
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-14




  Passage One


  A. Banks, government agencies and credit unions.

  B. Banks, deposit unions and money market funds.

  C. Banks, savings-and-loans and deposit unions.

  D. Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions.


  A. Teachers working in the same city.

  B. Professors attending the same seminar.

  C. Colleagues working for the same government agency.

  D. Experts studying the same subject.


  A. Certificates of deposit.

  B. Savings account.

  C. Money market funds.

  D. Credit unions.


  Passage One

  Saving money is a first step toward wealth. Puttingmoney away for the future also supports the bankingsystem. Banks need a supply of savings to providemoney for loans. In the United States, people whowant to start a savings have many choices. [26]Banks, savings-and-loans and credit unions aretraditional places to open an account. [27]Creditunions are cooperatives for people who are linked in some way. For example, the members maywork for a university or a government agency. Most credit unions are non-profit organizations.Savers have their money guaranteed up to one hundred thousand dollars. Banks and otherfinancial organizations pay interest on savings accounts. But the interest rates are low.Certificates of deposit are another way to save. They pay higher interest rates. With a certificateof deposit, a person agrees not to withdraw an amount of money for a period of time. Theterm could be three months, or it could be several years. Longer terms, and larger amounts,pay higher interest. People can withdraw their money early but at a cost. Another way to saveis through a money market fund. This is a kind of mutual fund. Mutual funds invest moneyfrom many people. Money market funds pay higher interest than savings accounts. The moneyis usually placed in short-term government securities. [28]Money market funds, however, maynot be federally guaranteed like other kinds of savings.


  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. What are the traditional places to open an account in the United States?


  27. Which group can form a credit union?

  [C]解析:短文中说,信贷互助会是以某种方式联系起来的人们组成的合作社组织,比如,其成员可能都为同一个大学或政府机构工作。尽管四个选项中提到的各类人均“以某种方式联系”着,但与短文中例子一致的只有C。短文中的例子是“为同一个大学或政府机构工作的人”,government agency是答题关键。其余选项中的city、seminar,subject均未在文中出现。

  28. Which way of saving may not be federally guaranteed?




  Passage Three


  A. For four months.

  B. For six months.

  C. Until he finds the girl.

  D. Until the girl accepts the ring.


  A. In a crowded bar.

  B. Outside a crowded bar.

  C. In the bookstore.

  D. In the department store.


  A. The man has fallen in love with the girl at first sight.

  B. The man and the pretty woman were attached to each other.

  C. The woman was single.

  D. The woman was married.


  A. He will ask the woman to accept the diamond ring.

  B. He will accept the fact and try to forget the woman.

  C. He will throw the ring away.

  D. He will tell the woman he cannot live without her.


  Passage Three

  [32/33]A South African businessman is refusing to leave Croatia until he finds a girl who he saw across a crowded bar. Keith Van Der Spuy has never even spoken to the girl but says she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He has cancelled his flight home and taken out advertisements in local newspapers in the port town of Split. [33]Mr. Van Der Spuy says he was having a drink in the bar when he saw the pretty girl smile at him across the bar. While he was trying to look at her closely she disappeared. But he's convinced she was a local because he heard her calling to a female friend shortly before he lost sight of her.Van Der Spuy, who is also the head of the South African water-polo association, said he could not get her out of his mind and when he got to the airport, then he realized he could not board the plane. He has already extended his holiday for four months, and says he is prepared to stay in Split for as long as it takes. "I will not leave this place for years if I have to. [34]When I saw her and she looked at me I knew she was the one. There was pure chemistry between us. I can't get her out of my head. I just want to meet her and see her long dark hair and beautiful smile again. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." [35]"If she is married or is not interested I can accept it-but I have to know. I have to see her one more time, and I have even bought a diamond ring for her."


  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. How long has the man decided to stay in Split?


  33. Where was the man when he saw the pretty girl?


  34. What do we know from the passage?


  35. What will the man do if the woman is not interested in him?




  Passage Two


  A. The noises from the games.

  B. The possible environmental damage.

  C. The overindulgence of their kids.

  D. The potential danger of the games.


  A. Beijing Amusement Park.

  B. The National Amusement Park.

  C. The International Sculpture Park.

  D. Beijing Sculpture Park.


  A. Wear clothes made of filmy material.

  B. Take off their glasses before enjoying thrill rides.

  C. Wear slippers and casual clothes.

  D. Eat as much as possible before coming.


  Passage Two

  The World Carnival is set to start its second funfair in Beijing at the end of the month. [29]While young people can hardly wait to rush to the huge mobile amusement park, people living in the neighborhood where the carnival locates are worrying about the possible environmental damage. [30]Last summer the World Carnival left Beijing with a huge scar on the grassland of the International Sculpture Park. To help the settlement of the mobile amusement park, about 55,000 square meters of greenery was removed last year, including nearly 200 big trees. This year however, the World Carnival has been more careful in settling people's concerns. An environmental evaluation has been done to the whole project and the report approved. William Stevens, Chairman of World Carnival Ltd. further explains. And if you're keen to go to this year's carnival and you've never been to one before, the following are some tips our entertainment editors have summarized.

  Do not wear skirts or clothes made of filmy material;

  Do not hang down your hair loosely;

  [31]Take off your spectacles before enjoying thrill rides;

  Do not wear slippers;

  Leave games for the end of your day's enjoyment to avoid the burden of carrying around big prizes;

  Do not eat too much or leave your stomach empty before enjoying yourself;

  And finally, do not overindulge in the games or rides.


  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. What do people living in the neighborhood worry about?


  30. Where was the World Carnival held last year?


  31. What are the visitors advised to do at the World Carnival?

  [B]解析:文章结尾介绍了参加环球嘉年华活动的注意事项,其中一项说:“在享受惊险游乐设施时要先取下眼镜。”B正确。细节题,根据关键词听取原文信息,判断选项正误,最后据问题作答。原文有两个Do not wear的内容,正好排除A、C;原文还说Do not eat too much,D也不对。只有B与原文一致。



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