
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 英语吃饭的对话短语?
    问语有这些三年级Do you like banana你喜欢香蕉吗?Do you like pears你喜欢梨吗?Do you like orange,你喜欢橙子吗?Do you like milk,你喜欢牛奶吗?Do you like apples,你喜欢香蕉吗?Do you like meat你喜欢肉吗?Do you like rice,你喜欢米饭吗?Do you like noodles,你喜欢面条吗?
  • 在西餐厅的英语对话阅读
    在西餐厅的英语对话一 A:Are you ready to order now, sir?先生,您想现在点菜吗?B:Yes.是的。A:Would you like an appetizer?您要点什么开胃的东西吗?B:Yes. I'd like a crab cocktail.对,我要一个鲜蟹杯。A:Would you like some soup first?吃饭前先来点儿汤怎么样?B:Very ...
  • 一外国人到达中国就餐时与服务员之间的情景对话
    现在假设4个外国人走进来:服务生:Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Langham. My name is xxx and I will be at your service tonight. 午安先生女士们,欢迎来到Langham酒店。我的名字是xxx,而今晚我是你们的服务生。服务生打开手里的一份菜单介绍:Tonight, we have spicy pumpkin...
  • 英语口语两人对话 去哪里吃晚饭
  • 餐馆里的英语对话
    A是你,B是外国人 A:Wele to our hotel.欢迎光临。A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,是不是? B:Let me have a check again.让我再看一下。A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面。A:After you, please.你先请。B:Excuse me, ...
  • 关于去餐厅吃饭的英语对话
    高中英语对话课旨在培养学生语言交际能力,是整个高中英语教学中一个必不可少的重要组成部分。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 Waitress: Hi, wele to our restaurant.Customer: Thank you very much.Waitress: How many people are there?Customer: Just the one.Waitress: Just one person, ok. ...
  • 英语对话 肯得基
    Michael and Charles are thinking of eating out today. But they can not agree upon which restaurant they will go.麦可和查理想出去吃饭.但两人不能决定去哪一家餐馆.M: Hi, Charles, shall we eat out today?查理,今天出去吃饭好吗?C: Sounds good to me. What do you want to eat ...
  • 请外国友人吃饭的英文对话
    A: I'd like to take you out for dinner. when will you be available?B That's so nice of u. I'd like to go but my hands are full these days. Maybe we will hang around after the Spring Festival.A: 我想要请你吃晚饭。你什么时候有空呀?B:你人真好哇!O(∩_∩)O~我...
  • 今天去老外家吃饭,求大神教几句英语
    味道非常鲜美!It tastes delicious!肉质非常嫩!The meat is very tender.酸酸甜甜的。味道好极了!It's sour and sweet, wonderful taste!味道非常棒,但稍微有点辣!It's very good, but a little bit too spicy for me.我已经吃饱了。I am really full.再也吃不下了。I just couldn't ...
  • 高手帮忙翻译一下!要地道的口语,谢谢!
    问候家人 hey,how's the family?你家人最近怎样?I heard that ...我听说...之类的..邀请别人 would you like to go get a drink?要去喝一杯吗?Let me buy you (lunch\/dinner\/a cup of coffee)and we can continue chatting...让我请你吃(XX)吧,再继续聊吧...Why dont we finish...

  • 13289971232:   急求一段英文情景对话,关于约客户吃饭的对话. -
    郗勇肢  ______ 你问了鬼知道老外回答什么?还是努力练练吧! 口语点 how about (时间)at(地点) what would you like to eat (日期) how about (菜名) 看哪国人,注意细节,还有禁忌

    13289971232:   谁能给我一篇关于邀请的英语对话呀、长一点、16句以内. -
    郗勇肢  ______ 实用口语对话: A Clearance Sale: Jennifer: Hi, Wendy. I'm going to Isabel's. Are you coming? Wendy: No. The things there are too expensive for me. I can't afford it. Jennifer:That is no problem at all. Isabel's is having a clearance sale, and today is...

    13289971232:   第一次接待外国客户,谁能帮忙?急需吃饭英语及交谈英语!!! -
    郗勇肢  ______ 1、Goodnbsp;morning(afternoon,nbsp;evening),nbsp;sir(madam)nbsp;早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人).nbsp;2、Hownbsp;donbsp;younbsp;do?nbsp;您好!(初次见面)nbsp;Gladnbsp;tonbsp;meetnbsp;you.nbsp;很高兴见到您....

    13289971232:   一篇写外国人到中国餐厅吃饭的英语对话 -
    郗勇肢  ______ 例文0 Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir? Customer:I am afraid not. H.W:Just a moment,please. H.W:I'm very sorry,we're full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir? 餐厅英语情景对话 C:No,I don't mind. ...

    13289971232:   在外国,去餐厅用餐简单的对话有哪些?(英语) -
    郗勇肢  ______ (W:waiter C:customer) W: Good morning, sir. C:Good morning. A table for two, please. W: Yes ,sir. This way, please. C: Thank you. W: Take a seat, please. Here are the menus. I will come around to take your orders a moment later. C: Thank you. W:...

    13289971232:   带外国人吃中餐,介绍中餐特色菜.用英文对话 -
    郗勇肢  ______ Sichuan CuisineA:Welcome to our hotel. What would you like to order? (欢迎来我们饭店就餐,你们想吃点什么?)B: We arenot sure. I know there are "Eight Regional Cuisines" in China. Sichuan cuisine is oneof them. How does it taste? ...

    13289971232:   和老外吃饭,如果用英文说“先尝尝”然后说“感觉怎样?” 该如何说才算地道......求教. -
    郗勇肢  ______ 你好,我在美国和加拿大居住多年,一般来说一上来请客人品尝,可以直接说"Check it out!"或者"Try it out."如果要很礼貌,可以说“Please have a taste of the....” 然后问怎么样,就可以说“What do you think?”或者"Do you like it?" 如果还有问题可以找我!答案来自于英语牛人团.

    13289971232:   请外国人吃饭的时候对他说eat by yourself礼貌么?
    郗勇肢  ______ eat by yourself相当于“请便”的意思,在亲戚朋友间用比较随意的,正式场合不用

    13289971232:   英语四人就餐对话 每人12句 急急 十分感谢! -
    郗勇肢  ______ 1.主人对客人说的常用套语What would you like to have? 你想吃什么?Would you like something to eat (drink)? 你想吃(喝)点什么吗?Would you like a cup of tea (coff...