英语同步练习册五年级下册丈心出版社答案 英语练习册五年级下册答案changes

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-11
第1题 I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for is not ___. A、tedious B、vivid C、available D、sufficient 答案:C 第2题 A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the ___ of the trip. A、arrival B、image C、destination D、sequence 答案:C 第3题 During the war there was a severe food shortage. It was not unusual that even the well-to-do families had to ___ meat for days. A、do with B、do without C、turn away D、turn in 答案:B 第4题 Because of the mist, none of those who saw the flying object could tell its ___ shape. A、steady B、likely C、precise D、rigid 答案:C 第5题 “You ___ call me uncle because I am about the same age as your father,” said the visitor to the boy. A、more or less B、may just as well C、sort of D、off and on 答案:B 第6题 It’s one thing to communicate with your friends on the phone, but it is quite another to ___ a nice letter explaining the same ideas. A、convey B、distribute C、inquire

D、compose 答案:D 第7题 A good teacher is able to ___ a complicated idea in very simple terms. A、work out B、go by C、put across D、bring about 答案:C 第8题 The purpose of this test is to measure students’ ___ to learn instead of their present achievements. A、capacity B、attitude C、confidence D、determination 答案:A 第9题 Lying in hospital, the patient ___ the outside world by watching news programs on TV every night. A、kept in touch with B、faced up to C、turned the clock back D、slowed down 答案:A 第10题 ___? It’s rather cold and windy. A、What’s the weather B、How is the weather C、What does the weather like D、How does the weather like 答案:B 第11题 He has already gone home. But before he left,he ___ all the mistakes in his translation. A、had corrected B、has corrected C、corrected D、would correct 答案:A 第12题 While i was skiing, I ___ and broke my wrist. A、fell B、felt C、feel D、fallen 答案:A

第13题 You don’t have to pay for your flights, we can pay it ___ you. A、of B、off C、to D、for 答案:D 第14题 ___ in the newspaper that the Japanese Minister will arrive here next Monday. A、He is said B、It has said C、It is said D、Has been sold 答案:C 第15题 People who won’t work should be made ___. A、to work B、work C、has been done D、to be working 答案:A 第16题 My teacher was made ___his teaching because of poor health. A、giving up B、to give up C、given up D、give up 答案:B 第17题 He thought nobody was around ,but he was in fact seen ___into the office building. A、to steal B、steal C、stile D、stolen 答案:A 第18题 She ___ eat so many sweet things. A、used to not B、never used C、didn’t use to D、didn’t use 答案:C 第19题 My sister is used to ___ with all the window’s open. A、sleep


不思考的习惯,改正吧,多思考 做题不怕做错,就怕不思考

2. E D G A F C B
3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter
1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤
2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A
1. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) √ 5) √
2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student
3. C D A B
1. 1) doctor 2) salesperson 3) cleaner 4) artist 5) teacher
2. 1) doctor Where How by car
2) What singer Where does she work How does she go to work by plane
3. 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) A 5)B
2. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C
3. 1) engineer 2) salesperson 3) Where does Mark work 4) He often goes to work on foot

#上烟狡# 谁知道小学五年级英语下册《同步训练与单元测试》这本书 -
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#上烟狡# 赤道上的冰岛和雪山形成主要原因五下语文同步练习题 - 作业帮
(17718051655):[答案] 冰岛:顾名思义,海拔不高,因此就要看周围环境.可能有强大的寒流经过,如秘鲁寒流. 雪山:高海拔所至.每上升1000米,气温下降6摄氏度.

#上烟狡# 6除以9等于几分之几等于几分之18等于3分之几五年级下册数学同步训练71页第一题第四个 - 作业帮
(17718051655):[答案] 3分之2,27分之18,3分之2

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(17718051655):[答案] C

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(17718051655):[选项] A. begins B. will bejin C. began D. will to begin

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(17718051655):[答案] 应该是写给文中的父