
来源:志趣文     时间: 2024-06-16
  • 播放视频的时候“卡顿”用英语怎么说
    stuck 英 [stʌk] 美 [stʌk]adj.动不了;无法移动;卡住;陷住;陷(入);困(于);被难住;答不上来;卡壳 v.将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入;粘贴;粘住;(尤指迅速或随手)放置 动不了;无法移动;卡住;陷住 unable to move or to be moved The wheels were stuck in the mu...
  • stucks的翻译是:什么意思
    stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词, 三单动词型 sticks stick 英 [stɪk]
  • 大仙们 帮我翻译一下 谢了
    他是那种乐于助人的好男人,于是他总上前去,跟那个女人说“我帮你搬这个包裹吧。看起来挺沉的。”"That's very kind of you." the woman said. "I'm having a lot of trouble with it. I think it's stuck."“你真好心。”女人说,“我费了好大力气搬这个包裹。我觉得它卡住了。”"...
  • bit, sting, stuck,scratch,区别
    这个区别是 虫子咬,bugs bite,例如蚊子 蜜蜂,黄蜂,带有针的就是sting, bees sting,蜜蜂蛰了一下 这个词的名词也是蜂针的意思 stuck 是卡住的意思,my foot stucks,或者陷入什么困境,stuck in someplace 困在某处 scratch , 痒就scratch,scratch the mosquito bites, 抓蚊子痒~
  • Mark Hey,Steve!_(you and Jane
    答案:1、are doing am standing is moving 2. did enjoy had Did spend Bought 原文:A:Hi, Stephanie. What ___ you ( do )? B: Hey,Mark. I ___ (stand) in an elevator, and it’s stuck! A: Oh, no! Are you OK? B: Yeah. I--- wait! It ___有哪位高人能把答案填...
  • 雅思词汇应用:100个雅思听力高频词汇(4)
    It’s stuck.29, bite off more than one can chew. 贪多嚼不烂A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this semester.B: I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.30, break new ground 有了新的突破His architectural design broke new ground in the field.31,benefit ...
  • mud的双解释义mud的双解释义是什么
  • The theory he's stuck ___ us that earthquakes can be forecast._百 ...
    答案B he's stuck to 为定语从句。句子主语为the theory,谓语是proves。
  • 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下Katty Perry《pearl》这首歌的歌词,不要翻译软件...
    can't believe she's become a shell of herself.不能相信她竟已变成一枚贝壳 cause she used to be a pearl.因为她曾是一枚珍珠 she was unstoppable.她曾不可阻挡 move fast just like an avalanche.想雪崩般迅速 but now she's stuck, deep in cement.但现在她已迟钝,深陷在胶水中 wishing...
  • 《人鬼情未了》经典台词
    1)、Even in death our love goes on 我们的爱至死不渝。2)、He’s stuck, he’s in between worlds.他进退不能,夹在阴阳之间 3)、I am willing to pay for everything, so the only contact with you once again! 我乐意支付统统,只求能再次打仗你一次!4)、I don’t want to go...

  • 14769589033:   英语问题 -
    刀绿蒋  ______ remain这里是个系动词,后面要用一个形容词stuck相当于形容词的用法或者用stranded

    14769589033:   外国电影《一个购物狂的自白》里面的结尾曲叫? -
    刀绿蒋  ______ stuck with each other----Shontelle Feat Akon 视频 MP3下载

    14769589033:   MOM动量线是反映什么的指标,怎么看,如何设置其参数最好? -
    刀绿蒋  ______ 1.12天MOM:(当日收盘价-12天前收盘价) 2.25天MOM:(当日收盘价-25天前收盘价) 3.图表上除了显示动量线之外,经常另外配置一条动量线的10天平均线. 来龙去脉 MOmentum动量线,简称MOM.“动量”这一名词,市场上的解释...

    14769589033:   填空:mom,could+you+please+bring+me+ - +snacks?
    刀绿蒋  ______ Mom,could you please bring me some snacks ? 妈妈,你可以带些零食给我吗? 请采纳谢谢

    14769589033:   mom says 后为什么加doing -
    刀绿蒋  ______ 给出具体句子,更容易理解和分析.例如 Mom says doing sports is of great importance.says后面其实是【省略that的宾语从句】.doing sports 是动名词短语,做从句中的主语.

    14769589033:   Mom+was+too+sad+to+go+home+last+week同义句 -
    刀绿蒋  ______ 答案是: Mom was so sad that she couldn't go home.

    14769589033:   Her+mom+cooks+breakfast+at+8:30+am+改为否定句? -
    刀绿蒋  ______ Her mom doesn't cook breakfast at 8:30 am.用助动词does的否定式,因为主语是第三人称.

    14769589033:   Baby+kangaroos+remain+in+their+mother'+s+pouch+for+5⑹months是甚么意思
    刀绿蒋  ______ 婴儿的袋鼠1般会在他们的母亲的袋子里延续呆上5到6个月.

    14769589033:   stuck是什么意思 -
    刀绿蒋  ______ stuck英 [stʌk] 美 [stʌk] v.刺; (stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj.动不了的; 被卡住的; 被…缠住的; 被…难住的,不知所措; [例句]But the injustice of her firing stuck with him. 但他对汤姆林森被辞退的不公正遭遇依然念念不忘.

    14769589033:   ...原四位数乘以9后仍得四位数,其千位数字是D,所以A=1,D=9.由(100B+10C+9)*9=100C+10B+1得900B+90C+81=100C+10B+1三、 MOM S是所能够... - 作业帮
    刀绿蒋  ______[答案] 1.(1)[(10-6)+4]*3 (2)(-13*-5+7)/3=24 2.A=1 B=0 C=8 D=93.828+999=1827或者828+797=1625 你的题目没写好,最大值是什么最大?4.(1)1/(1/24+1/20+1/16+1/12)=4.二十分之一二十分之一减二十四分之一等于一百二...