个简单的指弹谱 「5555222 5555234 3 5555222 55552345 432 34321 5555222 5555234 3」 这个是以简谱形式写的 需要用到尤克里里音阶的知识 同是尤克里里小白 有不懂的欢迎问我(●'◡'●)ノ❤ 最后!科普一下!这个所谓「豆花之歌」只是十年前豆花饭为了允在填的词而已噢! 这首曲本身是没有原唱的 是pianoboy的钢琴曲《the truth that you leave》啦! 想了解更多关于这首曲子可以自行百度 目前没看见指弹谱 因为原曲是钢琴曲 可以去找专业的大神编出专业的尤克里里指弹

#弓饶径# deviation豆花之歌 -
(17376589067): [00:02.77] ★LRC歌词 制作 yakami★[00:04.56] www.5ilrc.com欢迎您[00:06.32]deviation——just for yoonjae[00:07.83]原曲:The truth that you leave[00:09.80]词:嗳哒TVXQ 萧易741111[00:12.00]演唱:malaj[00:12.99][00:17.11]冰冷刺骨的雪天 ...

#弓饶径# 东方神起的米花之歌,豆花之歌,秀珉之歌~? -
(17376589067): 《言叶はいらない》 整首歌几乎都是米花两个人唱的,而且歌词的意境很符合Soulmate那种已经默契到无需任何言语的心灵相通,没必要挑几句出来证明什么,整篇歌词都给我如此强烈的震撼 《Heart,mind and soul》 关键还是在歌词的感觉,...

#弓饶径# Deviation(豆花之歌原曲The truth that you leave )的钢琴谱?最好是简易版(不是简谱)的. -
(17376589067): http://www.gangqinpu.com/html/4145.htm 这个算简易版吧

#弓饶径# 豆花饭进关于豆花之歌Deviation昨天听到这歌<br/>觉得
(17376589067): 《Deviation---豆花饭》 中国豆花饭做的允在之歌《Deviation》 正式版 简介: 演唱:MALAJ 作词:嗳哒TVXQ 萧易741111 原伴奏:The truth that you leave 海报:柚子 ...

#弓饶径# 豆花之歌跟哪首歌的旋律很像? -
(17376589067): 豆花之歌的原伴奏是高志豪的钢琴曲《the truth that you leave》

#弓饶径# 急求,豆花之歌deviation - - just for Yj,MP3 -
(17376589067): 已发

#弓饶径# 豆花饭进 关于豆花之歌Deviation -
(17376589067): 《Deviation---豆花饭》 中国豆花饭做的允在之歌《Deviation》 正式版 简介: 演唱:MALAJ 作词:嗳哒TVXQ 萧易741111 原伴奏:The truth that you leave 海报:柚子 yoyofrisky Deviation (just for yoonjae),是允在饭(即豆花王道支持者)为允...