你为什么要学习英语?请用英语回答,用Because English....(要正常点的。。不要那种 什么外语最好学?

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
Because I want to know more people and make friends with them

Because English is spoken all over the world, if we go abroad, we can use English to communicate with foreigners. It's very convenient and useful.
Also, in the future, we probably use English and it will help us with our work.
And we can know about different culture .





#叶柳庭# 《为什么要学英语》英语作文 -
(18243414283): Why We Learn English-我们为何要学英文 Learning English is much more than a fad; it is really a must! Let's take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into English. To keep up with the ever-changing ...

#叶柳庭# 为什么大学生要学习英语,用英文回答.中文也带上. -
(18243414283): 1,这是不可阻挡的世界潮流,英文成为了世界通行的语言,在各个领域,英语都在广泛的运用.2,是时代对于大学生的要求,提升自身素质的必要工作.3,懂英语在求职时是很大的优势.4,可以丰富大学生的生活,更好了解各个国家,以便...

#叶柳庭# 为什么要学习英语?用英语回答. -
(18243414283): 我建议你到我的空间里去看一篇Practice makes your oral English perfect的文章,可能对你有帮助,如果你不介意去看的话,

#叶柳庭# 以“为什么要学英语”写一篇5句话的英语作文! -
(18243414283): 在当代社会In contemporary society ,无论是什么国家Regardless of being any country ,都在推广学习英语Is promoting the study English ,因为英语是全世界适用范围最广的一种语言Because English is the world applicable scope broadest one ...

#叶柳庭# 为什么要学习英语 -
(18243414283): Because English is an international language. If you wanna communicate with outsiders, the language you have to able to speak out is English. No matter which country are you planning to travel or study or whatever, it helps you a lot. Otherwise, you ...

#叶柳庭# 你为什么努力学习英语?因为它是一门很重要的课程.请翻译 -
(18243414283): Why do you study English hard?展开全部 Because it is a very important course. 你为什么努力学习英语? 因为它是一门很重要的课程.

#叶柳庭# 为什么全世界的人都想学英语用英语回签 - 作业帮
(18243414283):[答案] Because English is a very useful language.In order to communicate with others,one has to learn English.

#叶柳庭# 我们为什么要学好英语(英语回答)
(18243414283): What is known to us is that English plays an more and more important role in our daily life. 望采纳

#叶柳庭# 为什么要学英语
(18243414283): for a better communication with foreigners...... for sales products to the world....