
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
Because English make me very happy~ especially English songs ,I love them very much~

I don't like English, but English likes me. I enjoy surfing online, but there are more than 90% contents written in English; love me, love my dog, so I must learn English well.

Why should we study English ?

Bescause English is very improtant today ,it's the world lanuge ,but I think Chinese will be more and more improtant than English in the future.


i hate english,too.


综述:English is one the most widely spoken language in the world. Even in countries like France or Africa, at least half of the population would be able to speak English. Therefore, English is very useful wherever you go.
Also, many books, movies, and songs are in English or translated into English. If you want to be able to understand them, learning English would be a necessity.


Why is learning English so important?

English is an international language which is recognised and used all over the world. Not only is it useful for us as a form of communication, it is also the language of Science and Technology. Not knowing the language will be a disadvamtage to us.


#钱寇贱# 为什么要学英语,用英语回答 -
(19272735328): Because English is the most widely spoken language in the world . People use it in many ways . Businessmen use it to deal with their business . Many books,newspapers and magazines are written in English .

#钱寇贱# 100字英语作文带翻译关与我们为什么学习英语? -
(19272735328): Why do we learn English If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn ...

#钱寇贱# 请帮我用英语回答:为什么要学习英语?(从好的方面来回答)谢谢!
(19272735328): Nowadays more and more people learn English, not only the youngster, but also the people who are at work. Maybe you will ask why we should learn English. First, at present English is the most widely used language. China is developing rapidly in ...

#钱寇贱# 我们为什么要学好英语(英语回答)
(19272735328): What is known to us is that English plays an more and more important role in our daily life. 望采纳

#钱寇贱# 为什么要学英语 —— Why should we learn English ? -
(19272735328): 1.to learn a language.为了学习一门语言 2.to know more knowledge.Because many books is written in English not in Chinese.为了了解更多的知识,因为许多书都是英文版而不是汉语版. 3.to make friends with foreigners.为了同外国人交朋友 4.to understand western cultule.为了理解西方文化. 5.Learn English ,and then control English.师夷长技以制夷

#钱寇贱# 关于为什么要学习英语的作文带翻译 - 作业帮
(19272735328):[答案] If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear English has become an international ... 在大部分学校英语都是必修课.我们为什么要学习英语?首先,英语是世界通用的语言.几乎每个国家都在使用英语,包括...

#钱寇贱# 你为什么要学习英语?请用英语回答,用Because English....(要正常点的..不要那种 -
(19272735328): Because English is spoken all over the world, if we go abroad, we can use English to communicate with foreigners. It's very convenient and useful. Also, in the future, we probably use English and it will help us with our work. And we can know about different culture .

#钱寇贱# 很多人问我们为什么要学英语,英文怎么说 -
(19272735328): A lot of people ask why we have to learn English. ***************************************************************************** 祝假期愉快,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问; 如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢! *****************************************************************************

#钱寇贱# 我们为什么学英语作为一名中国人,为什么要学习英语呢?我们不该为了
(19272735328): 用疯狂英语父李阳的话说就是,学习英语是为了更好地掌握先进的技术,更好地把中国推向世界.学习英语并不是为了崇洋媚外,要是世界第一大语言那绝对是中文.但我们不得不承认的是英语是世界通用语言.由于中国人并不都精通英文,所以中国在与西方国家贸易或者交涉的时候都吃过大亏.这角度确实是大了点.但单就个人而言,精通英文绝对是你的一大资本,现在各行各业对英语水平的要求都是越来越高的.

#钱寇贱# 为什么学英语英语怎么说 -
(19272735328): Why do you learn English 你为什么学英语 English 英语 我的目的是过专业英语6级